Permission denied / necessary permission

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by MusicMaker2023, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. Hello

    Has anyone ever had the "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have the necessary permission" message?

    I am trying to make a symlink for the Arturia sound banks to the Arturia folder on my Mac but when I make the symlink I get a permission denied message in terminal and then when I get info on the Arturia folder and try to change permissions there is throws me the error message above

    I have had sound banks symlinked before, and it never threw this error, but why it has started doing this now I have no idea, anyone able to help me.

  3. eheavy

    eheavy Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A quick fix could be to try running your Terminal command with sudo, which gives you superuser permissions. Just prepend sudo to your command, and it’ll ask for your password. That might help with creating the symlink without the permission errors
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    You shouldn't need to create a symlink. Make an alias by right clicking the target file or folder, and do Make Alias. Then move the alias to the origin location you want forwarded to the target. You can do Get Info on the Alias file and see the locations, if you need to alter them. Way easier than using a symbolic link.

    You should also get a copy of Permissions Reset 2 anyway:

    Or BatChmod:
  5. When you say target fold you mean the presets folder? Make an Alias of that?
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Yes. Then you move the Alias to the location where your Arturia plugin is looking for the presets. It forwards to the folder you want just like a symlink. You can click the Alias and it will open whatever folder it is redirecting to. If it's not correct, just adjust to the result. This works in almost all cases. You can usually figure out where to put the Alias by looking at where the plugin normally saves and loads stuff from, if it does not have a dedicated option to show whatever folders. Like User Presets and so on. Using symlinks is way too complicated for something so simple. I do not think I have a single symbolic link used for anything.
  7. Would I be able to do that for DIVA presets as well? Have them on my external instead of my Mac?
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I don't use Diva. It works for Omnisphere Steam folder and presets, Nexus 4 expansions and presets, etc. Normally, I only put things that take up lots of internal SSD space on my external. Presets are typically very small comparatively.

    Test it. You can't break anything, if something doesn't work and you can't figure it out; put the folder back to its original location. Good chance to figure out a workaround for this, because symlinks generally end up with the user asking the same questions as you did earlier. I never tell anyone to do things in Terminal if I can avoid it. People actually make and sell programs to manage symlinks. :suicide:
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024