The Justin Biebers of "EDM"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by toothpick, May 21, 2014.

  1. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Maybe you've heard of the EDM duo "The Chainsmokers." For those of you that don't know who The Chain Smokers are, the word "selfie" might ring a bell. After appearing on American Idol last tuesday, The Chainsmokers have received ‘Sell-Out’ Accusations from deadmau5, Knife Party, Mat Zo, Porter Robinson and more on Twitter.

    Read this article:

    Note: Please make sure you read the article before continuing *yes*

    Last April I opened up for the Chainsmokers at a local venue. I got to eat dinner with them, and we even partied after the show. My experience meeting The Chainsmokers was a lot like Seth Rogan's experience meeting Justin Bieber for the first time. Let me explain: The Chainsmokers are a good example of someone you meet, who you think you're going to hate, and then you get to hate him as much as you thought. Alex (the bigger guy with glasses) was a pretty down-to earth guy but had no involvement with any of the music production. I tried asking him basic questions at dinner about production and he avoided such questions, telling me that Drew (aka one of the biggest douches I've ever met) handled all of the production. Alex explained to me that they originally created selfie as a "joke" and it was actually an old project that Drew had made "in like 10 minutes." He continued to tell me that because of "selfie" they were living comfortably. Alex was definitely a lot more humble compared to Drew who never introduced himself and was on his phone the whole time. He probably thought he was really fucking cool because they played ultra-main stage like 2-weeks prior (only because laidback luke had to cancel because his wife had a baby).Fast-forward to later on that night: I had just finished playing my set and walked downstairs to a crowded VIP room. Drew and Alex were absolutely hammered. I watched their whole set. Hands-down one of the worst DJ sets I've ever seen. No preparation, horrible transitions, and douche-bag drew kept talking over the music in an attempt to cover up their shitty djing. It's amazing you can make one song and launch a worldwide tour djing when you have no business ever touching the decks to begin with. I'm serious. They are absolutely terrible djs. The Chainsmokers are everything that's wrong with EDM (actually I wouldn't even put them in that category unless you consider "pop" EDM). The funniest part about the whole night was after the show. We went party-hopping with Drew and Alex. Drew was so drunk he couldn't even string together a proper sentence. My drunk girlfriend thought it would be appropriate to take a selfie with The Chainsmokers. Drew tried hooking up with her immediately afterwards. I was literally standing like 10 feet away. I laughed as my GF explained to him that I was her BF. Drew turned around as my GF pointed to me and said "who? that guy?" :rofl:
    What a douche. The Chainsmokers are complete sell-outs if you can't already tell. Just thought I would share my great experience with these guys. Thanks for reading.
  3. Kobayashi Maru

    Kobayashi Maru Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Never heard of them or their track.
    Don't really want to either, my ears have been polluted with shit in the past.

    I still have problems now with shitty songs/tracks, randomly just popping out of nowhere in my head :dunno:
    all from watching the idiot box :wow: or listening to some shite station on the radio with no escape till it's end of the day.

    That Drew lad, sounds like a complete twat from what you have said toothpick

    I hope someone has a shit in his pillow before goes to sleep. :wink: :rofl:
  4. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Nice story. :) Since the US discovered house music for commercial use and turned it into so called EDM it's going the wrong way. And the bad thing is, also the quality here in Holland is influenced by this 'disease' so I must agree with Deadmau5. On the other hand, the (big) crowd is also responsible for such development. Matter of supply and demand. And at the end: it's all about the money (and 15 minutes of fame). Music is an universal language yes but it has so much more to offer. But nowadays it should just be simple with quick results. Which isn't good in the long term. I think back to better times around the millennium switch. :unsure:
  5. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    :rofl: You get back what you put out. Had he been humble I wouldn't of felt compelled to make this post (well that and I got bored at work).

    Well said. The elctronic music industry is valued at 6.2 Billion dollars. The Chainsmokers fit right in with this "disease" that you speak of. I listen to sirius xm (BPM + Electric Area)and there is no longer a standard for quality. Everything sounds the same, very little creativity. This is old news for many but IMO it's has become far worse recently. Maybe I'm stuck in the past but I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  6. halcyo

    halcyo Newbie

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Eh, they may be assholes but they're having their fun while it lasts. They're living a cooler existence than someone who HASN'T had a huge party hit single! :dunno:
  7. on3simpleclick

    on3simpleclick Noisemaker

    Mar 28, 2013
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    This stupid 'SELFIE' song, is complete & utter trash.
  8. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    That's the hard truth indeed. 'Artists' like the ones described have their moment right now while others - who might be real producers/dj's - always stay in the dark. That's not fair of course - and frustrating for them - but that's life. Unfortunately.
  9. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Once you understand this industry is rotten from the very beginning, because you know where it comes from... then you'll get over it, eventually.
  10. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Aoki is my boi! lol the selfie song. Great stuff! The chainsmokers are jack-wagons though( I met them in real life). Cant really complain that they are douches because,
    we cant do anything to change them :dunno: . lol . Nice post Toothpick
  11. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Yes it's clear that they are douche bags, each and every one of them, they are the same "disease" that comes around every once in a while to pollute popular music (of any genre, never mind EDM), jumping on a bandwagon for the sake of mega $$.

    But what I'm not understanding is why, after their obviously idiotic display and you hating them so much, why on Earth you would want to go "party hopping" with them after the show? Because if that was me standing there in your shoes I would have had absolutely nothing to do with those stupid cunts either before, during or after the show. In fact I would have probably told them they were absolute shit to their faces (in the company of the venue's security guys of course...) right after their horrific and insulting appearance. I think it's important to stop the disease spreading by telling them they are not wanted, and all they are doing is leeching money in return for a stupid track that they put no effort into whatsoever. Ultimately, they will die or disperse from the scene at some point.

    Take comfort in knowing shit bags like them do not have a very long shelf life.... like a bag of stinking cheese, their expiration date will be coming up sooner than immediately.

  12. geraldthegenius

    geraldthegenius Noisemaker

    Dec 16, 2011
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    Out Yonder
    Lol welcome to the American music industry of 2014. Yo I fux wit edm, hiphop, rock(mostly classic), big band Orchestra, reggae etc... And let me tell you that edm is prime for tons more of assholes like this Drew dude. Amazingly most of the assholes I have met are first chair band players and hiphop producers. Seems like all music genres have their share.

    Electronica is still a baby man. I hate that the American mainstream got its hands on it so early but now that the lawn is being cut by the American Music Money Exploitation lawnmower you are bound to catch all types of snakes in the grass.

    I'm more surprised that Rob Swire chimed in on this smh. In my book he's way above this bs.

    EDM is due for another big mainstream decline any year now. Quanity over quality can only work for long in this day and age. No doubt it will come back stronger as it has done time and time again. Electronica has a big history of ducking in and out of mainstream. Look at disco, early house, techno, trance etc... But it always comes back bigger with that everlasting futuristic sheen. Sucks we have to watch it get slaughtered like this every decade or so but tis the way of musical life.
  13. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    :rofl: No, just thought I'd share my experience meeting them. The only time I ever feel a "burning inside" is usually after I eat mexican food and I need to take a shit.


    *yes* Yeah very true.

    Yeah that's a good question. I was with a large group of people (a lot of followers). My friends and GF included thought it would be cool to go party with them after the show. I just went with the flow. Nothing special really, the Chainsmokers made assholes of themselves while everybody crowded around them like they were actually somebody important. LOL
    Let's hope so. They had every intention of selling out, signed a multi-million dollar contract with sony, and took every possible chance to make money. If that's the kind of artists that you want to support then so be it. But when you get called out by some of the biggest names in dance music, your obviously doing something wrong.
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    honestly the american market is build for trash like that, in EU its a little harder to get something up like that.

    but anyway, just galf and your life will be better.
  15. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Why the hate?

    I personally don't like the track but come on lets think about this for a minute....

    How many of you would say no to have your track played on radio and tv all over the word? Who would turn down the opportunity to travel the world and do things they never thought possible?
    Who would say no to having your mortgage paid and to be able to live comfortably and being able to provide for your family?
    The pair of them might be the biggest bunch of pricks out there but you can't hate them for being so called "sellouts"

    By the way, is this not selling out?? :dunno: Deadmau5

  16. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    That's the real problem IMO. Attitude. Same with Afrojack. He was last week on a Dutch talkshow and again, he showed how 'superior' he thinks he is. I almost threw up. If all those guys show how gratefull they are, there would be much more respect towards them. But unfortunately they live in their own world.
  17. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Man, i got nothing against people who "made it" by earning it truthfully.
    But these guys didn't "Made it" properly, and wanna know why? Because, just think about it... imagine like you would have the power to take absolutely everything from these guys and let them naked, no fame, no money, no help, having just and only their SKILLS.
    In 1 year interval, are they still able to rise their shit again on the same level? NO.
    A real "made it" guy who truthfully earned his success, he's prepared for absolutely everything because he gaind a lot of experience from all his sacrifices and efforts he put in his development as an artist.
    These twats just luckly made it, so even if Toothpick hate them, he's not doing anything wrong, lol.
  18. rudym13

    rudym13 Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2014
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    at least justin beieber worked his way through youtube views, the hype on these guys is completely fabricated