Beats by Dr. Dre headphones

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by dr.evil, May 30, 2014.

  1. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Apple has just bought Beats by Dr. Dre Headphone company for 3 billion dollars.
    Since Apple bought them they must be some really good or even the best headphones.
    Maybe better than Bose or Sennheiser..





    I meant to post this image..

    A shit by any other name is still shit.

    unless its apple. its an expensive shit..




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  3. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I don't get the relationship between apple buying something and that meaning it must be good.
  4. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    That's because some people think that Apple's bigass price tags would justify a higher quality of their products just because they are expensive....
  5. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Fair play to him, he's come a long way since the days of the world class wreckin cru :break:
    and long gone are the days of thinking about the detox album now :bleh:

    but for me its Sennheiser all the way I ain't seen no Dre headphones for £10000 like Sennheiser do
  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Why don't Apple/beats release one unique universal model of "Headphones by Skrillex, Nero, deadmau5, Aviccii & Martin Garixx"! All DJs in the world would buy and use only them. :D

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Because who cares what headphones a DJ uses? lol

    If you look at all the DJ branded headphones they were done by cheap companies as a gimmick to sell crappy product.
  8. widgetmaster

    widgetmaster Newbie

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Realize the difference between consumer electronics for the masses, and the good stuff :dancing:
  9. UV19

    UV19 Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Beats headphones first came out when I was working at an Apple Store, so all of the staff got a special price discount to encourage us to buy them and then recommend them to customers. Maybe half the staff bought them in November -- and returned them by the end of January!!! They are absolutely horrible headphones, especially for making and recording music!

    1. The build quality with plastic headband caused many of the units to snap.

    2. The sound quality, which on first listen is impressive if you are used to not hearing much bass in your tiny earbuds, is really quite limited at best and downright horrible if you are a mixer or musician. There is absolutely no midrange which is where most of the audio information of the "most important instrument in the mix" (namely the VOCALS) lives, not to mention guitars too for those of us who listen to music other than hip-hop. I remember having to turn on the bass reduction preset in my iPhone but that didn't even do a great job of balancing.

    3. If you were to use Beats to mix on, your mixes will end up sounding really weak and muffled in that you will think you have enough low end and enough high end, but in reality you will be creating a frowny face EQ to compensate for the extreme smiley face EQ of the Beats.

    4. They are WAY over priced for their quality and most of the price is contained in how "cool" they are and the social status you supposedly gain by wearing them in public. This is the same for most Apple products.

    Apple did not buy Beats because of their quality and fidelity -- it was strictly based upon a trendy marketing strategy and perhaps more importantly the Beats streaming music service, which directly is in competition with Apples own failed streaming service.

    So don't believe the hype and save your money for much better headphones.
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Totally Agree +1 :bow:
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Agree in THIS case i think it is just a matter of making money like you have to use this headphones with our phones ipads ipod to be cool if not your OUT
    DJ use their headphones to look cool i think most of them never use them they got inear monitoring for that?
  12. I was in an electronics store and listened to Beats for the first time. I was shocked at how utterly dreadful the noise coming out of the headphones sounded. I had put on Thom York singing Black Swan to see how the Beats sounded, but it was translated into a one dimensional and smiley face drool down the chin of some unsuspecting ears, mine. I called over the nice salesman and asked him to please listen to my Audio Technica ATH-M50's (what cost like a hundred twenty or so) and then listen to the Beats playing the same song. I told him that I thought that the Beats were defective. He agreed with me and promptly boxed them up and took them away. They were like 379 bucks. Wow, did they ever suck. So I listened to another pair at another store on another day. They too sucked, same as the first ones, just dreadfully awful. I guess some people will buy whatever they are told to buy.

    Apples with worms sold at a premium
    To a post-yawning public that is dreaming them.

  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I don't know who love photography here ?, but there is a similar trend in the DSLR world.

    Zeiss lenses sell 10 times what they should...because of the fame (not what they deliver).
    PENTAX make good AND cheap DSLR, built like tanks. But who know PENTAX ?
    PENTAX Limited Serie lenses are classified among the best ever made, better than most Zeiss.
    You can get some of them for 200 bucks on Ebay, whereas an equivalent Zeiss is (at least) 2000 bucks (yes, there is an additional zero :rofl:)

    Canon is killing Nikon (i don't even speak about others...), more and more each year.
    Canon is the Google of DSLR.
    But at the end, when PENTAX will die and Nikon make only compact and bridge cameras...what customers will do ?
    They will buy crappy Beat headphones to plug on their iPhone, listening to monoish mainstream MP3 "music" while taking 110MP crappy pictures with their supposed "Zeiss" iPhone lens, posting them to Instacrap :rofl:

    Come on...shoot me a bullet in the neck before i see this everywhere.

    Back to the subject : my Motorhead phones are very nice :mates:

    PS : i know i'm grumpy :wink:
    PPS : today, i seen a beautiful girl with a Nikon DSLR...may be everything is not over :bleh:
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Beats are a joke. They're only good for mindless automatons that don't know any better and buy something because Apple or Dr. Dre attached their name to a product.
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    That's right!
    Fame sometimes is used as a desease spreader.

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Only kids that never shot with an SLR don't know about Pentax. Pentax K1000 is THE best workhorse, purely manual SLR.
  17. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    As for me, I'd never buy headphones just because some 'famous' people signed it or because 'most people buys them'. *no*
    The sound (among other things like clamp pressure for comfort) is just about all that matters.

    Do I look weird with K701 on my head walking down the street? Well, that's just your opinion... :mates: :rofl:
  18. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I've owned a couple pairs of beats headphones (I've never bought them, only got them from others through trades). One pair was the regular over ear ones. Absolute junk, but to be fair, they would make a decent pair of $15 headphones ( :rofl: ). The in ear ones sound great for what they are, but they are put together cheaply, and the wire disconnects from the ear buds really easily (traded the in ear ones from someone for a $20 pair of sony in ear headphones). Easy to solder back together if you have a soldering iron, but for people actually buying these, it's a damn joke.

    When I initially got the in ear ones, I looked online to see how exactly to get them working again, and I found forum after forum about people complaining about the same issue with the wire getting disconnected, so it wasn't an isolated incident, it's just a shitty product. :dunno:

    With that said, the only headphones that are worse for the price ratio are Apple's standard line of headphones. So this could be an improvement for them I guess. :sad:

    A $3 billion dollar acquisition is a joke though. *no* I guess it's not just the headphones themselves though, so whatever.
  19. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    My sister has a pair of Beats, she lives in Switzerland, but one day i gave her my Audio-Technica ATH-M50 so she can watch a movie on her ipad while she's traveling with her friends on the train because she forgot her Beats in her country, and some of her friends who knew her personal headphones (Beats) told her that actual headphones(ATH-M50) suits her better fashion-wise than the beats (if you know what i mean), so as you can see, even if my headphones were cheaper than Beats by more than double the price, they were actually rocking even on the "fashion" side. :rofl: and also my sister started asking me how are these ATH-M50 called and where she could buy them from. Her spontaneous change of mind was not only due to her friends complements, but also by the sound, she told me it was more appealing to listen through my headphones rather than her Beats which she was used to, and i couldn't believe that such a simple music listener which knows nothin' bout music quality can compare the qualities between two pairs of headphones. I guess her ears were used too much to her Beats headphones so when she swapped to the ATH-M50s she clearly felt the difference unwittingly.
  20. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Yes, but there are more kids than you think at first...and even "professional" kids :wink: :mates:
    I get my father's Spotmatic with a Super Takumar 35mm near me :mates:
    The first real camera i touched :hug:

    Back to headphones, it is funny to think about how many ppl in the world listen to music on their stock crappy Apple earbuds...
    Of course, Beat is an improvement from this :rofl:
  21. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Oh a company from which I never bought a single product bought another company from which I never bought a single product ? Fascinating :rofl:
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