Working with Chronic pain / Chair Rec's?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by shinyzen, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. baszermaszer

    baszermaszer Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    You allowed yourself go flaccid and limp like a dropped pancake from a pan.

    You need light athletics. Jogging with sprints on empty stomach, coupled with frog jumps, some push ups. Pull-ups, where you need to learn to just hang really nicely stretching your spine, attempting to pull yourself up couple inches then let yourself fall again still hanging.

    Stretching: turning your torso gently from side to side

    Sit ups: don't sit up fully, only lift your ribcage, check it out on YT.

    Good spine stretches - hanging from a bar by your hands - and try turning your hips from side to side

    Do wonderful hip splits with going into squat position and with your elbows against your knees push your knees OUT combating some pain ==> gently raise your ass an inch then let it fall back multiple times, while pushing your knees OUT assertively with your elbows against pain. Then stand up and do "hulahoop" hip rolls in both directions with your hands your hips. Works wonders for me.

    Try a chiropractor, but without exercise it'll be like a pill for a headache..

    Also you badly need to buy another chair which has completely different padding for your ass and lower spine.. Then switch chairs daily.

    Or just do as I do: place hard blankets below your ass and some hard pillows. Try to unbalance your comfy sitting position.
    Roll a towel to the width of 3 inches and place it behind you at your tailbone, so it supports your spine.

    Unbalance and change the surface geography of your chair(s) as much as possible.

    There is a chair looking like a flat top mushroom - leather cylinder - and you sit on it and its bottom is fixed, but the top rolls around with your ass as you change your angle - move the top of the chair - swiveling around your central position = your spine will be moving around, you can try that as well.

    But for me the hip splits and chaotic surface padding helped most.

    Exercise will give you more energy for the day as well.

    Better look for a Jiu-jitsu or MMA club in your vicinity and ask them to show you basic exercise training and stretching. There is a wonderful two-man spine stretching, where (with your back) you lean on the other man's back and he takes your arms making soft "spring-motions" with his knees up and down he stretches your spine out wonderfully. Try that.

    Don't forget to stand up from time to time and grab your hands and move them 180 degrees from side to side, while your legs, head remain in position. Then roll your head, chin touching your chest and raised shoulders.

    You have pain because you cemented yourself into your chairs default surface padding, which fixed your spine disks into one position for eternity. BAD IDEA!!!!!

    If you have a SOFT BED where-on you maintain Horrible sleeping positions:
    Important to throw out your bed to the trash. Buy a thin and hard coconut mattress - 3 and half inches max height - and put it on the floor. Put some thin plastic sheets, thin bed-covers, real floss silk sheets UNDERNEATH in a multi-layer configuration for the winter. In summer leave only a simple thin sheet under it. For your head you can use pillows to hold your head level with your spine. Healthiest is sleeping on your left side. Get a compass / app on your mobile phone and TURN the bed toward NORTH accurately. Leave it there permanently if possible.

    Sleep on it. You'll get used to the hardness in a couple nights, just imagine you are a soldier on a battlefield. EXCELLENT FOR YOUR SPINE HEALTH!!
    You'll never ever sleep in a soft bed after that.
    Couple nights will make all your spine and hip pain go away if those pains are merely from bad sleeping positions. Cheap and supremely effective! Don't be afraid from getting a cold in winter: use multiple warm / plastic sheet layers underneath!

    Try to sleep some hours without pillows during the night as well: flat on your back, flat on your belly, various "one leg raised" positions on either side, etc.. Your health and energy for the day will improve wonderfully with your hip / spine pains subsiding drastically.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
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  2. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    but cheese is also a fermented product that helps to regulate the gut biome, I wouldn't give it up entirely unless you have an issue with dairy. Inflammation is constant in the human body, its a reaction to the environment, its the level of inflammation that is damaging. I would agree Tumeric could help as well as vitamin D, and the B vitamins are especially needed by the nervous system.
    I concoct my own capsules, a blend of tumeric, asoefetida, ground pepper, and a powdered mushroom blend, have been using it for nearly 2 decades, and feel fit as your average fiddle.

    pain is the extreme way your body tells you, that you are fucking up. it usually sends some earlier messages like discomfort, digestion issues, anxiety, etc. when you ignore the phone ringing, it delivers the pain package instead.

    Sitting maybe one of your problems, and you may have to take a break to let your body heal. It could be similiar to carpal tunnel. I had severe wrist pain at one time, I was coding at the time and typing alot and using a mouse alot. I started wearing a wrist brace, but I found that getting rid of the mouse and switching to a touchpad, stopped the pain. My wrist is fine now, and I play the guitar daily with no issues, no pain, and no limited mobility.

    Something in your work environement is stressing your back muscles, it may be the angle or height of the work surfaces, exacerbated by the time you spend in one position. Don't sit for more than an hour, get up and take a 10 minute walk around and shake things out.

    good luck, you have to be sherlock holmes and seek out what caused the issue, by eliminating the culprits one by one.
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  3. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    The dude has three slipped disks and spinal stenosis, no amount of turmeric is going to fix that.
  4. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    the body is a system.
    like a studio is a combination of many bits of equipment and wiring and computers etc.

    when a noise comes from the speaker, do you replace the speakers?

    a doctor sees a slipped disk or three and says there is the problem, not wtf caused this and can we prevent more problems. The human skeleton is mostly calcium a not terriblely strong material, we walk upright unlike almost every other creature on this earth, which stresses the spine even more.
    then we seek employment causing us to repeatedly stress ourselves often over periods of decades.

    Tumeric certainly won't undue the damage already caused, but it may help alleiviate problems elsewhere in his metabolic systems which may manifest in even more injuries. It certainly won't harm him, and its very inexpensive unlike surgery.

    the possibility for improvement exists with little risk to the contrary, so why be so negative?
    the modern diet is mostly garbage, any and everything we can do to correct that leads to a healthier and longer overall life.

    a bit of tumeric might help you as well....
  5. toetea

    toetea Producer

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Sorry to hear of your predicament. I am also having some struggles of my own.

    The only practical advice I can provide is to stay in motion as much as possible.
    From my experience, static positions and repetitive motions can bring a lot of damage.
    It is very easy to deal damage or to gain weight, but the effort required to heal (if possible) or lose weight is always multitudes greater. Stay strong and flexible!
    Wishing you the best. :bow:
  6. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    there's a great channel that will answer most of your questions on this subject:
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  7. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    TENS is good, especially if you don't want to do drugs, but also getting MRI could find something specific..
    I'm pretty much in same situation but with neck and shoulders.
    I do heavy lifting at my daily job, approximately 5-10 ton a day right now
  8. Astika Blastika

    Astika Blastika Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2023
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    For your conditiion , I would say daily swimming with good technique is all activity you should handle .Don't even think about calisthenics or jogging ...
    As far as supplements, try hefty doses of joint complex supplements Glucosamine Sulfate,Chondroitine, MSM ,Rose Hip etc.

    Incorporate ginger in your daily diet(for example make some tea out of fresh ginger with honey and lemon)
  9. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Forget the doctors, most of them have no common sense and are only thoughlessly applying theories, mostly stemming from lobbies and monetary interests.

    Look what the body and certain parts are made for and compare that to your daily use of it...

    Therefore we need to counter the unnatural behaviour.
    --> Muscle training and stretching!
    How strong are your muscles on the back?

    Do you have an inversion bank?

    If you are already very old or weak, you may be limited to stretching only.
    Most doctors and people avoid pain. But pain is your friend, because it tells you, where you need to strenghten the body.

    I discovered this by accident.
    At the end of my master thesis, where I had not done any workout for months and mostly stayed indoor, I started to have pain in the left knee.
    Usually you would "take care of the knee".

    But luckily, I was always making one legged squats (without weight, because common sense always told me, that was unnatural, while using one leg was the natural way and also enough weight to make the leg stronger), so after the thesis I just by accident wanted to try the squats again.

    And guess what?
    The pain vanished and was gone!

    I couldn't believe it and I tested it, by not making any squats again, until I noticed the pain coming back after a few weeks.
    I made my 3x12 one legged squats and the pain was gone.

    Imagine that: pain in the KNEE. And it goes away, by building up muscles with SQUATS?
    Crazy. Totally counter intuitive. Well, not really:

    The self healing capabilitites of the body are amazing - if you do it WITH nature and common sense, and not against it.

    Currently there seems to be coming a small revolution in this area, because there is a German former car-mechanic, who has incredible success in making old people free of pain again: just with his stretching methods.
    I do not use his method, because I am totally ok with my muscle training and cycling workouts, but my mother has a destroyed hip and managed to become pain free with his methods and has been avoiding an implant for 15 years now.

    Search for Liebscher & Bracht on Youtube.

    Once you follow his method like my mother has been doing for a few years now, you will notice after some time, how absurd and I would call it even criminal, the whole implant business is, if doctors are ignoring these stunning results, invented by a car mechanic, with amazing common sense.

    My mother is also using an inversion bank a few minutes every day, so I also knowm, that this can help a lot, especially when you have acute pain (my mother had tried all kinds of help from chiro to hypnosis and acupuncture - nothing helped - this was a few years before she discovered Liebscher&Bracht). At some point I bought an inversion bank for 100 bucks on Amazon as Christmas gift, because my common sense told me, that stretching what is being pressed together the whole day, could be very beneficial. On that Christmas evening, my mother tried it for a song's duration - and the pain was gone for the whole evening...

    Report back, how it is going!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024
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  10. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    get on your knees ,hands on ground ,turn mouse hand 180 /200 degrees , do all kind of strech movement arms flexed and arm straight ....
    helped me cure fckt up wrist ....but i hadnt the c tunnel thing but such stuff comes always from disbalance in muscle chains,shortened and locked muscles ....ppl get knowingly/unknowingly scammed into surgery so often and after that its often to late
  11. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    its a start but there much better channels

    when it comes to knees and also hip (which is source of most back problems ,also legs)
  12. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    "I eat extremely clean. Zero gluten, zero dairy, no processed foods, 95% organic. I basically eat vegetable soups, chicken, and the occasional steak or something."

    For starters, that not "healthy", because that's a low bio-availability diet, many of the foods you are eating have what you require in them, but with minimum absorbability, I'm sure some of what you're doing is healthy, but some is "healthy", i.e. you're eating stuff that just isn't absorbable all around, i.e. lots of fiber, but that allows you to maintain a low body fat percentage.

    You should probably update your diet with Price findings as well as Gundry:

    Secondly, is the cause an accident or did it just gradually "happen"? in both cases the solution is somewhat the same, but you have to differentiate the types between different types of pain and the solution is probably different in some regards.

    1. You can always sit on a yoga block, that way your legs are below your pelvis, so you stretch your psoas muscles, which is a deep tissue muscle that needs to elongate in order to achieve proper upright posture.

    2. You can get an inversion table and do full inversions throughout the day, that's really the only way to take pressure off the discs.

    For actually fixing it, in terms of seeing a physical therapist, you'd have to see someone who takes posture correction into account, like Structural integration from a Rolfer, Dalton Myoskeletal Alignment, or a Tom Myers Anatomy Trains person.

  13. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I think it's important to physically try out chairs before you buy, everybody's different and chairs are all different. I've eventually just finally found one that I can sit in. :dunno: Bought it at a consignment store cheap!
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm sorry to hear of your disk/stenosis predicament. I too went through years of intense pain starting when I was about 23 after lifting a box. My 3rd to 5th lumbar spine made a loud popping sound and but I was only in mild pain. My band had a gig that night in Hoboken at Maxwell's and my Dad's van broke down after loading in and wouldn't start. I had to stay in the van overnight in 25° F cold with just the paper thin fluorescent orange jumpsuit that I wore for the show, a pillow the only thing in the vehicle to keep me warm. When the sun rose I had a high fever and my back pain was debilitating. I couldn't eat, barely drank any water, and by the end of a week was totally fucked up. My friend suggested that I go to a chiropractor which helped, but the damage meant the injury kept returning as well as the fever each time too which was a potent duo. I'd go to the chiro to find relief for a day only to go through that cycle seemingly endlessly which drained my wallet as well as my life force. It wasn't until about 12 years later that I met a fellow who did seriously deep tissue massage (I literally screamed the first few times he worked on me). It was only when my muscles let go of their strangle hold pattern that I was able to train the muscles which has been unbalanced, atrophied and avoiding the pain to finally start recovering. It's been over 40 years now since I lifted that darn box. Muscle memory is both a blessing and a a musician playing various instruments I don't have to think when playing, but avoiding the pain for so many years set up patterns that I need be aware of sometimes on a moment to moment basis. Core strengthening is so important if I want to maintain my bodily integrity.

    This worked for me and might for you too. Find someone to go deep and then begin to strengthen your psoas muscles and lower back.

    One thing that is actually amazing to help ease in the buldge is to lie on your stomach and without using your back muscles is a yoga pose called Sphinx. You slowly slowly slowly raise your upper body up and down. It is a pump that puts those buldges back where they belong. It's been a lifesaver for me.

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2024
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  15. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    There is obviously a common pattern among all these successfully applied practices.
    Practiced over time they reactivate the own body's ability to deal with/heal the local problem.

    Such a contrast to: spare the aching body part, let another person move your aching body (massage), eat painkillers, get a surgery.

    Thanks to the internet hopefully the knowledge will spread more and more. In my village people are leaving the doctor with whole bags full of drugs and I have never ever found one person, who was asked by the doc about the overweight, drinking and eating habits, how many hours of the last meal before going to bed.
    Overweight, with aching joints, walking only on the joints not with body tension and muscles, and these docs send them to get implants for their aching knees, or get some screws in the neck, instead of a handing out a neck training program! Criminals.
    The financial costs for the state must be astronomic.

    I really hope that over time the internet will help, that the knowledge about amazingly effective alternatives for so many problems, will spread far and wide.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2024
  16. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    Take breaks to stretch + do exercises and use a Blackroll, that is one of these:

    The material is perfect for massaging your muscles but it won't hurt your bones in the process, you can roll your back on it and it will uncramp you a bit
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  17. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Why downvote the backroll? I like the backroll.
  18. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    to get a roudbike sattle right is not a small task and when do real km/miles like 5000-15000 a year which is still pretty amateure ,you go for pro nerd bike fitting...and guess what ,ppl will still sit muuuuch longer in a puter chair in 3 weeks than a tour de france rider in this 3 weeks on the bike .
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
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  19. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    auf deutsch ? ja wie bingo to find a physio or chiro who does it .
    da is schon ein unterschied zu 1-2 minuten druckpunkt shizzle like liebscher u bracht .
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    If you find the right knowlegdable experienced Thai Massage person (usually a woman) they'll rip through your fascia like a hot knife through warm butter. Spinal manipulation though is discouraged however in the beginning,
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