Cableguys release Snapback: instant drum layering fx

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Backtired, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    What is Snapback?

    Cableguys and electronic music pioneer BT bring the art of drum layering into one fast, focused effect.

    Just put Snapback on any drum track and it detects each hit, layering new samples on top in perfect time. Now you can add punch, style and flair that EQ, compression and distortion cannot.

    Still missing that magic? Layer special snapback samples before the transient – a secret trick of pro producers for "living" grooves, available for the first time in an easy plugin.

    Two powerful layers
    Sample import

    Choose your Transient and Snapback sounds and refine them in seconds with easy controls that work exactly the same way for both layers. There is no faster way to layer your drums.

    Get pre-shifted claps in a click. Add unique texture to kicks and snares. And avoid boring, over-quantized grooves with exciting between-the-beats motion.

    Explore 200+ mix-ready transient and snapback layers from BT, Goldbaby, Virtual Riot and Cyclick.

    No more stacking full drum hits and hoping for the best – now you've got the pros' secret drum sauce: the separate components that are actually used to design top-tier drums.

    BT on Snapback
    "Cableguys are known for very easy plugins with immediate usage. I'm known for all kinds of wild sound design things. Together, we've made something that is a remarkable creative tool.

    Snapback is unlike anything else I've ever seen. I honestly think it will be one of those 'can't live without' plugins once you try it – it sure is for me."

    - BT, Grammy Nominated Composer & Technologist
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  3. nnnnnnnne.etriiig

    nnnnnnnne.etriiig Newbie

    Oct 25, 2024
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    ppl so lazy nowadays so they make plugins like this. Easily forgettable.
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  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    But it is "a brand new way to layer drums!". A level up game changer! And to add the kiss of death for any plugin, BT!
  5. 27ms_attack

    27ms_attack Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2024
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    If they can make the fist ever drum sample trigger that doesn't slightly misalign every other sample by 3ms, destroying the phase between the sample track and the real drum hit and prompting me to manually check every single hit to manually drag them, I'll buy it.
    Btw, does anyone actually have a good experience with ANY drum trigger at all? The best one I have used is the Melda one but I am still forced to manually check every single hit because no trigger can be trusted. Never tracked a drummer with those trigger tracks that supposedly make it easier.
  6. IC Dumb People

    IC Dumb People Member

    Feb 17, 2024
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    BT..boring techno? Now he can spend more time on his hair and wardrobe, and less on aligning samples. At that rate, he'll never leave the dressing room.

    Snapback? more like Nickleback and it ain't even worth that.
  7. ChemicalJobby

    ChemicalJobby Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2024
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    Thanks, added to my list of plugins to buy
  8. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    i understand what you're saying, but you could apply the same logic to when shaperbox came out, or vocal riders, or whatever.
    if it helps with inspiration, with saving time, or if anyone who's new learns a thing or two from it, i think it's a good product. we'll see!
  9. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    LMAO, only in Audiosex dudes will complain they have to spend less time to get good results. Looks like a cool plugin, though I really like the alternative from UVI.
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  10. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Yeah, fuck convenience! :snuffy:
  11. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    How is it good results? not to say it is a rule or anything, but usually when you incorporate reverse elements into tracks, you only want it to occur here and there to make some parts of the sequences sound more impactful. i don't see how it's useful to have a plugin that would stick reverse transients on every bit of the sequence. that just seems like more work to me. i honestly do not see the use for this, but i do know we are about to hear reverse transients on absolutely every single element of music in the coming months. the Youtube Overlords like Stranjah etc are already getting the word out that "THIS IS WHY YOUR TRANSIENTS DON'T SNAP PROPERLY. YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED THIS PLUGIN!!!!!. BUY NOW FROM MY AFFILIATE LINK" (insert extremely punchable video thumbnail face here)
  12. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    You need to differentiate between bad marketing tactics and the actual product. The 'reverse' element there isn't supposed to create rhythmic diversity but to contribute to a peculiar drum layering technique (that isn't new btw). It's clear that many people here don't understand what this plugin is supposed to do. It isn't a groundbreaking tool, but it's certainly convenient and fills some gaps in the drum replacement market.
  13. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I totally understand what the plugin is supposed to do. i haven't missed anything. i think you think i am talking about post edits in involving reversed elements of the same program material to flourish an arrangement e.g reverse reverb tails for leads and arps etc, but i actually was talking about what you are referring to. drum layering. even in this context though, it is only used to flourish the occasional hit in a sequence. having the same reversed elements on every single part in a drum rhythm would be incredibly redundant and you'd be hard pressed to find any examples of that happening. i can think of some pretty common proponents of reverse transients e.g Spor/Feed Me, Jon Hopkins, Chris Clark/ Clark, Tipper, but in all these examples, most of them are using them in a rhythmic context to augment what might otherwise be stiff rhythms (well, not Hopkins)and provide impact to certain hits where needed.

    Lets say for examples sake that is a thing, and it's pretty common (it isn't, but ok)it's still only a one shot. it's not like it can provide round robin to augment the transients from hit to hit which would make it a bit more useful. that's going to get very boring pretty fast, so there is always going to be a stage at which point you would want to change the layers. that would mean rendering out the multitracks or stems and what, running that same sound through "Snapback" with a slightly different pre-transient? at that point, you may as well have just done the whole sequence that way in the first place with MIDI or audio. I guess the main strength of this would've been the triggering, but after having a play with it for about 10mins and realising it for the gimmick that it is, the triggering isn't good and was definitely an afterthought other than the look-ahead. that wouldn't surprise me though as very few to no plugins have a good handle on triggering and gating outside of modular environments like VCV, Cardinal, Bitwig when you use DC offset to simulate CV's.

    I may have seen the benefit in this if the "transient layering"portion of it was not just essentially a one shot sampler and they really got into the nitty gritty of getting phase tight transients, but even that is nothing new, and you can even hear in their own examples that the one shot layers do not work at all with the 808-ish kick they use in most of the sound demos

    The only good thing is the price... :unsure:
  14. nnnnnnnne.etriiig

    nnnnnnnne.etriiig Newbie

    Oct 25, 2024
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    nah... being honest with you... that tool will make u trust the program not ur ears ... imagine newbies using these tools. When we millenials (talking about the range of age Im between) complain about music becoming plastic its reflect here too.. if u do this manually u know what I mean... some parts a bit lazy.. other part on grid maybe not... nah... thats basic of rhytm skills cmon. They always find a way to rip off stupid people pockets and its always repeat but like I said.. in like 1 month before release nobody will remember anything about that tool.

    ps* but at the end its ur money and u can waste the way u want... we just chatting here. lol
  15. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    I agree that it isn't the most in-depth tool out there. And I don't see a problem with that, especially given the price point. It can be handy and save time in niche audio applications, I think that's a good enough reason to say it's useful.

    I do see a bit of a contradiction in people admonishing convenience. It's an argument that can be retroactively be used discredit every single audio engineering tool ever created. We survived dynamic EQs, spectral compressors, and de-essers, and we will survive drum layering tools, too, folks. I guarantee it. :thumbsup:
  16. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    It's not really me rallying against convenience. it's more i just find the plugin redundant. it seems like a timesaver on the surface, but eventually, that readiness is likely going to shoot you in the foot in some tracks somewhere down the line, and you may as well have taken the hard road. I'd say that goes for any of these modern convenience tools though like; Soothe (requires automating if you don't wanna live with some of the artefacts), Dynamic EQ's(requires automating to be truly useful). people seem pretty gung ho about it though, so all the power to em. i guess i can just condense all this verbiage into sayin, it aint for me and leave it at that. i don't have any particularly strong feelings about it and ya right, my biggest contention is with the marketing and shilling, but that aint Cableguys fault. just a sign o the times
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There's nothing wrong with it, but the marketing is typical. It adds very little additional capability to what can already be done with Kick2. If the Kick2 Clicks 1-3 had an individual threshold parameter on them as a trigger, you'd be hard pressed to find any reason to use this thing.
    It's threshold triggering layered samples is similar to the premise of UVI Drum Replacer.

    Maybe they will develop it more, with it being so new. If it happens to be around as a little utility, you could make use of it. I do not think anyone who knows what they are doing would be happy after buying it. At all.
  18. bladexd

    bladexd Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Can I install a Legit Snapback on two machines ?
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