seriously how to deal abusive parents. i have nothing against them but it feels like they like to throw dirt at me for no reason. any of you who feel the same about family?
Depends on what you mean abusive! if actual body harm then could be a police matter! but if it's just normal discipline then do as you are told!
You kids today get away with a load of shit! i had the cane in school & botty warmer! yes botty warmer discipline was strict !
just go ahead and clean your room and get it over with, or let the maid back in so she can do it. life is hard and then you go off to uni as Aristotle once is alleged to have been overheard saying.
If you're being treated considerably worse than your friends, then your parents might just be bad people. That's very difficult to accept, but millions of parents aren't wired up correctly in the head to take care of kids. It's better to figure that one out ASAP and to move on if that's the case than it is to spend 50 years with a crippling mental illness wondering what you could've done better to make them love you just a tiny bit more.
This topic is a little complex for a bunch of bozos (especially me) on a music forum! Are you a minor? Do you live at home? Is getting away an option? Are they right about you (even if expressing it harshly)? I would try and talk with other family members (maybe including your parent's siblings) or a counselor that is experienced in this kind of thing (If you're an adult on your own the answer may simply be it's time to tell them to fck off.)
I thought my parents were bad, until I met other people's parents.. Nobodys perfect and nobody's parents are perfect. we're all humans, prone to mistakes, failures, oversights, wandering attention etc,etc combine it with making a living and getting along with all the people we meet along the way and sometimes we all get a little overwhelmed or distracted. Consider your parents probably love you very much, even if they don't say it every day, just by their actions of doing what they think is best for you, by providing a home and meals and an environment where you can learn about the world and find out what makes you happy. My parents weren't the most outwardly loving as we got older. we got plenty of love when we were young, but it was a big family and we had to kind of find our own way many times, still we knew many people who were better off and many who were worse off, so we felt like it was a good childhood. We didn't get beat too often and never more than a spanking or a belt on the bottom if we were especially terrible. We paid attention and didn't do it again, whatever brought on the punishment, we learned from it. My parents had a hard life, grew up in the depression, saw world war II, had very severe parents and strange childhoods with health and family issues. They wanted a better life for us, even if we didn't see it or know it all the time until we were adults. As you grow older your perspective on life and your parents will change. Try not to judge them too harshly they are the only parents you'll ever have. Life is better if you learn to forgive many things as allowing your thoughts to malinger will only lead to brooding and more problems. Let the small things fall away, and take heart in the joys that life brings. Life is short and often bittersweet, but it can all be appreciated if we receive it with the proper mindset and heart. good luck and try to be patient, your parents are probably just going through a phase. they'll grow out of it eventually.......
My dad was super supportive and drove me to gigs in high school and my mom still asked me when I was getting a job after I had been supporting myself for 25 years, so I guess for me it all balanced out. But she wasn't abusive. That would really suck.
I would also recommend you watch this documentary on parenting so you can see how hard the world was before the internet. its entitled "take her, she's mine"..
Kate, how do you pay for your cool synths and hardware gear? i consider 'abusive' a very strong word, people just throw that word everywhere nowadays (i'm not saying that is necessarily your case, but it could be that your parents are not as abusive as you might think. from your username, location, and avatar photo it looks like they are more to the 'overprotective' than abusive - which idk just throwing some thoughts.)