I need a new LED monitor?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Radio, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I even had to set it to 204% now because my eyes get worse with age. But the sharpness of the text is still very good. 4K is great for reading on the internet in particular and is very comfortable for me to read. And Studio One has a "high DPI mode" that displays the symbols, buttons and text very sharply.

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  2. MusicBoy123

    MusicBoy123 Noisemaker

    Nov 5, 2024
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    Bro, I use Benq ex2710q

    What BEST about this is my eyes have Never Pained due to long usage and its been 2 years !! It has some Technology - Insane useful and eye pleasing.

    This is the only feature which cant be taken for granted, rest everything can be done from settings.
  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    That is great news that you have found a product that allows you to live and work happily and healthily.
    I have just read the test - good values - good display - good price.
  4. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    people used 2 17" 1280x1024 monitors, basically equal to one 2560x1080 ultrawide,
    then 2 21" 1920x1080 monitors, basically equal to one 3840x1080 xultrawide or roughly 3440x1440 ultrawide,
    but everyone needs indeed may be different,
    for audio work and monitoring sweetspot, my 34" screen is already borderline obstructing speakers,
    there is no way to fit bigger screen inside that equilateral monitoring triangle, unless having screen further and increasing scaling again, wasting pixel space again
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    It's good that you're addressing the problem with the monitoring triangle. I sit further away from the screen every year because my eyesight gets worse. I have a special pair of 2+ diopter glasses just for the PC.

    Many manufacturers are finally scaling their plugins. Everyone does it the way they want. Arturia is always criticized for the large number of PNGs, but the resolution and readability are exemplary. Waves has also got the hang of it and all Waves plugins are easy to scale. Vector-based is great anyway. But some plugins are poorly scaled and then go over the lower or upper edge.

    Musicians have a small market share, the large market share is gamers, and LED monitor manufacturers position themselves accordingly. There are also manufacturers for graphic design and video editing.

    But sometimes I wish I had a 4:3 monitor instead of a 16:9 monitor. Jean Michelle Jarre also has a monitor with a 4:3 format, so he can judge all the tracks better. Example: 21.3 inches = 1,600 x 1,200 pixels. I also watch movies on my monitor and love the 16:9 format.
  6. Emma Evi

    Emma Evi Kapellmeister

    Nov 12, 2021
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    The proportions of the GUI are simply odd imo bad usability especially for people who refuse to wear glasses :)
    I have the same discomfort when using StudioOne that why I prefer Logic


    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
  7. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    maybe in few more years, some advanced comfortable VR glasses will solve all that, not blocking the speakers at all :invision:
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  8. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Bought a Samsung G5 32" during the pandemic. Was the only thing available locally (that week) which was not over priced. Was trying to replace a 32" Viewsonic that suddenly died. Have had no issues other than Windows & NVIDIA drivers not scaling fonts & icons properly until recently. 475.14 version drivers seem to have resolved the issue.

    NVIDIA Control Panel is set to
    Refresh Rate: 120Hz
    Resolution: PC 2560 x 1440 (native)
    NVIDIA color settings: SDR (30-bit), 10 bpc, RGB, Full

    I also have the Windows Display Settings app disabled. All settings are controlled from monitor settings & NVIDIA Control Panel.

    Nexus scales properly up & down. All settings are retained/restored when opened in Reaper, Samplitude, Ableton, Pro Tools & Studio One 7.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  9. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Forgot all about that fun part. With my pair of 27"s, they're mounted on a dual arm in the center of my desk on the monitor riser and are lined up side by side. I've got about an inch of space on each edge before they run into my monitors. No Ultrawides for me hah. I could move the speakers out a bit more but then that means I'd be moving my chair way back to listen back to stuff and then move back up to work, move back to listen, I'd have to move my console, etc. Nah.
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  10. Emma Evi

    Emma Evi Kapellmeister

    Nov 12, 2021
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    It would be possible today if usability and accessibility were the focus.

    These GUIs seem to follow a form follows function” approach (as in, “Look, I crammed all the stuff into as little space as possible”).

    It’s entirely possible to create functional GUIs with good readability and an appealing design.

    The problem seems to be that most people don’t care.

    Let’s see if reFX improves the GUI once most of the bugs are fixed.

    As for Studio One, I’ve given up on it. They don’t seem to understand or care, and it feels like they don’t want users like me to stick around.

    Until then, I’ll just use the random button of Nexus and use other synths to create new content.
  11. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Before that 14" was popular so what??
    this is turning silly about now:rofl:
    1440p was very popular BEFORE 34" was a thing
    Ultrawides came after 2(or more) Monitor setups became Popular for home use
    equilateral monitoring triangle :deep_facepalm:
    DUEDAhhh we are talking home studios, its about approximating best outcomes
    Besides, ever seen pro studio setups:yes::no:

    if the other undecided peeps need another voice/view.
    review here
    as usual google & non google link

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  12. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Pretty ignorant, stupid comment, the age of stupidity is taking over. Nobody can laugh at your jokes.
    So @dondada, do you actually get money from the company you're advertising for here?
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well, i will understand and accept it if you already tried one. If this is a guess though, not very on point. I 've given up anything less than 30" for my daily studio work some 18 years ago. And although i own 8 different monitors, from 17" to 32", i would still upgrade to a couple of 43" or just one and a 1440p 32" on portrait mode for studio work (they 're very close in height this way)
    After using 43" 4k in one of my mates' studio for quite sometime, i have to say, only the Danny De Vito body types will have to move their heads in front of such a monitor, the rest will have np once they get used to the display's real estate. Scientifically and medically proven, the human eye has a horizontal view of 170-180 degrees and 90 degrees vertically. Given you position your monitor in the correct optimal position, which is about 15-18 degrees below your eyes' straight line, there should be no heads moving, only eyes hehe.
    A note here, i have np with anything people choose, convenience in a work environment is something i don't argue with, because everybody's got their own preference which is by far understandable. I only wrote to state that imho, a 43" in 2024 is what a 30" was back in 2006, when Dell released the game changing 3007WFP. 18 yrs later, i still rock two of these 1600p (16:10) 30" hehe. But it's been too long, upgrade is imminent for me too :)
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  14. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I use 2 24inch 1920X1200 displays. That is perfect never ever any scaling issues. On occasion I think about 4k, which would double the pixel count, but to get the same viewing size it would need to be a 43 to 48inch display, which would be to much looking up in my case, A smaller monitor with zooming seems counter productive to me, Say I buy a 4k 24inch monitor and zoom 200%, that would give exactly the same view. Less zoom will be to small. Maybe a 30 inch with 160% zoom would be ok, but the gains are minimal. Only 48 inch will give me (and you) the exact pixel gain, going from 24 inch full HD to 48inch 4k.
  15. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You have to make a clear distinction between what I really need and what I can afford. I think it's great that we're hearing from a professional what he uses or has used. It's certainly different when you make music professionally. Your Dell cost 1,410 euros. I thought the budget was around 300 euros!

    As a home user, I started with a 14-inch in 1998 and then LED was invented and you bought a larger and sharper monitor. Then at some point 4K came along and 4K was really very sharp for reading and in Studio One with real HDPI mode the buttons were also much sharper. A real step forward. For me as a private user, a 27-inch 4K 16:9 monitor has served me well for years. Monitors have become cheaper and more affordable as a mass product.

    I'm sitting here in front of my desk, the first thing I do is put the MIDI keyboard and the mouse, which is still in front of the desk or attached to a wooden board on the desk. then on the desk there is a keyboard, 19" voice module, scanner, audio interface and telephone, then the monitor and the monitoring monitors on the left and right. This means there is no more room on the desk.

    My beloved stereo triangle is 80x80x80! How big is yours? In the next few days I'll be getting a 32" monitor, just because of the Nexus 5, which will replace the old 27" monitor. It's all very tight but it will work. But for me that's the end of new larger monitors.
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Actually a 4k monitor is 4 times the pixel count of a FHD monitor. In your case because you use a 16:10 aspect ratio and 1200p instead 1080p will be a little less than 4 times.

    Now that you ask i bumped to some old photos last week. I 've never posted anything mine i think so here.
    This was my control room in 2007. I did do final mixes on console as with some things i'm as old school as it gets hehe. This setup on photo was quickly abandoned, mainly because of monitoring while editing wasn't exactly accurate due to position. So i built a custom stand allowing the displays to sit just on top of the console, because i like everything in front of me, big control freak lol. So everything was crammed into one place. The displays actually "sat" properly lower under the eye in the next re-arrange.
    A big leather couch was where you can't see and a 24U standing rack of gear was next to it. And a little further a double door corridor with triple glass doors.That was a ~20 sq.mtrs room after sound proofing/floating room build. The wooden floor was standing on sound absorbing industrial rubber pads, about 400 of them if i recall.
    MusicKitchenStudio 2007.jpg
    And these are some aspects of the live rehearsal and occasionally rec room. That was about 35sq.mtrs again all soundproof, similar floating room design by yours truly :D
    MusicKitchenStudio 2007 LiveRoom1.jpg MusicKitchenStudio 2007 LiveRoom2.jpg MusicKitchenStudio 2007 LiveRoom3.jpg
    Meh my Boogie MK IV's missing from the photos. Tsk tsk tsk. Actually there's too much gear missing from the photos as i had another two rooms, one 18 sq.mtrs dedicated to just rec, and another control room which was more like a compact project studio, my wedding's bestman and engineer was doing some ITB productions there. I will dig deeper for more memorabilia hehe.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    depends if you have a desktop where it sits, i probably would find the limit to be 32" and then maybe its a question if its already to big?!

    but im also sitting at 1080p 13.1" notebook display on 100% scalling, shit is so small, some stuff i did scale up like the forum page.

    Live on 90% scalling yao
  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    indeed, before 14" was 1024x768, I've been there,
    so what? just pointing out acceptable DPI/PPI had been settled on long time ago,
    only "exception" to that standard was Apple when they came out with "Retina" screens using x4 resolution for smooth (font) scaling,
    so in nowadays standards, 14" MacBook Pro is effectively 1512x982 and guess what, people obsess about it :bleh:
  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    so you're genuinely enjoying staring at two bezels in the middle of your view? for me it's compromise I can't stand :no:
  20. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I'm afraid it's not possible actually,
    in a similar way nearfield speakers cannot provide as wide dynamic range as midfield speakers, because of how human ears work, no techology wonder can fix that,
    you can test for yourself any nearfield speakers are limited by roughly 45dB of usable dynamic range (= 8bit) while cheap ass midfield monitors (like Kali Audio IN-8) even with 12dB self noise can provide more "hearable" dynamic range,
    - same goes with screens - something like iPhone SE 2020 with 1334x750 screen looking from few cm's will seem more dense/detailed than 80" 4K TV from few metres away, it's just how human eyes work