things that aren't what they represent themselves to be..

Discussion in 'humor' started by Garamondo Furbish, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Took a few mid level nutrition classes in college (not to become a dietician, and I am not an expert), but this is one of the most wildly uninformed posts about nutrition I've ever seen. :rofl:

    Edit: Here, if you want to educate yourself a bit more. Also your statements need significantly more context for if (and when) things are good, or bad for you.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2024
  2. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    I had to stop drinking water completely because there are trace amounts of hazardous metals in almost all water supplies.

    Now I can say I'm mineral free, healthier than ever and I no longer set off metal detectors in the airport.

    Dear God I'm thirsty though.
  3. slowpoke

    slowpoke Kapellmeister

    Feb 26, 2021
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    Getting diagnosed type 2 diabetes was the best thing that happened to me. Up till then I felt like shit and didn't like myself much. I turned it round and today i'm much fitter and happier. Still shit at guitar though, so there's that.
  4. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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  5. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    people eat high rates of industry sugar in processed food even without counting softdrinks,candy and fruit juice.
    diabetiker rates rise and rise .
  6. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Sure i'll buy that for a dollar. However the fact that insulin is now a multi-billion $ capitalist market and the fact that the big-food conglomerates dump as much HFCS in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g anymore has sent the american diabetes statistics into the stratosphere. Since most younger americans are addicted to processed big-food at early ages they are the hardest hit by those stats. There is a stark contrast in diabetic stats between america and those from europe, where there is not a proliferation of HCFS into the food supply. Most of the european population cook their own food with real ingredients. As such there is no market there for the american type corporate processed garbage that passes for food in american supermarkets.

    Getting organic from local clean food co-ops is still your best bet for cleaner foods. Farm stores are your best bet for good produce and any sort of animal/fish/poultry "product" should be avoided at all costs from ANY source. The contamination of "meat product" (animal/bird/seafood) in the american food chain is beyond disgusting.
  7. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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    n England they have now increased the tax on these sugary drinks.
    It is actually a crime against humanity to sell people such food. Gelgger eats brains.
  8. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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    An old saying goes: Pharmacy cannot make money from healthy people!
    First you have to analyse the problem to understand what it is about. Then you have to act. You can eat healthily even with little money by not buying ready-made products and only preparing your food at home. You should stop eating white industrial sugar and refined white flour type 550 and replace them with honey and wholemeal flour type 1050, for example.

    You should devote yourself to nature again and go back to the past, when there was no industrially manufactured food.
    You simply have to realise that you are poisoning yourself. The exploding doctor and hospital costs are at the expense of the modern fast food industry and its henchmen.
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  9. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    "Different foods, different spikes
    Does eating different food types before carbs affect glucose spikes? Turns out, yes. This isn’t new evidence either.

    Scientists have known for a long time that high-fibre foods, such as salads, slow gastric emptying (the rate at which food exits the stomach). So high-fibre foods slow the delivery of glucose and other nutrients to the small intestine for absorption into the blood."

    Demonstration of eating a salad before carbohydrates and it's ability to decrease and shorten the duration of spikes in blood sugar levels.
  10. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Nope! how dare you assume my death identity. I for one identify as non dying, and will have a quantum computer create the necessary algorithm for me to continue life well beyond all you non-lifers.
  11. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    true fact
    true...just look at people with high fruit intake like lenny kravitz or these asian actors age of 60 playing 20 year old roles....
    aubergine,potatos,paprika etc are not good at all and should not be eaten to often

    you also like me made the point about fibres before eating sweet betters the blood sugar peaking... but from what are fruits made for the most , indeed fibres the microbiome reacts different to natural food than cant compare industry sugar and processed food with organic fruits

    and the most unblvbl is that some science people still say that unheated honey is just sugar ...
    WHO still say that eggs are bringing cholesterol up but modern studies showed its quite the oppossite

    the only misstake he made is this
  12. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    fact is if you dont eat sunflower oil,wheat and industry sugar which autmaticly means no processed food no fast food etc , your health will get much better .
    of course there is a difference between wild blueberry and mango sugarwise but if your intake add up with daily needed calories all is fine .

    did you know that you can double your stem cells in 30 days by eating daily 100g organic cacao
    something says me that this is not on the curriculum on a college
    even all these nutrient reference values are outdated cause farming and soil changed to the ultimat terrible .
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  13. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    1. You seemed to completely miss the misinformation I refuted with the links to published research:

    "All veggies are GLUCOSE based, hence why eating a massive veggie salad shoots up your blood sugar (GLUCOSE level) way up temporarily"

    Implying that fruit is good for blood sugar and vegetables are bad for blood sugar. Fructose good, glucose bad. That is wildly uninformed.

    2. I Never said fruit was bad. Fruit is good for you. Fruit is typically higher in sugar than vegetables which should be considered (even though the fiber in fruit allows for slower absorption of sugar into the blood). Too much fruit can be bad for you. Too many vegetables can be bad for you.

    3. Never said eating organic produce is bad for you. I only commented on the blood sugar misinformation. A diet high in essential macronutrients and micronutrients is important. Produce can provide a lot of that but then you need a significant source of protein as well. Eggs would be a good choice.

    " Suggestive evidence indicates that organic food consumption may reduce the risk of allergic disease and of overweight and obesity, but residual confounding is likely, as consumers of organic food tend to have healthier lifestyles overall. Animal experiments suggest that growth and development is affected by the feed type when comparing identically composed feed from organic or conventional production. In organic agriculture, the use of pesticides is restricted, and residues in conventional fruits and vegetables constitute the main source of human exposures. Epidemiological studies have reported adverse effects of certain pesticides on children’s cognitive development at current levels of exposure, but these data have so far not been applied in the formal risk assessments of individual pesticides. The nutrient composition differs only minimally between organic and conventional crops, with modestly higher contents of phenolic compounds in organic fruit and vegetables. There is likely also a lower cadmium content in organic cereal crops. Organic dairy products, and perhaps also meats, have a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventional products, although this difference is of likely of marginal nutritional significance."

    4. "btw
    did you know that you can double your stem cells in 30 days by eating daily 100g organic cacao
    something says me that this is not on the curriculum on a college"

    Ok? So all the extra stem cells turn you into Superman and you can fly around? Care to go into detail about what the health benefits of doubling your stem cells are? People die if they don't eat dark chocolate?

    " Conclusion
    Cacao consumption up-regulates multiple intracellular signaling pathways involved in T cell activation and cellular immune response. These effects emerged weakly within 2 h but there was greater gene expression by the end of 1 wk intervention. Results are consistent with previous indications that cacao components inhibit MAPK activation, but suggest T cell function may be preserved and enhanced via other compensatory molecular pathways. It should be noted that the NF-kB up-regulation source was not from up-regulated monocytes suggesting a role other than cascading inflammation. It is of interest, to note, that genes involved in neural signaling and sensory processes were up-regulated. The functional significance of these effects for immune cells remains to be defined by future expansive research, as do the neurobiological mechanisms involved."

    ***The functional significance of these effects for immune cells remains to be defined by future expansive research, as do the neurobiological mechanisms involved.***

    Sounds good, seems good, probably is good, but needs more research to understand the health benefits.

    Edit: Also, it you want to link to any research to support your claims (or refute my claims), it's really easy to do that. It requires a bit of time and effort but is a lot more useful than throwing around anecdotal evidence. There's a ton of research out there and you have to consider the level of evidence and the quality of the study as well. I'll read whatever you send my way. I'm open to it.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2024
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  14. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    "95% or MORE of items found in "grocery store aisles" are UNHEALTHY and SUPER PROCESSED food-like items. This is why the ONLY place anyone should be eating from is the Produce and non GMO as much as possible.."

    Auen Fred: "true fact"

    "Recent research from Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute indicates that 73 percent of the United States food supply is ultra-processed. Based on these findings, the research team built a database of 50,000 foods that helps consumers identify ultra-processed products and find healthier alternatives.

    Building off research published in Nature Food, the researchers worked to predict the degree of food processing, outlined in a paper currently under review. A second paper, also under review, explores the prevalence of processed food. Using their findings, the researchers constructed a database containing over 50,000 food items across Walmart, Target, and Whole Foods Market. The database indicates that 73 percent of the U.S. food supply is ultra-processed and suggests that ultra-processed foods are 52 percent cheaper than less processed alternatives, on average."

    Hmmm, who am I going to trust more with this information, random people on a music forum, or groups of researchers from educational institutions.

    Idk you did say it was a "true fact" that 95% of foods in grocery stores are unhealthy (define unhealthy) and super processed, so maybe I should believe you without anything to back that claim.
  15. Radio

    Radio Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Eat more cereal, buy oatmeal and raisins and a few hazelnuts with some milk! The raisins completely replace the sugar. Oatmeal contains more iron than meat and is one of the healthiest grains in the world. If you have a few dollars left over, buy some nuts with their shells.

    Stop buying ready-made industrial products. The additives make you sick, depressed or aggressive.
  16. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Sure, but look what they are doing: instead of burning the plastic in modern, totally clean, waste facilities, they are creating recycled plastics, which are hyper toxic! And use it for water and food packaging.

    Or because of the demonization about the plant food CO2, they are placing toxic solar panels everywhere. People don't know how toxic they are and that over time the rain water is washing hte poison into the ground.

    And that's how, after one storm, toxic solar panels poison the soil forever:

    Windmills are even worse.

    Unfortunately, in the matriarchy, hysteria is ratcheted up with every event, logic and reason have no chance, and we are therefore moving into an age of human sacrifices in order to avert the "impending disaster" (in the middle ages, people did not know, what the reason for the plague was, therefore the witch hunt at least has some kind of rational explanation - but today all the data refuting the CO2 lie is already known and available, but hysteria already prevails).

    The fact that people are already starting to eat chemical pastes and insects (= always with excrement!) instead of meat, while the propagandists of the CO2 lie fly around the world in their private jets and don't know how to live even more luxuriously and decadently, is just a foretaste of the coming human sacrifices (this time a global witch hunt to "save the earth").
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2024
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  17. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    i agree you right...

    Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body.
    They serve as a repair system for the body

    1. Regeneration of Tissue: Stem cells have the unique ability to replace damaged tissues. This regeneration capacity has tremendous therapeutic potential for injuries and diseases that lead to tissue damage or loss, such as heart disease, spinal cord injury, or burns.
    2. Treatment of Blood Disorders: Stem cells are crucial in treating leukemia and lymphoma. Through bone marrow transplants, healthy stem cells replace the patient's diseased cells, often leading to a cure or significant improvement in the patient's health.
    3. Neurological Disease Treatment: Stem cells provide new avenues for treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. The patient's cognitive functions and motor skills can be improved by replacing damaged neural cells.
    4. Drug Development: Stem cells allow scientists to test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. For instance, heart cells derived from stem cells can be used to test potential drugs for heart disease, decreasing the reliance on animal testing and improving drug development efficiency.
    5. Understanding Disease Progression: Disease modeling with stem cells gives researchers a better understanding of how diseases develop and progress, providing vital insights for developing new therapeutic strategies.
    6. Reversing Aging: Preliminary research suggests that stem cells could be used to reverse the aging process. By replenishing aged or damaged cells, stem cells might contribute to healthier, longer lives.
    7. Genetic Disorders: Stem cells can be genetically modified to correct defects, offering the potential for treating genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis or muscular dystrophy.
    8. Tissue Engineering: Stem cells can be used to grow new organs or tissues in the lab, reducing the dependency on organ donations and the risk of organ rejection.
    9. Fighting Cancer: Stem cell therapies may boost the body's immune response to cancer, improving patient treatment outcomes.
    10. Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases: By resetting the immune system, stem cell therapy has shown promise in treating autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and lupus, offering hope to patients with these chronic conditions.
    11. Diabetes Treatment: For type 1 diabetes, where the body's immune system destroys insulin-producing cells, stem cells offer the potential to create new insulin-producing cells, improving or potentially curing the disease.
    12. Stem Cells in Eye Health: Stem cells hold promise in treating diseases that cause vision loss, like macular degeneration, by replacing the damaged cells in the retina.
    13. Liver Disease Treatment: Stem cells can potentially regenerate damaged liver tissue, offering a new approach to treating liver diseases like cirrhosis.
    14. Addressing Infertility: Stem cells could be used to create sperm or egg cells, offering new treatment possibilities for infertility.
    15. Reducing Organ Transplant Rejections: When organs are grown from the recipient's own stem cells, it reduces the risk of rejection since the organ is not foreign to the body, improving transplant success rates and patient outcomes.

    look mate im not here for battle in science studys and my english isnt proper anyways , but i know what the things i mentioned did to my body. i was eating shit all my life and addicted to industry sugar .in the meantime i dont need a study for the eggs cause i know for a fact that high intake of eggs is beneficial cause if it would be like WHO says , i would had a heart attack cause my heart health was very bad and now its much better .

    my main point was that
    is right and all diabetes guys here should not equal fruits with their definition of sugar which is industry sugar .
    cutting sugar instantly is not nice and its like a drug , i needed longer period to do it.
    ...i bet a lot of diabetes guys here eat so much sugar from sources they dont even know its in there and on top drink softdrinks and fruit juice .
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  18. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Soda should be taxed 5000% in America to disincentivize people from consuming it.

    There's a shocking irony here. People complaining about how expensive healthcare is in America and then being perfectly fine with people being allowed to purchase Gatorade, candy and soda with welfare Food Assistance (SNAP) money.

    It's very profitable for the healthcare industry and the manufacturers of junk food though, so it will never be restricted on a state or federal level unfortunately.
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  19. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    is also have prodective poison like
    some nightshade plants do...and if its not from a good organic source its highly contaminated
    for me i say once a week or so
  20. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    and on the other hand if i just eat a burger with fries from burger king i instantly feel heart fck ups from transphat and omega 6
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