Thunderbolt is dead

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by tzzsmk, Jun 22, 2024.

  1. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I think TB4 streams more data. FW was awesome because it could do some pretty funky things WRT to not needing to be connected to an actual computer. Very useful for people remote work I suspect TB probably had similar intentions.

    The only reason I have TB is I'm on Macbook pro with the ports and the ADAT has both USB-C and Thunderbolt with recomendation being using TB if you have it.

    It reads as an intel fuck up... (Has anyone actually tried using the adapter cables from Apple? Just in case they fool the particular update?)

    I don't hear many Mac users complaining. Though I was fucked off about FW, Focusrite mothballed their own projects using FW (Saffire) way before... Ultimately FW wasn;t being developed any more so it's days were always numbered.

    My 2c, yep, it's just shit when obsoletion happens out of turn. Things can't last forever, but with TB3+4 having same ports as USB-C it makes implementation/development easier. What you can't easily plan for is the PEBKAC who doesn't realise the difference in ports and buys the wrong cables/interface.
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  3. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  4. Lemonhead714

    Lemonhead714 Member

    May 26, 2022
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    South Central Ohio
    The image makes me feel as if he may have the dreaded "A Flock of Seagulls" complex.
  5. Mitre

    Mitre Newbie

    May 6, 2024
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    And i've actually lived in a socialist/ communist country, yea capitalism is bad and all but the theory and system behind it actually promotes progress, which the other systems didn't. Of course you can see progress very one-dimensional as a cash grab and there are certain aspects of capitalism promoting actual silly cash grab moves. Pharma companies earn lots of money by inventing new medicine, but that doesn't mean that everything they invented in the last 100 years was completely useless, some of it has significantly improved the living conditions of everyone. And honestly, the progress of music mediums wasn't just "the same shit with a new name", eg the upgrade to CD was a significant progress in fidelity and the upgrade to compressed files like mp3 basically changed to world of music completely, and their features got used by everyone who ever bought it.
  6. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    its not about politics, its about being in closed system, the proverbial walled garden, like iphone,where you can only use IPhone apps from iphone store and you can't repair your own shit that you bought and own. Samething software is closed you can't get source code to fix bugs and improve it for your own use case..

    A hundred kinds of detergent that won't clean you clothes and leave chemical residues on them, is worthless as diversity of choice leads to the same place.

    So it is with software, the diference between microsoft word 2003 and microsoft word 2024 is useless to most users, but they disabled word2003 from running on 64 bit o/s, so you have to trick things up, use a virtual machine etc, to use software you paid for and have a license for. This is not about the user, its about creating a revenue stream for a billion dollar company to keep exploiting the stupidity and lack of discernment and understanding of its customer base.

    there is little technical improvement in the world, there is only the appearance of improvement and a hefty price tag for what is usually to the users detriment like telemetry etc.

    I'm not against capitalism, I'm against corprotocracy and too big to fail corporations acquiring and destroying everything reasonable, useful and beautiful.
  7. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Funny that. Yet intel doesn't consider IME (probably the most insidious security flaw of them all) that is STILL built into all intel procs since around 2007 any sort of security threat what so ever.
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  8. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Yup. Exactly. It's called planned obsolescence - the root of all human monkey corporate consumerism. It applies to both hardware and software although the software side is the most volatile. There's really no sane reason to even pay for the shit anymore because the cracks are decent enough to make it appear completely legit to the outside world. So now the corporate model is to resort to pushing in-OS ad's and under the table "upgrades" on all those who are dumb enough to leave the autonomic spy/malware functions of the stock OS turned on. The "updates/grades" generally will break more than they fix but hey, just more corporate reasoning to make you upgrade to their next version of shit-ware. Because they never seem to get enough of all your usage data, personal online habits, and telling you what you need rather than the other way around.

    So what happens to all that hardware after the obsolescence flag has been raised upon it? RME still insists that USB2.x is still more than sufficient for most all audio needs. When I built my last media processing box, thunderbolt was never even a remote consideration mainly because I never bought into it.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
  9. Bitterman

    Bitterman Newbie

    Aug 18, 2024
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    You can buy Office 2021 Professional for 35 bucks here, it's worth paying that amount for 23 years of updates:) And on top it is 64 bit.
  10. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    You can get all the "updates" you want with a K'd version as well in what ever bit-ness you want. Updates are not what I'd call a feature worth spending any $ on... For personal uses at any rate. Business use is a whole other taco...
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
  11. MFSAKA

    MFSAKA Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2021
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    When you read TB is dead running session on double chained FW interfaces
  12. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    newbie thinking i'm afraid. its a man thing, problem, solution move0on. whass da problum???

    my girlfriend a long time ago told me the difference between a man and a woman is, a man will just keep trying harder, can't get the thing to open up, just force it, get a crowbar etc. while woman will consider the problem (and then probably go get a man to fix it for them).

    THe problem isn't that I don't have 35$ or that I couldn't get the damn thing for free from some warez site, the problem is its just more junk laden tracking system with a word processor etc on top of it.

    I've used computers since you were part of dad's swim team. I'd be more than satisfied using one of my dozens of legit copies of office 2003, on my current machine,
    since a. I know the interface intimately and the shortcut keys and keep use them quickly and efficently

    b. I know how to block the minimal tracking (like it embeds your user name in every document, so don't use your real name when installing the program, etc.)

    c. I've paid for the damn license I should be able to use it as long windows is a friggin operating system.

    it aint about the money, its about the endless upgrade treadmill, if you're green(as in new to computing) you look at every upgrade as a great new thing, if your jaded (as in have been continually fucked over by upgrades for decades), you look at every upgrade as more holes in your computer, more new bugs, more features that no longer work like they used to, new shitty menus that bury obvious things and try to drive you into their new marketing channel. Its fucking Clippy on steriods for retards.

    I restate my original claim, upgrades do not exist for the users, its a marketing scheme to increase revenue for software houses.

    my 1991 bmw is way more fun to drive than my 2003 bmw, and its mostly upgrades that fucked that up, still I'm sure its better than driving a 2024 bmw that seals you in a tin can and does your thinking for you while tracking everything on a black box for the insurance companies and the gps tracks everywhere you ever go forever. The ABS making sure you don't brake too hard or too fast, is great if you are driving on a wet mountain road with bald tires, however its another point of failure and there are more BMW's driving around with ABS lights on than off, indicating a failure in the sensor chain, a useless upgrade only needed for twats that can't drive or stay off their phones when driving, etc. etc etc. They tried to offer "software rental" to enable your use of the heated seats on the new cars, another upgrade meant to fuck over the purchaser of the vehicle for the benefit of a recurring revenue stream for BMW.

    You own your own shit, or the manufacturer does, according to the right to repair fights in the courts currently trying to determine who actually owns a thing they paid for, its freakin insane, that its come to this.

    Progress is rarely progressive, rather it has become regressive, if things work for us, we should be able to continue to use them, continuity is important in life and in maintaing the ability to create without the software getting in the middle and bolloxing up things yet again.

    Devo was right, devolution is happening in real time all around us.
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