things that aren't what they represent themselves to be..

Discussion in 'humor' started by Garamondo Furbish, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    No problem with your language. I understand you. I think we're coming from the same place in terms of diet and healthy lifestyle.

    I understand a little bit about the important of stems cells, but I'm still not sure about dark chocolate vs. other types of food on stem cell growth (proliferation?), or how dark chocolate in particular impacts health compared to other foods.

    Also dark chocolate is known to be high in lead and cadmium content:

    You would need to consider the benefits and risks of consuming large amounts.

    People eat like absolute shit in America and would rather try to scramble to get put on pharmaceutical drugs than take the difficult route of a healthy balanced diet, caloric deficit, and moderate exercise. Foods with excess sugar and minimal fiber are basically or no value to the average person's diet and excess consumption of those things is know to lead to a plethora of health conditions.

    I changed my diet in a similar way to you it seems. With that said, my diet and Michael Phelps diet can be completely different and we can still both be healthy because we have different lifestyles and physical requirements. His diet would probably kill me in a month haha.
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  2. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    this thread is a fantastic reminder of why I spend so little time on social media these days
  3. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    So true. So many experts and so many "facts".

    I think I gave up somewhere around "CO2 Plant Food"...
  4. Bing_Again

    Bing_Again Noisemaker

    Oct 5, 2024
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    sounds good but i'd be afraid to try it. i have a bag in front of me, 454g of organic non-gmo cacao, and on the back it says this:
    WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals which are known to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

    mainly cadmium i guess. so bizarre seeing prop65 cancer warnings on food.
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  5. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    I completely agree. I hate scientists and researchers, but more than anything I hate educating myself.

    I should just stick to using Nexus and making sick trap bangers. That's the stuff that actually matters. :rofl:

    Bet most of these researchers use Waves plugins tbh. Damn shame.
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  6. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Scientists are the worst. They think they're clever because they know stuff...and other stuff too!

    I prefer to get my facts from random strangers on the internets.
  7. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I had no idea that this site had amalgamated with Truth Social.
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  8. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    As much as I find this topic unfunny, it was created in the humor section. By all means discuss and share your opinions, but we can do without the xenophobic comments, please and TY.
  9. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Well, if you don't know that farmers channel CO2 into greenhouses, because it's great for growing plants, then maybe someone has been fooling you...
    And if you don't know that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, and that photosynthesis creates oxygen, then it shows, that you lack event he basic understanding, how dumb thier lies are.

    Here's something you could do:
    Ask ChatGPT about carbon capturing and where the biggest carbon capturing plant is being built and how much CO2 it will capture.
    And then ask ChatGPT, how much carbon one tree is storing.

    And if you are not 80 IQ, you will recognize, that planting only a few thousand trees every year, captures the same amount of CO2, than a huge plant wasting resources and with a half life of 20 years.

    And if you would be intelligent, then you would have recognized, when Bill Gates is holding speeches with sh.t in a glass on a podium and wants you to drink water filtered from feces, that something must be very wrong, because you would recognize, that every sewage treatment plant is placed where?
    Close to a river.
    So Bill Gates is promoting to drink piss water, but instead of doing that, simply the water upstream of the sewage plant could be used for filtration...

    But that's the problem: you recognize nothing, because you do not combine things and think on your own.

    They want you to literally drink piss and you will approve it, because some authority on the TV told you that's "the science" (R) and you criticize those, who tell you: hey, don't believe them, don't eat sh.t and don't drink piss, it's a stupid lie.

    "The TV said they are scientists and there is only one opinion among scientists."
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2024
  10. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    So you do not know the receipe to stir oatmeal into the egg dish?
    Oatmeal is also good for potency.
    If it would be bad, I doubt that would be the case.

    Just as you explained: being on a somewhat healthy diet and then eating McDonalds, I can feel the next day, how I have much less energy.
    Eating two consecutive days McDonalds and I need a week to regain my power.
    But I admit: it tastes sooo good. :facepalm:
  11. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    You are assuming waaaay too much. I am obviously aware of the necessity of CO2 for plant growth (I attended high school), but if the implication here is that radical increases into earths atmosphere is a GOOD thing then Id like to direct you towards the concept of conflation...which is precisely what this argument is.
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  12. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    Regular plants produce way more CO² than what they use in photosynthesis.
    Only Cyanobacteria is able to produce enough O² for other livings being able to breathe
  13. 27ms_attack

    27ms_attack Member

    Oct 12, 2024
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    That's absolutely false. You may have mixed up the fact that roughly half of the earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean, or the fact that the oxygen production rates of smaller organisms are higher (more efficient producers), but all plants are still a net absorber of carbon dioxide not an emitter.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2024
  14. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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    This is psychosomatic, i.e. from the head. If you get heart problems from a citizen, you are already half dead.
  15. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    Yes you might right about that part. Thank you for correcting me.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2024
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  16. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Do you have any link or source or some study or whatsoever that covers what you wrote?
    Not any of this makes sense to me, I could be wrong though.
    So I would love to read more about those theories.
    (Like the brain runs on fructose and not any other sugar (glucose) - and why the glucose the body builds from carbohydrates would not run our brains)
  17. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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    This is how we get energy from sugar
    Our body constantly needs energy, so there is always glucose floating around in the blood. The amount is measured as blood sugar. The sugar in the blood causes insulin to be produced and released. This ensures that the blood sugar level is regulated by removing the sugar from the blood and transporting it to the body cells of the organs. These cells get their energy from it.

    Why does the body need sugar?
    Our brain loves sugar. After eating sweets, it rewards us with a feeling of happiness, as the simple sugar glucose it contains supplies the brain cells with energy particularly quickly. Our body needs sugar because, like oxygen, glucose is essential for basic physical functions such as breathing, heartbeat or conscious thinking. The brain devours a large part of the glucose it absorbs.

    Prefer foods containing complex sugars
    However, in order to supply our bodies with glucose, it would not be necessary to consume sugar directly in the form of table sugar or sweetened foods and drinks. The sugar that is essential for our survival is the complex sugar that is found in foods such as vegetables, lentils or potatoes. Our bodies can obtain glucose from such foods in a healthy way - not too large and not too quickly.
  18. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    You confuse causation (of higher measured temps) with correlation (rising CO2 parameter propaganda) and want to lecture me about conflation?

    Serious question:

    Do you recognize a logical contradition:

    1. Claim: CO2 is responsible for earth's warming.
    2. Fact 1: CO2 concentration in earth's atmospehre was much higher in earlier times.
    3. Fact 2: Earth cooled despite rising CO2 concentration.

    Are you aware, what a logical contradiction according to empirical science even means?

    I have the suspicion, that the majority of people is so amazingly dumb, that they do not recognize what an empirical falsification means for a theory.

    It's like doctors in white coats and with totally serious faces telling a colorblind person total lies about the colors in a picture.
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  19. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I eat nuts, seeds, roots, fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans/legumes. I treat my animal derived foods like side dishes. I only drink water.

    I cook everything I eat myself, if it requires cooking. I try to stick to some baking, but mostly I slow boil. On occasions I'll fry something. I've eaten this way for most of my life. I actually got the idea from an old school Japanese man, related to one of my best friends, who seemingly barely aged.

    Today I'm a fit 50 years old male with zero physical health conditions. I take no medications and or supplements. Bonus, I have all my hair, and look younger too.

    Having to cook often sucks imo, (it's mostly the prep and cleaning I don't like) but I'm going to just stick with what's been working for me, until it doesn't. Hard stance.
  20. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2024
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    There's a cartoon out there with an old man in his late eighties sitting on a doctor's chair with his skin wrinkled, sore bones and limited mobility.
    The doctor says:

    "Remember when I said if you eat really healthy, give up cigarettes and alcohol, that you'll live another ten years? This is your ten years".

    PLASTICS - humans spent so much time over decades creating plastics, Teflon and other things with intent to benefit, yet later, it was found to be bad for humans and the environment... Honestly, it will be at least as long before there are next to no traces at all in food, water and the environment.
    We are organic. We start dying from the moment we are born. Sorry if that sounds morbid, but it is the truth. Enjoy your life.
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