Dac amp for headphones

Discussion in 'Studio' started by liquidpeanut, Feb 28, 2025 at 12:58 AM.

  1. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Newbie

    Dec 29, 2024
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    Hey All

    Im currently looking into Dac amps for some higher spec headphones then the ones I currently have beyerdynamics DT 770 pro and looking at some Hickman options, does anyone have any experience on here with them? I hear a lot about headroom advantages and less distortion which sounds great but im not sure how that will translate for me, im using my headphones with the dac amp on the m1 mbp which does well but surely must be worlds apart from a topping dac amp? ect, shine a light please bretherin!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    you should include which impedance DT770s you have. 32 ohm, 80ohm, or 250 ohm? Otherwise people may recommend the wrong schiit.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025 at 1:20 AM
  4. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Newbie

    Dec 29, 2024
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    250ohm, the dream is to get a dac amp and some Hifiman Ananda nanos
  5. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    If you are in the US, a Schiit is a good choice. I'm still using my Schiit Magni 2 with 350 ohm headphones, with too much power to spare.

    If you already have an audio interface, getting a separate dac is a bad idea. This is a pro audio forums, so I immediately assume you're recording or playing. In that case, look for an amp (like an used Schiit Magni 2 or higher, or a desktop FiiO) and forget the DAC. Magical audio quality gains from a DAC are not real and it gets in the way of ASIO.

    Edit: not sure if you edited the post or I'm tripping because I'm sick with the fucking norovirus, but if I understood what you said, going from the M1 audio to an external set will improve the quality. Not as dramatically as you might believe, but the extra power makes a difference in low to low mids especially in power hungry headphones. The DAC should be as flat as it goes, so you won't get any magical improvements there. What you might perceive is just extra volume bringing out hidden details.

    Furthermore, if you are doing music in any shape or form and ASIO is a must, a DAC Amp combo is NOT a good idea. Get a cheap interface + a separate amp.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025 at 2:14 AM
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Macs do not use ASIO in almost all scenarios; but a little external audio interface would be the best option for the money. Just make sure it can support the 250 ohms headphones or you will still need an amp to really drive them properly.
  7. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Somehow that also went straight over my head, because I actually knew that lmao

    But in that case, a DAC Amp combo does not have any drivers (it doesn't need since it's protocol), so it is completely useless as a professional tool. Unless Apple has also that figured out some way, but afaik Macs also have buffer sizes.

    But anyway, yes, Julian Krause's YouTube channel has a comically large table with headphone impedances and performance (mW) for almost every price range you can imagine. IIRC, a Topping wasn't really cheap, and at that price point I think there's a shot at an Audient or SSL.
  8. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    RME Adi2Pro for the win :guru:
    other options: SPL, Topping
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    did this original post get hit with autocorrect ending up with Hickman, instead of Hifiman? lol.

    Hifiman are one of the only vendors that have a serious open-box sales program for RMA's on their website. The amps do not seem as deeply discounted as their headphones, but still "ok" discounts. Their headphones on the other hand, you can find open box deals that are 50% or better discounts on even expensive models. Better prices than ebay or reverb, and they are basically brand new or they would not qualify for RMA in the first place.

    https://www.head-fi.org can be a great site to check before you buy anything headphones related. just beware the "audiophiles".