Why? Why did I write this, why does it have to be like this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DivinEvil, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Buy Reason.
    Get a job.
    End of story.
  2. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere

    Obviously I can't do it in that order. If I could we might not be discussing this shit...maybe the finer points of building combinators or perhaps where i could get a second monitor so I could have rack and sequencer all pretty and nice in from of me....ahhhh. :| but not this!

    Also, I know right now there are alot of claims the jobs are short but some people always seem to manage to find work and other don't. I think it has to do with geographical location vs the individual and the employers perception of them. Around here... I can't find anything, no factory jobs, no fast food (seriously its like a town conspiracy to only hire high school kids and middle aged mom type women for this job). And I didn't know this until my father in law pointed out - racism. It's funny because I'm half white and hispanic but raised in a white house hold as white so I feel white to me and sometime I get treated like a dirty freakin beaner, but oh well.

    If I could manage to get a vehicle 20 miles south and I'd have the pick the lower midlevel entries....lol
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    For that lengh you could be payed. :wink:
    The pantry is full
  4. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Work with what you got. Do something for others. Start doing voluntary work. Write some music?
  5. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere

    And for the most part I have... it's just that it gets to me, and when shit like that happens I just get fed up. I mean honstly I don't know anyone who ever really plans to keep using warez, but you get treated like you just messed with someones daughter or something if they find out over there... I swear, it's like a job to them.

    If I didn't know better I'd say they had a set of employee's who are always there one server consisting of about 3% of their total traffic and the rest of the site is on another making up that 97% (not like I've seen a pie chart or two or anything............) and while either physically or virtually in the same room they roam around estalking people
  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    maybe u need chuck norris
  7. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    That long-winded post proves you are, just keep it brief sunshine!!! :bleh:
  8. geiar

    geiar Noisemaker

    Jun 6, 2011
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    What is all this about?

    Last time I read so much it was for a "Music and Philosophy in the History of Man-kind" exam...
    Didn't make much sense then either :rofl:
  9. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Yes, there are actually free software out there (and good stuff at that. I use a free software as my main weapon and use many free tools and I make money from making music/sound design, so I know)

    No, you don't have to have two monitor screens to make music.

    Get on with it ffs. Make music. Stop making nonsense.
  10. gowers

    gowers Newbie

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Wow, that's word vomit if I ever saw it!

    You need to move to where the jobs are, you'll never make music in your bedroom and be a superstar! Go get on a bus and go to a big city, do any job cos there are plenty. You're not the victim here, you're the only one causing a problem in your life. No one else is responsible for your life.

    Don't be down, it's too much hard work!

    When it comes down to it, the big companies are very vulnerable even if they have stonking profits. We steal from them and they know it. The only people of interest to these companies are hackers (to stop hacker) and big artists (spokespersons). If you are a consumer like us they don't give a shit and that's the way it should be. You could easily be a 'boyinaband' on youtube like dave and get sponsored. There is no limit to what you can do when you stop moaning and sit down to do WORK.

    Next time write it down sit on it for a week then edit and post. It'll make more sense and we can help in a superior way.
  11. Black Lotus

    Black Lotus Guest


    I agree!!! :wink:
  12. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Wish there would be a way we could help this guy? :dunno: :(
  13. bdone

    bdone Ultrasonic

    Nov 13, 2011
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    sounds like a uk blackpool based sports car maker with the k swapped out for the t.
  14. Captain_Future

    Captain_Future Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    I happened to follow this 'discussion'.

    In case anyone wants to know the whole background story:

  15. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    I <3 my free Vsts.
    But, yes I to am
    saving my pennies up for
    a certain Vst package,
    GRM TOOL v3.
    I cann't wait to get those gems
    in my arsenal.

    profit. *yes*
  16. rasgi

    rasgi Newbie

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Really? No I mean really? Dude seriously man up this is lame I have no sympathy for this nonsense

  17. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Everywhere & Nowhere
    Thank you for posting this, I was going to do it myself before going to bed but never got around to it.

    I do have more to say to all the replies that have come in, but I'm a little busy tonight.
  18. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    You have no clue how much... lol

    I know I don't need two monitors... it was a joke because Reason 6 breaks down into three windows (Rack-Sequencer-Mixer) all are stackable like in previous versions, but when you need a bigger view of each work space it breaks them down into one each.

    There is and I will get back to you all once I get all my duckies in a row, you and anyone else who wants can help me pop'em off.

    Yeah, seriously...and whats more, I don't need or want your sympathy. I am aware that my situation is all in my hands, and mine alone. So now that we both agree you have nothing to do with it; kindly shove that 'non-sympathetic' advice up your ass. I tell myself that same shit all the time that's how I've survived this long and the moment I let myself think I'm too good and strong to not have to stumble a little every now and then is the day I've finally been subjugated; I'm sorry it had to be this way. ...besides the Rocky movies started to suck once Apollo Creed died.

    Here you go.

    This is all I'm trying to say...(starting @ 1:00)

    Somehow, the focus of my point was redirected to my personal financial situation. That's probably my fault because of my state of mind when I wrote the OP. I apologize to everyone for that but lets get to the real point. And because this will take a little time to type out I'll post it in another reply.


    Thanks, that's what I needed. A reminder of those things. Just how do you go about being a YouTube tutorialist without first having obtained a license? I'll take PM or email on this one.


    Yeah I have a couple of free ones that I could never work without either. I'd love to know of some more, or perhaps riffle through the NoGrp archives a bit for things like the Tweakbench collection and more. I've gathered all I can find from the surface area sites, but am most interested in effects for mastering and what not. As with signal feel free to PM or email.
  19. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Everywhere & Nowhere
    Ok, folks...here's what I've been avoiding mentioning. The Kitchen may be Klosed but I've wiped up a nice Dinner Theater for you. It's call

    [Kons]Piracy Theory

    I had some problems with a few pieces of software recently. In fact these are what lead me to start to look into freeware because of my current inability to purchase the stuff I'd been checking out. As I mentioned I haven't done much actual song writing, just a bunch of constructive noise making. Getting used to the different production environments there were to choose from. Some work had been done on one of those few songs that spewed forth on accident, normally I would have just left it where it was from the first session but...it demanded finalization, this song so demanded it, that another person was compelled to get involved, to make it simple a level of protection wiped out the ability to even open the damn file because it was now broken. I can understand unable to render or even a choppy rendering, but to break the file - you're alienating a potential customer at that point. One who now has a VERY big reason to get licensed because with watermarking whats gonna happen to someone who starts posting songs made with pirated software?

    I looked into a whole lot of things after this. It was kind of like this situation where I didn't want to make any music where the drive had been redirected by the events and all the energy that I could have put into future songs was pulling me down the rabbit hole.

    I am not about to type everything I know about this situation because 1) I'll get lumped in with all the 'moon-landing hoak' believers and holocaust deniers. 2) I don't want anyone to know just how much I do know. I'm even uncomfortable mentioning this. If you refer back to my OP you'll find three instances where I say that I 'won't mention' or 'not talk about' something. Those were put there to bait the people I was talking to and let them know, and I get a sense of whats happening. Before I go any further, I am going to say this. I cannot prove any of it; it is all speculation albeit with VERY good reason and logic behind it. To understand why all of this is probable you have to be able to follow bread crumbs of information and put them together and couple them with analysis of behaviors both corporate and human. If you can't I wouldn't bother, just read this like its the next action thriller.

    There is a company about to attempt to quietly put a strangle hold on this market. They are about to try and set a 'standard' that is nothing more than a market monopoly and they are extorting smaller mid-level and newer developers to comply. They tried it sometime back in 2002 or 2004 not really sure, but when they failed...all they could blame it on was piracy, but piracy was only the symptom. The cause was their motives.

    There is a machine it will host all of you instruments and effects and hold the processing load freeing your main machine up to work smoother for longer periods of time giving you better results and opening up creativity as well as bring the virtual world to the stage. You know what I am talking about, I don't have to mention it. We've all looked into PCI sound cards that would do it, and have tried to find protocols that will emulate it because it's too fucking expensive.

    This company is tied to another one and seems to always have been. I can't really find too much detail on their history online and since I dropped out of the game 10 years ago, I wasn't around to watch it unfold. However searching these companies ip addresses with whois and the like. You discover that yes they are very connection. The company that makes the machine has a server hosting the other company's forum. They claim to be separate, but it appears that this has only recently become the case with the installation of a new CEO. Similar names are being used to obfuscate the facts to make you think its all coincidental but its not. They are in fact one company just like 'e ay' and ' ayp l' The only difference as far as I can tell is that these two were smart enough to not actually look like it as obvious as the wanna be bank and online flea market mentioned before - but wait that factors in too!

    So whats the point. Its about to become virtually IMPOSSIBLE to make music without this machine. If you've paid attention developers are incorporating more and more complex graphic design non essential to the functionality of the program. Why would they do this when processor speed and DSP are already such hot button issues and the only logical answer when something like that is a concern is to make the concern go away? You'd think they would be slimming down the graphical demands in favor of sonic capability - smaller and faster. Isn't that the universal technological standard of evolution? Not the case here, so why? So they can eventually out pace the customers ability to purchase faster hardware. Not just the little guy home producer either, it'll start chipping away at the big label houses soon as well because not even they have the finances to get a new machine every time an essential update cycle arrives. When a business purchases a computer the assumption is that it will carry then for several years, not months and eventually they will NEED this machine I mentioned before but only once company owns the rights to it. It's not like there are several versions out there, and if they smarten up and branch off into another company and try to pantomime some sort of competition I can guarantee you both machines will share one trait - license hosting. There will be no installing pirated software on either one and they will also selectively write out support for hosts and plugins that do not comply with their demands, possibly including the concept that only that machine is the only source for the hosts plugin ability. Meaning if it's not run off of the other machine it will not run and based on how I saw one developer, who didn't like their rules on one policy, treated I'm willing to bet they'll be forced to write selective support as well in exchange for the machine supporting them. So when a company tells them, sorry we don't want to be a part of your monopoly they write out support for their plugs and demand that all of the hosts they support also write them out, therefore the company who wanted to try and make it on their own is crushed because no one can use their shit.

    This will tie it all together making it impossible to make any music without that machine. Like I said, there is another company who's forum is very close to, if not a subdivision of the Machine makers. This forum hosts a ton of 'Official Support' boards for developers big and small including the official support of the Machine itself. They way this community operates is a bit quirky at best. They like to hold jack off session when one of their own (someone who has support hosted with them) releases something or whatever. Then they like to openly attack the companies who the don't like rubbing their names in the dirt because this forum shows up on a google search for 'VST' before the company who invited the fucking thing; aside from Wikipedia which we all know is googls bitch, followed by two other sites and I wouldn't be surprised if they connected back to these first two companies.

    Now all of this may seem rather innocent. However, you have to take into consideration a few things. Their intolerance for things like the BitTorrent protocol, and any mention of piracy in almost any light. For example. When making my posts just before my banning, I mentioned that the swap game was more damaging than real full on piracy because the company would never see the purchase of more that one version until upgrade time when the upgrades were purchased, and new full version were bought so they could then be passed around. I don't care what they say, its hard to believe that when the discs are sold they actually delete the program from a computer that would never be going online if most of them are absolutely serious about their work. No matter how many times I tried to word that it wasn't getting past their 'spam' filters, and I'm fucking good at saying the same shit a million different ways. Finally it got through after I took out the parts about license swapping and the company loosing out. Meanwhile I'm posting actually elua quotes from the developer in question that readily admits that they do not approve of the selling of licenses. In fact all this does is makes sure that the person with the software actually spent money they don't care if killed someone for it, just as long as you bought the bullet. I agree if the license is still in effect and the company allows transfer then the original owner should be compensated for the remainder of the license, but their taking it too far.

    One of their main beef's was that this company demanded to be personally involved with the full transfer, not just an emailed approval like their 'website suggests' you obtain. It was obvious to me because of past experiences with similar systems that the company had a protection system in place where by they store all license info on a server and maintain all ownership info keeping a 'pedigree' on each transferred license to prevent abuse of their, VERY generous, considerations. Their elua states that if you transfer the license to someone it is permanent. Period. You can never have that license again. Sure if you change your mind you can buy another and the full cost is your penalty for not making sure you really wanted to get rid of it or not. So if it happens that a person re-obtains the same license the company, being fully involved, will catch on. In this case the license wasn't flagged until after he purchased the most recent major upgrade. The result was the upgrade license was removed and the previous version flagged NFR (Not For Resale) and when the person complained he was severely questioned about his motives. And I don't blame them one bit.

    According to their eula this is how it should always go...

    User A --> User B --> User C

    Since the license actually took this route

    User A --> User B --> User A (then a convenient upgrade at a substantially lower cost) --> User ? (maybe it was User B again I don't know)

    According to the agreement, this is not allowed. Therefore action was taken automated by a computer set to only cross reference at certain times. I'll be willing to bet it has to do with upgrades and financial quarters. I happen to think it was very generous that they allowed him to keep the previous versions license but the message boards elite and mods just kept chopping away until a representative showed up and fixed the problem in a desperate attempt to keep their name clean. Note it wasn't until I was mistaken as a 'puppet' for that company due to my defense that the posts of 'I was gonna buy it but now I'll just wait' started showing up including a new thread about 'Evil DAW's' with that company being an 'insinuated' inspiration for its creation.

    Sort of looks like this guy is selling his friends a license and that this message board supported and catalyzed the practice and this company, while a major player, is still too new to the game to be written out of the machines support because this new company markets to the bigger clientele; while managing to include small fry as well which big up go to them for doing!

    Back to the moron that don't know how to make wise spending decisions. Why would you buy it then sell it shortly after, then buy it again, upgrade it and then sell it again? If you weren't happy the first time, you shouldn't be even considering the idea unless you only purchased it to get the upgrade, and even then, why sell it so soon? There are sever arguments that could defend this but they only make that person look like a raving fucking retard. If you knew how to shop for your purchases you would rarely find yourself disappointed. So why? Because this message board supports a 'buy now' deal with disappointments later attitude and this is backed up by the developers who host their support with them most likely complying each and every time for all the reasons the other company broke their own agreement to avoid. And yes they broke their own license for this man. A) it ping ponged between users; covered in section two B) he sold it and admitted it; covered by section three. That alone should result in charges at the very least total license termination instead they simply complied. Begrudgingly without apology I might add. Something else to keep in mind. The air about his post was that he was making good on a threat sort of like a kid at the park picking on another kid who's had enough and decks him; so he runs to hid behind mommy crying 'He hit me!'

    So what does this all mean? Well my banning was the result of my screen name and posting style. This hints to corporate estalking where they troll these boards and others like it collecting names and details to lock these individuals out of the game and since they will hold the key (literally) to the ability to buy that Machine and possibly obtain the compatible licenser a simple check of the system may determine the price or even their willingness to sell it to you even extending to the plugs themselves. I'll be willing to bet this information will also be used to extort the other musicians who 'follow' you on release sites like soundcloud. More fucking eStalking. Creepy bastards aren't they?

    Now why would they do that? That's lost money. That's right and they don't care. This isn't business for them anymore. It's personal. Like I said, it seems like they tried in the past and piracy stopped them which when you look at it this would be a legitimate business hurt by piracy; but it's not a business it's a monopoly and that only work is old korg synth's not business. I also believe that another reason is afoot. I feel like, and have always felt this way about the whole industry, that the record labels or the RIAA are silent investors in this situation and are seeking payback for Mp3.

    Lets look at two reasons. The absolute ignorant prejudice against the BitTorrent protocol, and the way they treat those who probably even act indifferent to piracy. It's like there is a vendetta. Why? Because BitTorrent is the current popular transfer protocol of P2P which deals in pirated music software, and pirated music among other things not even piracy related. Second, lets have a bit of history. Who was the leading group cracking audio software? Radium. Who is responsible for the insanely fast way Mp3 caught on? Radium, not only did they crack a highend codec for it, but they optimized it's code making it better and faster. Sounds like the target is clear cut and the reason is pretty big. So in the midst of the Mp3 explosion the record labels make a desperate attempt to invest wisely. Obviously the future of music was with computers so they might as well embrace in the top of the market and make sure they have a stake in music making software, and again, the pirates raid them into submission.

    However, like I mentioned in earlier posts about their karma. They really need to blame Bill Gates on this one. His hypocrisy brought piracy into the industry on a terminal scale. Face it, if you own a copy of Windows operating system you own a reverse engineered version of a Mac hosted on third party hardware. Look it up, the biggest software pirate is the wealthiest man in the world or last time I checked he was.

    So what else do they have up their sleeve?

    Who's been releasing questionable releases lately? An incarnation of AiR post Gouda's death that we see as AIR and instead of wishes of enjoyment we sent off to, what seems a little sarcastically, 'have phun!'. If you know The Scene, it's mythos and the meanings behind it all you know this is all DEAD WRONG.

    There's even a Team ISO on Facebook soliciting for support to crack Nexus2's latest update as well as a message board trying to draw a community dedicated to that practice. Now, if you know why we sometimes got to see a group tout the extra ISO on their release, you know this isn't right either. As far as the message board...only a dumb fuck with brain damage would think hackers and crackers are going to openly congregate to accomplish their work. There's sooooo many other things within all of that that tell me they have no fucking clue what they are doing or talking about that I'm gonna save time not mentioning them because those who know know what matters and no I'm not even going to tell anyone privately.

    But I will say this; Gouda set them up good! He knew what would happen. He knew that once he was out of the way what they would try to do, he worked for them and that's what drove his scene dedication even unto his death. How you might ask?

    Look up the element Radium and tell me what happens when it comes into contact with Arctic Temperatures, H2O, Oxygen and common Air.

    The radium will melt ice (arctic), because it exists at a higher temperature than the established environment regardless of temp. The resulting H2O reactions are volatile at best, maybe even causing evaporation due to its constantly higher temp and the Oxygen will being another violent reaction, and once it all settles the common air turns it black robbing it of, both, metallic white appearance and natural glow due to the thin layer of oxide being removed from the previous reactions, and if it all doesn't go up in flames the resulting disintegrated element will be lead.

    Take all of this into context with the fact that this pro audio scene was basically started by Radium. Gouda knew these days were coming, and the mythos was set up as a warning to all in the know. I'm not going into any more detail than that.

    So in short, he set them bitches up! Yeah, I wasn't ever supposed to say that, but since it's so close to the endgame consider that one a finger in your ass from the Big Cheese himself! Oh yeah, lets not forget that Radium is an internet radio player for Apple the ONE company to embrace the Mp3 take over legitimize and profit from it! See, it's all right there, change with the times and you will survive.

    In conclusion it's all about keeping the overhead of making music as high as possible. This is why that message board promotes the idea that 'you'd better not get it for free' even if the money isn't going to the software developer the person using it must pay. This way even us at the bottom will expect some compensation and join the fight and gripe about low record sales. Cause lets be honest, if the software was cheap it wouldn't be shit to just ask for $0.99 a song. You see, it's not like they aren't making money. They just aren't making the money they used to make by making us switch media types and re-buy our libraries cause; who in the fuck sell cassette or CD players anymore? They are being petty because control was taken from them.

    And here is the BIG reason. Now, everyone and their dog can have a mixtape demo out. What did Drake say about contracts '...I did it without one!' Yeah, that's really the reason, they want to pick the songs and who sings them it's called an A&R Department - Artist & Repertoire, who's singing and what they sing. When the Beatles came along writing their own music they tried to stop them, but it failed BAD! So they gave in then. History keeps repeating itself because they are not changing, and it will forever be this way until they change.

    I hope you've enjoyed my presentation. I think I've covered everything, even if I didn't this is enough it should be pretty simple to figure out for yourself at this point, just read between the lines. And seeing as I can hear their assassins coming up the stairs while other agents plant kiddie porn, terrorist literature, guns, and drugs in my car let me bring this to a close with - NONE OF THIS CAN BE PROVEN ITS JUST THE MAD MAD RAMBLINGS OF SOMEONE BITTER ABOUT THE WAY THEIR LIFE HAS TURNED OUT AND HAS DECIDED TO TAKE IT OUT ON AN INDUSTRY HE FEELS HAS IGNORED HIM AND WANTS TO MAKE OTHERS JUST AS UNHAPPY AS HE IS BY SPREADING THIS RIDICULOUS THEORY, there now they don't have to say it. Now Me, Charles Manson, and second gun man behind the grassy knoll will be hiding out at John Lennon's tomb.
  20. geiar

    geiar Noisemaker

    Jun 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Would you mind print this and send me the book?

    Expenses on me.