The Young Producer Extreme Developing Challange

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evorax, May 26, 2014.


Would you do everything it takes to achieve your dream?

  1. Absolutely Yes!

  2. No!

  3. Maybe/Depends!

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Hello My Friends! [​IMG]
    *please forgive my gramathical erros, i'm not a native english speaker*

    I want to help you all with a suggestion which would turn you to the next level of your skills. Everything i'm going to say below is based on my personal experience, things i faced only on my own so don't expect about 3rd party bullshit or something like that, because i have no intention to give you "untested" ideas.
    Did you ever thought about your potential in a deeper way? Did you ever thought that you're more stronger than you think, despite the mediocre words you hear from your so-called professional friends? I know most of you judge your own potential by the way your music sounds lately, but "LATELY" doesn't mean "THE FINAL FORM" of your POTENTIAL! Even if your music sucks lately, that doesn't mean you're weaker than any successful and professional producer you dream about as a mentor.
    The guys who says to you "You know man... you're not talented enough... you can't be like him, or her, or that, it's impossible.." STOP! you don't need to be like any of them or to prove anything to anyone, but when it comes about POTENTIAL, you're no weaker than any successful and famous producer you know, PERIOD! Your skills are just under developed and you're also vulnerable on the voices around you, so you think your actual skills are in their FINAL FORM when it's ACTUALLY NOT! It's just hidden there, SCREAMING, SHOUTING and CRAVING to get out on the surface and RAGE AND COME OUT! [​IMG]
    It's not about creating a fake picture of your personality, is about FINDING THE REAL YOU, YOURSELF buddy! And no one, i repeat, NO ONE has the right to tell you who you are or how good you are when you're not even in your final form of YOUR potential. They are affraid, there's alot of people who is affraid of you to achieve your dream, because your success would break their morale so hard that they'll cry everynight like a bitch instead of working so hard as you did.
    They will NEVER gonna tell you how much they would hate your success when they wouldn't own your achievement, but when you need advices, you still ask them, which is like an invisible trap for your mind because even if they look wise to you, you trap yourself in their so called "wise words".
    Stop whining about "you know man... even if i'd be a kickass producer, i still couldn't be successful these days because you know how it goes, you need connection, promotion, industry is hard, etc. " THESE THINGS ARE THE TRAPS OF YOUR MIND WHICH KEEPS YOU SLOW IN YOUR EVOLVING PROCESS, AFFECTING YOUR MORALE TOO MUCH INSTEAD OF WORKING HARD YOUR DREAM AND BECOME A MUSIC PRODUCING MACHINE!

    Before whining how hard the industry is, did you became at least a kick ass producer, so you get the right and make sure that your complanin is real? Don't listen to the so called "professionals" who tells you how hard the industry is just because they are lazy asses and they don't want you, the hard worker, to get a seat in this commercial place.
    You will think that i want to turn you into some antisocial zombies, but actually not. Do you know what a "Ronin" means in the japanese coulture? Don't think about a deeper meaning, just about this short description: A Ronin is a wild samurai without a master, who wildly trains with no rules, who later is even more powerful than a Samurai Master because he spends all his time on daily training with passion, instead of getting time for other activities as a Master would do. So think about it... maybe you don't have the connections, oportunities and actual skills of the famous producers(which you can call Masters), but what you have instead? TIME, exactly! This is your weapon which you can't allow to waste, because that's also what ronins used to become more powerful than a Master.
    So... let me suggest you now an idea which will change your life drastically.
    Leave behind any type of thing which do not contribute on your dream's development, so called friends, chicks, social platforms, trips, travelings, watching movies, restaurant dinner, alcohol(even if you would deny it, this just fucks up your mood, your focus and your brain, which are important in your music making process) and any other activities that has nothing to do with your music making potential development.
    Before telling me that i'm insane or "C'mon man, [​IMG] this is a crime, i would become an antisocial zombie" but actually is about priorities and what you LOVE the most. Do you really love music enough?? If YES, then why the hell would you ever complain about the sacrifices i mentioned above???
    If you think about Music as a lover, you know that "she" will never break your heart, leave you or cheat on you. Is the most pure love you can have in your life when you're a writter/producer/sound engineer or all of them.
    If you really want to break your potential's limitation, you have to sacrifice yourself, PUSH YOURSELF BEYOND your expectations!

    Fallow this challange:

    For a FULL YEAR, absolutely every day of this full year, doesn't matter if it's weekend, birthday, holiday or anything else or even if you're sick, make sure you follow this daily routine including the sacrifices i mentioned above:
    In the morning, 6AM, make some stretching exercices, take a shower, drink your coffee, tea, or whatever you want (but avoid alcohol), make sure you eat something because the breakfast is important, so make sure you eat well and also keep alot of water or tea around you so you keep yourself hidrated, then move your ass in your music making enviroment and sqeeze every bit of yourself, produce anything which comes in your mind and make sure that TILL 10PM before sleep, to give YOUR BEST to improve that particular song, even if it sounds like crap in the beginning.
    The only breaks you take, is only when you need to eat, take a shit, pee, or to walk for 15 minutes in your garden to breath some fresh air and relax your eyes temporary.
    In the evening, before taking another shower, dinner, or whatever, you can allow yourself to visit AZ and AudioSEX for the latest stuff so you can keep being active, despite the sacrifices that you're dealing with for your own cause.
    This routine will train not only your skills, but also your perception. Make sure you listen also to your references songs and visit any kind of tutorial you need when you're stuck on achieving something on your song or ask us here on AudioSEX *yes* .
    You'll think i'm insane, but think about all the PROs you know, does anyone would spend their time this way i suggest you? NO! So that's actually your advantage. Even the legendary people, like Einstein or whatever, they had a little bit of insanity in their mind, which was beneficial for their achievements.
    Believe me guys, all this torture i'm talking about will make you more stronger and better than you think you can become as a producer, you'll become real beasts (unless you die in the process, lol :rofl: ) But do not accept other DISTRACTIONS in your life! Follow exactly what i told you above and after 365 full days you will improve drastically. After that year, if you think you still want to improve even more, take another year, but i'm sure your success will be guaranteed after a while because the industry can't avoid real BEAST producers so they will need YOU. Even if you'll have to work as a construction kit producers for whatever Loopmasters brand or ghost producer for Dr. Dre :rofl: with big ass $$$ salary, Spinnin/Ultra DJ or whatever "solo" oportunities, but after all these years of sacrifices and "torture", the "beast mode" will get embedded in your BLOOD and NOBODY will be able to take away your potential you just developed on your own. So while you already succeeded you can leave behind the sacrifices and torture days and you can live a normal life, having a familiy and other activities, but before that, the question is, HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY FOR YOUR PASSION/DREAM? Wouldn't you spend some years to develop yourself, even more than others wouldn't do in 10 years? Don't you want to meet the REAL you? Take your time and think about it, but one thing is for sure:


    Do you still want to keep living hidden inside yourself?......

    Don't you want to come out?.....

    P.S. i started with "The Young..." in the topic title, because i thought that some of the middle age guys have families and other responsabilities and i guess they can't spend a full year just for themselves, but no matter what age you are, if you can afford to spend some time just for yourself but paying the bills and other stuff at the same time, then you can do the same thing with your dream.
  3. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thanks :mates: Evorax
    Very Interesting Topic , You Just Remind Me When I was Studying {PNL = Neuro Linguistic Programming} *yes*
    And The Breakfast Morning Is The Secret Power OF How Far The Mind Can Go (Smart Minds)

    PS : The Day I Did Faced My Fears , I Did Achieved More Than I Could Ever :wow: Imagine *yes* :mates:
    PS : I Prefer That :: The Artist Should Listen Only from the professional People & And Take only what will Help their careers and left what isn't
  4. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Yes, that's like listening only the words which sounds positive to our needs. Totally Agree! But when it comes about hearing what is not good to us and might compromise our progressing flow with the excuse of being called "positive criticism", we must know a thing for sure: Is not that we CAN'T do something, we're just not prepared enough so we don't have to perceive their criticism as an "ultimatum". Alot of people give up just because they're too sensible to some kind of critics.

    BTW, i like your signature words.
  5. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Only Hard working Artist will never give up even if he fail (Fall and rise) is just Like (Day and night)
    for every artist : learning about writing music , it will help a lot
    because a lot of ideas become more easier if you can write them With (Avid Sibelius)OR(Finale 2014)

    Giving up Isn't an option , Artist is like A Soldier & Life Is like WAR , That's why We are not willing to fail ,
    keeping it together is everything , One more thing when i feel That I Can't Make Music , I Improvise *yes*
  6. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Sounds like some american Tony Robbins self empowerment program...

    Just make music, forget times and deadlines...

    all this "real beasts" nonsense...
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    When you're too direct and short, can be misunderstood in alot of ways.

    It's just a sort of verbal expression or metaphor or whatever you may call it, but anyway, we're not all so smart as you are, so i apologize. [​IMG]
  8. Blister

    Blister Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Thanks Evorax, i needed that.
    There is nothing like a good kick in the butt, now and then.
  9. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    There's a quote: "I'm goin' to make it because i'm too insane to think i can".

    If you'd like to challange yourself for a full year, keep one of your recent finished tracks as a reference for a perception test. MAKE SURE you listen to it again ONLY after you finished that hard work year, so you can hear the mistakes you did and you can realise how much your perception has improved if you're able to think about how manny improvements you could've add to that reference track in the past if you would've had that trained perception you just gained over that insane year.
  10. Dyablox

    Dyablox Newbie

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Thanks for sharing your experience and your advice Evorax , :wink: I couldn't agree more... Except for this you said:
    We live in a world surrounded by people, our nature as humans is to socialize, have fun and what not, of course, with moderation in all things.
    Incarcerating yourself in an imaginary bubble and staying away from these activities will just do more harm than good, yes , you have your goals and dreams, but you are not a machine to be working 24/7 to achieve them. You need to go out there and live your life, pursue your goals to live the life you´ve always wanted but don´t live your life pursuing goals and forgetting about everything else that surrounds you.

    Just my opinion of course. :thumbsup:
  11. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Then i guess that's exactly what i did... I forgot about everything that surrounds me and that's because i usually was surrounded mostly by negative things... But... i've won something instead by giving up these things, the love for music, which i don't know if you're going to believe me or not, but it replaces any other form of life enjoyment. I might sound crazy but i also don't care about how "sealed" the people think i am, because the only way i'm happy is just by doing what i love, no matter how lonely i am or how boring my life seems. I don't judge anyone's preferences, but i stated mine. Thats how i prefer to live.
    Anyway... I posted a topic a while ago about how smartphones invading our normal life and i guess my normal life is invaded too, but only by music. :mates:

    EDIT: I used to live a normal life in the past... So i won't regret anything when i'll be old, because i already "tried" a bit of each thing.
  12. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    And what i meant about the things you should leave behind, i meant about distractions! They're like cancer in the everyday evolving process.
  13. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I'm familiar with all this, have second thoughts about writting, but I feel I need to put it out there, young people or people, this is proccess of selling your soul, music should be something you enjoy doing without end goal being famous,rich, best and payed, don't sacrfice your soul for music, it's not worth it, don't serve the beast for it, don't follow that path, if you are goign to reject everything for something, do it to save your soul from this hell, not other way arround, think about it, where this path leads, don't wake up one day when western medicine failed and even nature doesn't have cure for you, you are there where you wanted, without mercy on your existence, be careful, it's that easy to fall there :sad:

    There is fine line between rejecting many things on the way because they are unhealthy, but there is other of rejecting even good ones, just be careful, that's all, I know this path, I woke up empty one day and realized it's not worth it, make music because you have time for it, be happy with your loved ones and the world arround you :mates:

    I guess I need to point this out too, Evorax, it's your life really and how you going to live it is your thing, purpose of my post wasn't to reach out to you (would do it over PM otherwise), I shared other personal side to anyone out there who is getting inspried by this personal stories and still have doubts about their way, others that knows it, I wish them all the luck :mates:
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I used to live hell in the past, so maybe this is like a refugee for me, but i met alot of young producers who most of them said the same thing when they had to justify their passion for music production so that's why i wrote the thing about, because i already had some experience about it.

    Sometimes we end up doing what we love easely, but when it comes about music, it's the thing i enjoy the most in my life but for some of us isn't enough because they're poor. Imagine about the homeless people, poor people who can't invest not even in the cheapest music making equippment. Music Making is not so simple when you don't have the necessary enviroment to be able to enjoy the process. Believe me that even the money that i make from music, MOST OF THEM are kept for investing, as back-up funds to replace the things which get broke in my home studio, so i can keep making music. I don't need fame or tons of money, but some of the young producer do, but who am i to judge their dreams? I'm a music making freak who sells his soul just to make his passion happen. If we're too much stressed about paying essential tools for making music, also energy bills, food and other necessary living things for both us and our passion then we can't fully enjoy the making music process because we get distracted by our personal problems and funds lacking.
    So we can actually use the "rich/paid and best" for our own advantage, just by being able to live a normal life in a modest house with no worries about bills, keeping the money unspent and also helping other if you really can afford to do it.

    I already announced a month ago that i'm going to buy real expensive prizes, like latest Cubase version, also latest Nexus (just because some people still raving about it :rofl: ) and other famous and expensive products. I don't do it because i'm rich, i'm not even rich or something, i still have problems as well, i need to move to other country, there's alot of expenses, but even if i limit my life only to the things i love to do, with no friends or whatever "keeper" girlfriends, that doesn't mean i can't help others.
    The prizes will be donated to the comunity and all the moderators will organise the whole thing.
    If i'm going to get more money in the future so i can be called "rich" i will donate even more, because i don't need bigger living standards. I just need a simple place to live in and make music, nothing more. You can call me an obsessed freak, but i'll be honoured to admit it. :rofl:
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Again, how you are going to live your life is your thing, I shared my view like you shared yours to same young people, you don't need to justify yourself to me or the world, it's your life and your path, I'm not the one that gave you one and I'm not the one that is going to judge you in the end, so I really don't have intention to judge you or I intented to cause that you feel like I'm attacking you or anythign that caused your need to justify yourself to me, I'm just sharing my side to other people that can take it or leave it, it's out there, again, it's your life and I'm really tryign to do the same as you, reach out to people with good intentions, that's all, I'm not goign to judge or I'm tryign to cause someone to feel bad or justify himself, I'm wrong person to aim that at really, just another lost human being in this crazy world :mates:

    This is the reason I had doubts about writting in frist place, instead of just spending 5 minutes of my life doing somethign I felt good about, I end up here :sad:
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I'm sorry brother. :mates: I just thought you understood it in a way that i would have the interest to aim others to fight for their dreams in a way that they would forget about the enjoying process of music making. I guess i just misunderstood it in the first place, so sorry for that. You know i respect everything you say and i thought would be necessary to justify myself. I really wasn't upset or something, i really respect anyone's opinion even if it's bad. [​IMG]
  17. xsze

    xsze Guest

    No harm done, it's all coming from place of love :mates:
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