Why? Why did I write this, why does it have to be like this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DivinEvil, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    Recently I found myself in a conversation I probably shouldn't have been involved in to begin with and in the heat of it all...I got baited, busted, and banned at another board. Normally I don't like to chat on message...no I love it, and I end up running my big mouth and under estimate how much of moron I can be.

    Not to go into too much detail; but I was discussing the finer points of legal terminology with someone, and I guess I put a little of their own shit in their face and it couldn't be handled and something had to be done about the non-conformist outsider. Perhaps I should have done a bit of trolling myself (In hindsight after my own two day bridge dwelling sessions I'm a bit concerned) before I set the locals off on their own toll collecting mission - either that or they were just waiting for me to become active on the boards.

    I'd actually had that account for a long time with out a single post until then, so I don't really know what motivated them to nuke me. I have a couple of ideas, but can't say for sure either way. I do know one post was erased completely and others were allowed to remain, so I'd imagine it had to do with it's content, because nothing about my posts suggested that I was guilty of the reason they banned my account.

    If you don't know what board I'm talking about it's pretty easy to figure out. It's pretty cliquish (worse than rich preppy jr high girls with massive amounts of insecurity to over compensate for), they have a clear cut agenda of displaying hard headed ignorance and intolerance, and treat those they don't like as 'children'...do you know the type? I'm sure you do, but that is not the biggest problem. I could take a piss into the vacuum of space and get it on several message boards just like that; whats disturbing to me is that they seem to be rather good at the eStalking bit like they had lessons from e ay and P y al; as Yoda and Mr Miagi in a bad mash-up of Karate Wars or Star Kid or whatever... Then you couple that with some sort of insane vigilantism boner they sport and I wouldn't be surprised if they had a cashe of information on people so big it'd make google feel inadequate and as close to righteous as they've ever been.

    All I wanted to do when I poked my head back into the game was make music. I didn't want this political shit that's come along with, I will take it if I absolutely have to and I can dish out with the best, but I just need to make music. It's inside me like an infection I feel it everyday aching to come alive but because I've been dealing with life and the real world for the past ten years I have to go on a learning crunch worse than a frat boy at finals. So I'm taking my time studying everything I can. Honestly, I'd be in school for it right now if it weren't for some messed up elitist I-have-tenure-and-my-daddy-is-dean-on-the-main-campus bullshit that got my student loans in a bind with me dropped from my classes over 0.02% drop in my GPA. Because during the quarter finals my car blew up and I lost my job propelling me into the mess I'm in today. Who knows maybe maybe a week or so ago I wouldn't have arrived at this guilty self loathing depth if that asshole hadn't run his mouth to my boss or whatever actually happened cause I can't believe a word he says about the subject and got me fired from a amazing job as a DJ on the weekends.

    The coolest part about the whole situation was around the same time I decided that I needed to do what I had to do to get my hands on what I needed to make the music in my head I was offered two perfects jobs. After nearly 3 solid years, being told no...sorry...nothings open, sorry, try back in a couple of months, on government assistance and doing all I could to do so my wife and I could make it (paper routes, baby sitting, digging in the trash for a $0.01 aluminum can hoping to find enough to get something anything...ahhh); then my uncle, the man who made me want to learn and make music when i was just a little kid died and I develop this horrible sleep anxiety and start freaking out almost every night at bed time...I finally get some work. Some good honest, karmatically-symmetrical work. One job was teaching guitar to two girls, and the other DJ in bars on the weekends. How do you like that!? Work in music so I can work in music...the fucking dream! It all started out real good too, I was able to save up and shop for an audio interface, a mic, usb to midi adapter (yeah, i was wise too sacrificed the dream of some kontrol49 for something to hook a kiddiekeyboard into my computer instead), studio headphones an 8 channel usb mixer, a MUCH needed processor upgrade and everything I'd been trying - I was about to start buying!

    Then it turned into a nightmare. The woman never scheduled more lessons for the girls, and like I said I still don't know what happened with the DJ gig, bar owners loved me and asked me to play extra hours some nights, but whoa one customer says one thing to this guy and I'm history! Somehow I remained a little optimistic. I decided that I'd gotten sufficient hardware and that I would do myself a solid and shop for my try everything like I'm testing the products for the developers quality control team (and I could honestly write reviews or do some tutorials on a few things if I wanted or were permitted). I didn't write music...I was shopping, it was business. When I looked into audio interfaces I looked forever, going to site after site downloading quick start guides and manuals comparing prices, combing through support boards, analyzing my system in reference to what I already knew about what software I 'wanted' to use imagining if I could ever possibly have this or that problem. It took me quite a long time. If this kind of thorough shopping seems crazy to you then you obviously have no idea what it means to truly be a part of American Poverty, and if for one moment you don't think I'm going to want to do as thorough a job, if not even more thorough, with both my production environment and my instruments; well you must really not know what its like to have to want in the face of the fear of the disappointment of a mistaken purchases. I did the same type of shopping when I bought my guitar 15 years ago, and Guitar Center didn't treat me like an annoying fucking kid making noise in their building; actually I was praised for it being told it was the smartest thing I could do to take my time and pick up every single instrument that caught me eye so that I could be 100% sure in the end. And I was...right up until life's insane fucking roller coaster sent me into a chain of events that had me pawning it off for spending cash that I have to admit, I did not spend wisely. That guitar and no longer having it has brought me a lot of guilt over the years; it was the best guitar I could have possibly afforded, it sounded amazing and whoever owns it now is lucky all because - no, no, no...wait, wait for it! - I got to try it before I bought it.

    I decided that I was putting the same dedication into this go around as I did with the guitar. My music all those years ago was done using ReBirth, and a copy of SoundForge 4.0 I got from a friend cause he didn't like it (couldn't figure it out was more the case) and my only regret was never getting around to purchasing ReBirth. However, Propellerhead gave me an amazing gift on what I like to call my 27th (Re)Birthday - RB-338 was released full and free to the public. My music was free at last; not me, my music! Because that's what it's all about, right - the music? This has nothing to do with dollars and property rights. This is about the pulse inside of us and the modulation within it that drives us. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you have never felt it, and you have no clue of the agonizing ache you feel when it cannot find it's way out of you; and when it does finally come out and you hear the birth cry of that sonic child that you crafted - it's hard to, not, understand how a God might have felt when he placed Adam & Eve into the garden. Pure Divinity!

    So who the hell are you to try and put yet another road block in the already long and winding path to such personal happiness. To let my Ego finally feel a pride and self fulfillment it has every right to partake in because it did actually accomplish something on its own scale of reality. Who am I kidding, if you don't feel any of what I just talked about on any level you're not a musician. I don't care if you can play a musical instrument, good for you, you can translate math into an audible tone; without the feeling you are nothing more than a ROBOT carrying out a programmed sequence! Maybe that's why you're so adept at writing software that does just the same as you, and maybe that's why you take it so personal when you don't receive what you believe it to be worth. Because you maybe human but you identify with that program so much because...it to can translate math into an audible tone; and seeing as you've made it, well then it must be you and since your parents failed to instill any real values or empathy you feel like you're above everyone, and so are your prices and restrictions.

    Look I'm sorry you have no real musical talent beyond that of mechanical understanding and execution; but don't fucking take it out on us because we don't need a spectral readout of the frequencies to know what sounds good or an numeric equation to dictate our progressions and structures. Don't try and hold our creativity hostage for a dirty filthy fucking dollar because that's all you can find comfort in - things that are just like you...not real. Go ahead, get offended by that, it's cool I understand that you don't understand. Go a head, put it on the level of my music and tell me your software is just like that - a labor of love; and we'll know you are lying. Those of us who have a deep affair with that labor know if you truly loved it then you'd want to do anything and everything you could to make sure that others got their chance to enjoy that love as well. I never charged for my music and its not because I'd failed to license ReBirth either. I always had this sense that it was wrong. I remember being offered $5 bucks for a copy of my songs on a CD after some kid at a party liked it ALOT. I felt a strange mix of pity and shame...like a whore! I had to fight the urge to let the mere offer offend me.

    Have no ignorant illusions, I'm not telling you to give your software away like I did my music - that's fucking retarded to think that you should have to. You've made it you're lively hood working everyday as a career. I worked on those songs in my spare time over the course of 2 or 3 years total sometimes with large breaks in between trying to focus on the dream I might never see, of forming a real band. You have the right to demand a price for your production, just don't let your Ego cloud your vision with the fact that its a career and ever dollar is a symbol of your worth as a person. I looked into programming VST, and I'm going to be the first to tell you, it's something I could never do. Maybe if I forced myself but the end result would be a monstrosity I and anyone who tried to use it would hate.

    Still, I have instrument and effect ideas that I know others will love, not to sound coocoo but when Reason 6 came out with the new Aligator, Echo, and Pulverizer my wife and a friend of mine laughed our asses off because cobiming the three effects together resulted in virtually the same thing I'd used nearly every effect in there to built inside of a Combinator in Reason 5. Which there's another 'would of and could of been' story for you. My original plans were to work those jobs during the summer and have Reason 5 and Record Duo by my birthday, had things gone as planned I would have been able to upgrade for my own price - hell I'd probably have used the opportunity to make good on my ReBirth debt and square up with those wonderfully amazing - so much better than you'll ever be the way you are now - Sweed's. I owe them so much for the existence of ReBirth (and so do you for that matter!) that I could work in their offices cleaning up their shit proudly till I died a very content man. Their software and other things I'll keep to myself, are the Reason I was able to live life up to this moment instead careening off into the pathetic ending I was closing in on.

    It's their Reason 6 offer, the general way they do business and how they treat their people that creates such a vicious loyalty as mine and I'm not the only one to share it. The only reason I have found myself so entrenched in this VST world is because I like to pull things together and make them one, ReWire them if you will. Expose the singularity within all dualities.

    I've analyzed this business from front to back. I've been studying the music industry since I was a kid, and any one who's had even a quarter of a semester of business school can tell you that you are turning your back on a business option that could make you more money, having more customers, making more, better music by simply changing a few things and accepting that the Ego cannot have it's quick rewards and just might have to settle for the same over the long term. I for one, am not about to go into it. Hell it's not that I don't want to type it. It's a matter of cut and paste, I have it typed up in a (very, very) rough business proposal - but you can't have it, you don't deserve it. In all honesty it's not that hard to figure out. I didn't even break a sweat coming up with it, the most laborious part of it was typing it out! That of course and finding a developer or two that would listen to me. That doesn't mean the idea was rejected - Oh! No! We never got that far. I was informed of the policies on 'non solicited business proposals' before I could get past the systems operators. Reminds me of the Record Industry's polices at one point... just before the sweet hand of Karma ate them alive and they had to...well, you know what they did don't you, we shouldn't say such things in public venues - might cause some to start asking the real questions.

    But if you don't think Mp3 was the wrath of Karma, ignorance is eating you like Jobs' cancer - to death. Quick history lesson. Records - 45's, EP's, LP from the beginning and and they sold well. Then the industry forced a media change to 8 track and eventually made records obsolete. This wouldn't be so bad if 8 track wasn't such a piece of shit concept to begin with. I mean seriously did they hire a brain-dead chipmunk to come up with that damn thing? Ok, so 8 track bombed bad and the Cassette comes out shortly after. They actually co-existed much like the cassette and CD did several years later and all this time with every media switch they forced people to repurchase their libraries making obscene amounts of money that the artists would never see. That's even after they've screwed them over on their rights to the songs and royalties for decades. Deprive the artist and squeeze them dry while you squeeze us dry at the same time spoon feeding us the bitter nectar's they dripped into your possession for very little compensation. Then Mp3 equalizes everything. This time, we switch over to a media that does not risk being unplayable over time other than by file deletion and even then, who cares we got to update out libraries virtually for free and that pissed them off didn't it!? Oh but it was fun watching them hurt though. I loved every minuet of it right up until I finally paid for my first legit Mp3 release on iTunes. Speaking of, even Apple and Jobs even got to taste a little bit of sweet victory with the Mp3 smiting of the Record Industry soothing the burn from Bill Gates' pirating Mac's OS and calling it windows. Oh yeah, if you don't know it read up on it. Microsoft's name-sake is nothing less than the result of software piracy - and after Gate's made some plea to stop software piracy way back the late seventies I do believe. Hypocrite to the end, aren't you Billy?)

    Man you seeing the Karma align here, vengeance given to one industry by introducing the practice that brought the need for vengeance into another also inner-twining their respective products. Music was now coming through the computer eventually to come from the computer. However, vengeance is not the fight of this generation. That was the past, and I believe the universe leveled the energies out and it is up to our generation to keep that energy leveled out. We all must work together to find a solution; openly without corporate spy's or shell companies investing in...damn I almost said it again.

    In regards to Karma, I'm sure you're asking yourself when we're gonna feel it and what makes me think we're the good guys? It's like I said, that Karma was leveled and we have our own now. Look at you troll data, if you bothered to notice anyway, you'll see in almost every message board offering support for those using warez at least once or twice a year someone makes a frantic post that almost seems comic in it uniformity 'Help my hard drive crashed, my back up discs are, and all my music was on it...' I'm one of them. I've lost, not whole archives but partials...I have fragments of my original tracks. I still have my mastered finals, but I do not have the raw tracks and therefore my dreams of remastering that work may never fully realized with out serious efforts that right now seem futile.

    I'm going to admit that there are some of us who strut around having not paid for a damn thing. That's wrong, so maybe your stance and lack of compassion is justified by those who do not honor the philosophy they all seem to know by heart. I do not want to be responsible to the perpetuation of this cannibalism what so ever. If we let ourselves continue we will destroy each other like matter and anti-matter. Both of us gone with nothing to show for it but a legacy of strife. Just like not all of us are arrogant about our deeds, we, or I at least, know not all of you are the greedy hallow shells of meat I've been talking about. There are several developers out there who are so reasonable with their prices that it's unbelievable. In fact my own ignorance lead me to redact much of my product research down to just that the scene had to offer. I never went to developer pages to look unless the nfo was too vague, and unfortunately it's not a standard practice anymore to include the price of the product in the description. Many still do but I failed to see it in many, perhaps they were edited at some point. So I just assumed they were all imports from Mercury and would cost my soul to get a chance to look at even the interface. Then just after I discovered some pulgins in the freeware sector that out performed the most expensive shit around. I decided it was time to start getting real with myself and the situation and about 2 weeks ago I decided to start checking on prices to determine just what I wanted/needed and I am going to be honest.

    I feel like a fucking asshole and have ever since.

    So maybe that's why I took that shit so seriously the other day. There I was defending a developers decision and their elua only to be banned and bitch slapped like I was saying they were some evil unfair corporation. Oh an the worst was to find out that the company I was defending had actually treated this guy as badly as he claimed and did the shit to him I suspected had been justified. I'm just glad I was able to get back in to apologize to him like I'd promised - and you were gonna keep me from that! Regardless. I'm done with this shit, I've discovered enough to get the job done; and it will get done.

    There's just so much stupid bullshit coming from both sides of this thing that I can't take it. I'm fucking guilty too don't think I'm being all self righteous about this. I don't like acting that way when I shouldn't have to. Despite what you make think it's self destructive. By attacking each other we attack ourselves. You're just like us, and we are just like you. We are one in the same - and that is the reason we are in this fucking mess. What did you think it was because we are all so different? If we had nothing in common, we wouldn't be in confrontation with each other. People who like McDonald's will never have to run into the people who like Burger King in a venue where the difference matters. How could it ever be an issue if one has his happy ass a happy meal and the other is choking on a whopper. Never! Just for starters your driving quality that's lead you to your position in your career is the exact same quality you so despise within us - you are compelled to accomplish what you want to accomplish regardless of the effort you have to put forth. We both have an overbearing pressure to make it happen by the dark deeds we have done. In us the music screams to be released, for you there are the one who... damn! I did it again. I'm gonna wrap this up before that cat gets outta the bag and we're all running around saying 'where's kittie?'

    All I've ever wanted during this was to make some goddamn music. I want to find a community where the focus isn't what DAW you use or if you're licensed or any other corporate advertising information collecting creepy stalker bullshit! I give them fake answers! All the fucking time, and they run back to the office like 'look what I just found! More Money!' When in reality, it's bullshit and I hope your product suffers for the underhand methods you used. I want to focus on production skills honing my gifts - no defending the fact that you're wealthier than me and just don't get it.

    That's why I'd love to start my own message board without all this shit, but that wouldn't be allowed now would it? During all this time, I haven't been able to make much music at all. I wouldn't let myself, I didn't think it was fair...I might have said I was gonna do this or gonna do that, but I never did. The songs that actually did happen only came into existence because they wanted out of me so badly. Perhaps to fuel the fire to get me off of my ass and make sure I don't repeat my mistake from ten years ago. I do not want to feel guilty for every goddamn vst developer in the market cause life dealt me a shitty hand and I got some on you when I broke the silent promise - again; then have Karma come back around and so lovingly rub salt into the wounds by taking the songs that represent personal achievements beyond the music that I am rather proud of.

    I don't want to be a quitter at anything, but I don't want to be that guy again. Honestly, I really shouldn't be too distraught about this at all, because in the end when my work still outshines 90% of the shit crapped out of the ass of the industry, that beautiful Ego of mine has that much more legitimate claim to swell up that much further.

    To all the developers who don't get the honor of being part of my work, well...it is what it is. I'd do anything for to make it up to about 7 or 8 of you, I really would... I don't want to bring up names for the obvious reason but also because I do believe that there are a couple in your ranks that would have never gotten my business in the first place and if you knew there had been a chance, it would be a further loss unto you that I would be responsible for, can't have that shit.

    The only Reason I mention Propellerhead by name is because I feel the worst about them. Guy's if you are reading this and feel like you wanna help me out. I'd do anything to work of my debt with you...I just ask that be gracious enough to let me continue working until I could afford Reason 6, Balance, and a few ReFills because no one around here seems to be will to hire me. The only place that might I can't because a family member already works there and it's against corporate policy. Then again, if you feel like I should continue to live with the shame... I'll bare it for you till the end.


    any other developers that are forgiving and want to contribute to the better good by offering me a job...i will gladly get in where I fit in (yeah long shot, but who knows - what do I have to lose huh? Pride...heh!)
  3. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
    Likes Received:
    ...wall oft text - I don't read!


    Could you please write a summary.... :P
  4. djmonkeystyle

    djmonkeystyle Newbie

    Jun 26, 2011
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    dude thats one helluva long story hehehe :rofl:

    ok man i hope you got Justice for Fighting what you Believe... :mates:
  5. caspertheunholyghost

    caspertheunholyghost Newbie

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Just a thought but you know how much music you could've made with the amount of time it took you to type that? Also could you please explain what the heck you are talking about because you jump from one subject to another without finishing what you started. I actually thought you were going to explain what the heck you were talking about so I kept reading, but you never finished a complete thought to me. Either that I just got lost because it was so long. The main thing I am talking about is that you started saying what you were talking about to get banned or something along those lines and then you jumped to pissing in space and losing your job and getting kicked outta school. So just so that I feel I read your post for a reason could you please explain what the heck you started to say so that I understand what the whole post was supposed to be about or at least start off about. I'm not knocking you for anything because you did have some good thoughts but I just got lost on a few of them because you didn't finish or I missed something if you did lol.
  6. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +1 ! I just understand "Durka Durr"... so:

    SCNR :D

    However, please clarify - thanks!
  7. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Dude did you write this when you were all coked out? Or is this how your brain normally works? If so then I could kind of see how life might have been a little rough on you...
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Cliff notes please, I aint readin all that. :rofl: *no*
  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
    Likes Received:
    hm, so does he want Reason, or hate the devs or both?

    "gotta ramble on, sing my song" :grooves:
  10. charnk

    charnk Newbie

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I'd like to try out Reason. Maybe I'll get the demo.
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Prozac's side effect ? :wow:
  12. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    lol it's cool, I understand, I write like we're talking face to face and shit gets lost in translation into text then to your mind. Happens a lot.

    So lets pretend you're at the part about me getting banned imagine that it eventually flows into this somehow after jumping on the case of the arrogant reactive fucks....


    Ok, I think this does deserve a little extra clarification.

    I was checking out a message board that I never usually post at I just go and check out the links looking for some freeware (I've got this strange want to make a whole album with freeware or cheapware) every now and then but I'd come across a thread where a guy was going off on one of the larger developers. Ranting and raving about this and that and how they were treating him and then ripped him off.

    Reading his story I got a little the sense that he wasn't telling the truth. It was worse than mine up there was; any-who... I posted asking him to clarify because I was totally confused about the timeline of events. Then I explained that I doubted his honesty because what he was talking about I'd never heard of a developer doing, but peaking at the online faq and eula I discovered that they indeed did allow what he had done, but only under certain conditions, but the chain of events violated that agreement. I ended up with this asshole challenging me on the wording using child-like understanding to interpret the section and justify the guys actions. Then that OP clarified things and yep I was right, and went on to explain what might have happened trying to calm him down. I thought I was doing him a favor cause it honestly looked like he was about to ignorantly spill the beans on something and was trying to call his attention to it subtly but it was clear he was adamant so I decided to hold my stance because a) he was wrong, b) I still had trouble believing this company would do something like that. I'd hear nothing but cheers and praise about them and their services. I also made it clear that it sounded very fishy like it was a set up thing that he and another guy were conspiring to rip the company off. And that if that wasn't the case their action was probably the result of an information cross check that flagged him, like they do on e ay or P y al. Then again that sycophantic little hare states baiting me and I'm explaining how the above mentioned companies system works to weed out drop shippers and bootlegars. And the whole time he's challenging me like that 8th grade asshole 'nuh uh! what about blah blah blah.' I tried to explain how what they were doing was damaging the company because they never see anyone purchase a full version just a collective obtaining permission to swap back and forth and this time they got caught because for whatever reason they fucked up and triggered the system but before it went smoothly. And my hypothesis was that they only did cross checks at certain key times when this type of exploit would be abused i.e. major version release or even first of the business quarter. But their system wouldn't let me post it saying it was spammy and to edit it. So I did, same thing until I took out the part about how it damages the company. Then it let me post it.

    Anyway, I get called a puppet employee and everyone gets on my ass, so I decided to end all the argument right there, and pointed to section 3 where a certain condition was strictly prohibited under threat of prosecution. And when that happen; shit hit the fan.

    One guy was like wait we do this all the time here is that even right!?

    Then I get the nuke and my shit's gone. I go back in as a guest watching it unfold and eventually a real employee came by disowned me set up a meeting with a marketing guy and during the rest of the ensuing argument that company employee gets frustrated and leaves dropping the link to the company board where it all started. And the guy was right, he was treated like shit, and posts were edited like 11 to 20 times or some shit I don't remember exactly. So I could only imagine what I didn't get to see.

    I made a new account logged on apologized to the guy then made a post explaining myself and wondering why they would insinuate what they did in the reason of my banning. Basically I got a message with a phrase that phonically sounds like 'where is kitty'. I read that fucking thread over and over and over again trying to figure out what happened and was about to launch on an assault when my wife pointed to the post about section three and when you couple both section two and three it means this.

    You may pass your software along to another person permanently, but you cannot keep any thing of the product the back up discs must be given with the retail or destroyed.

    The only other condition is that you cannot get any financial compensation for the sharing of the code.

    That's not verbatim but it should give you the idea right?

    That's when I decided to start looking around, and it is a common practice but they 'get permission from the developer first and carry on. This company however was demanding to do all of these transactions via phone, not email and this whole arrangement was the source of all their problems regarding people talking shit on them. And it's orchestrated the way they flame threads. They kick up a bunch of shit get the developer to run over and take care of it or suffer the PR damage. I could tell, by the words something was up and felt an instinctual pity for the company but didn't know why because I had to just save face and apologize because he was telling the truth, as far as I could see then anyway. I looked at older threads like it and it's always the same people playing the same roles just a few differences here and there consisting of real-life variables out of their control...like me.

    Oh and that posting script they have is good too cause I tried to use every possible working I could, and when they banned the second account the screen that originally said that other phrase (not mentioning cause I'm sure its in the automated search parameters) was replaced by a literal answer to a question I googled 'why [mb name] banned me' and when I refreshed the thread it was the answer. If I'd been thinking I'd have take screen shots but it was all too past paced which is what they did and they played it that way to keep me on my toes. Again its repeated through out the threads going back.
  13. mikepick

    mikepick Newbie

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Ixonia, Wisconsin
    Ok...so I've read most of this diatribe through twice.

    The gist of this epic seems to be as follows: He was kicked off a posting board similar to ours because he got into it with the other members there. Now he wants back on because he can name his price for the Reason upgrade through this site (something most of us learned about through a post here at Audioz a while back).

    The reason his post seems totally oblique to us is that we don't know what site he is talking about nor do we know the members of that site with whom he is contending. He assumes that most of us know what he is referring to but, for myself, Audioz is the only site I ever go to that contains these kind of "resources."

    What he lacks in brevity, he makes up for in sincerity. He seems truly repentant for whatever it is he said at that other site. Basically, he is apologizing here for whatever he did over there, hoping that someone from over there will see his post over here at Audioz and let him back in over there. I suspect it is Propellerhead's forum he got kicked out of, but he never really says because of his great love for their products.

    Two prime quotes of his:

    "I owe them (Propellerhads)so much for the existence of ReBirth (and so do you for that matter!) that I could work in their offices cleaning up their shit proudly till I died a very content man. Their software and other things I'll keep to myself, are the Reason I was able to live life up to this moment instead careening off into the pathetic ending I was closing in on."

    "It's their Reason 6 offer, the general way they do business and how they treat their people that creates such a vicious loyalty as mine and I'm not the only one to share it. The only reason I have found myself so entrenched in this VST world is because I like to pull things together and make them one, ReWire them if you will. Expose the singularity within all dualities."


    My favorite quote of his however is the first line of the second paragraph: "Not to go into too much detail; but..."

    Other items of note:

    His music is better than "90% of the shit crapped out of the ass of the industry."

    He is laden with guilt because he did not purchase a license for Rebirth many years ago and would like to work off his debt somehow.

    He is hoping some developer will hire him so that they can benefit from his e'lan and obsequious expertise.

    The rest of this tome is ballast. I feel bad for the guy because he seems to be going through a rough time right now. He can't find a job, karma has bit the music industry on the ass and some people think he's strange because he inspects every egg in the carton before he buys it. I know he will be among gentler people here. But there is a limit.

    Some States have passed a "Truth in Sentencing" law. Perhaps now "Divinevil" will have to write a lucid one.

    Let's hope Saint can live up to his nickname!

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
    Likes Received:

    Word ! Hehehehe ! *yes*
  15. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere
    You should it's good, the only problem with the demo is that it won't let you export even though the site says the only limitation is the inability to open saved files...haven't tried any refills so not sure about that. :( but still :D

    I love me sum Propellerhead! Thor is such the God of Synths another thing is they have dubstep presets that make you think....Massive what? Granted you have to know what you're doing with the knobs and the effect program router but it soars way above. Very clean sounds...not so dirty.
  16. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere

    That's not it at all but I can see that! lol Cool it'll throw off their search script maybe, and that's what I was shooting for.

    (this is a simple code, not saying it out rite, I don't what them showing up but they probably already have and LONG before I showed up here too)

    oh kay,
    Alphabetical value for the number '12' minus '1'-Roman numeral for fiVe found in the acronym TV-and the letter P being propped up undeR the loop
  17. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    damn....whatever the story I guess you wrote more words in one topic than all of us together :rofl:
  18. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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  19. mikepick

    mikepick Newbie

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Ixonia, Wisconsin
    I apologize to Divinevil for getting it wrong! LOL...thanks for the hints but I still don't know who you mean!

    And thanks Casper for asking Divinevil to clear things up! Now I can finally get some sleep!
  20. DivinEvil

    DivinEvil Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Everywhere & Nowhere

    Because this monster is so confusing, I'd like to clear something up, I do not hate or do I want to hate anyone. muchless the software dev's.

    My beef is with people who want to perpetuate this ignorance and only create Reactionary solutions that only cause more problems in the we need to be Proactive, but the way everyone on both sides is action I don't think Pro anything is in our future....

    The reason comment was a joke mainly to prove a point. I highly doubt Propellerhead will be sending anyone by to check on things although I'm dead serious on my offers to them. It would be nice to finally get out of this damn rut in life...but like I said it was more of point proving exorcise.
  21. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Wow. And I thought I was a windbag.