Antivirus Software Is Useless Crud

Discussion in 'Software' started by Crash Davis, May 6, 2014.

  1. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Antivirus Software Is Useless Crud

    According to various experts, antivirus software fails with 55% of all attacks.

    My link

    Yes, the source is Symantec (yuck), but top-of-the-line developers say the same.

    If 55% of attacks are successful nowadays, then almost all computers get infected regularly -- or more than half of all computers have more than one infection. I trust mathematics, the language of modern science -- the gorilla in the bedroom that so many people ignore.

    If you surf the web for weeks and think your computer is 'clean,' then you are surely dreaming (in my opinion). All antivirus software fails, frequently and predictably -- it's just matter of when -- which is why the experts say the antivirus is DEAD, according to the link I posted above.

    Anyone who uses passwords, anyone who visits banks, anyone who pays their bills or spends their money on the web, has plenty to lose because of attacks, many of which go undiscovered for years.

    I welcome advice from everyone on how to protect our computers. I offer advice directly below, but only for users of Windows (because I don't know jack about other OS's). Warning: I'm a poweruser, not a security expert.

    Regarding Windows 7 and 8, System Restore is virtually useless against most modern attacks. Install your OS and most of your programs before you surf the web. Then create a System Image to overwrite (to delete and replace) the content of your OS drive whenever your computer changes behavior for the worse. I overwrite quite frequently, which takes about 5 minutes (for me). I overwrite when software installs by stealth.

    Serious musicians can buy a computer for $300 and use it for internet only, while keeping their music computer forever off line.

    Dual-boot computers enhance protection -- one OS for internet, one OS for music -- but using two computers, in general, is safer than using just one. If you use dual boot (I do), then you can scan your music drives with antivirus software that is on your internet drive, which means you don't need antivirus on your music OS drive.

    It takes days or weeks to build a music computer with terabytes of content. Users of Windows should always create a current System Image of their music OS drive. That goes double for people who use warez. Create a new image before you install warez that you don't trust, before you do an installation you fear you might screw up.

    My favorite antivirus is Kaspersky; it has given me good, not perfect, results for many years. But once a week, anyhow, malignant software -- spyware, spookware and even worse -- installs itself by stealth. Every antivirus fails: it's just a matter of when.
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Kaspersky actually failed the last comparative. *yes*

    I agree with you concerning a system image but not that antivirus scanners are useless crud. I remind people that they are only part of a good prevention strategy which should also include a decent passive scanner and regular system imaging.
  4. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Catalyst, you are correct: antivirus programs are essential, not useless crud -- but too many people think they're getting 100% protection. 45% 'protection' is just another way to say 55% 'failure rate' -- which is close to crud for ANY software.

    Among my many mortal sins, I am a journalist. This topic is important and deserves some expert input, which is why my headline is designed to grab attention: I want to hear from people 'in the know.'

    Only a fool would surf the web without protection from an antivirus.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Oh that's cool, didn't know you were a journalist. No you're right, I think vendors need to do more to combat the many emerging threats out there that are getting good at counteracting any preventative measures in place. After all malware is big business. Many advertisements lead you to believe that their product is going to be enough and these days it just isn't. *no*
  6. bl33d

    bl33d Newbie

    Jul 3, 2013
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    It really is crap because even if it finds the virus it typically will not be able to delete it. You will likely only be able to quarantine. I appreciate windows for what it is but since I've switched to mac in the past few years I have encountered 0 problems and not just with viruses.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Can`t say I`ve ever encountered many issues on my web laptop. :dunno:

    I have AVG Free and Malwarebytes installed and obviously I visit places "they" would say I shouldn`t, but, not ever really had any probs. By places, I do NOT mean porn sites, just warez, etc. :unsure:

    Not trying to shoot down your point, just throwing my tuppence into the fray. :wink:
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Most security experts actually agree that Windows has surpassed Mac security, it's just a bigger target. As the Mac market grows you will find more and more threats leveled against the platform. At this stage most vulnerabilities have shifted away from the OS and to 3rd party programs because they're way easier to exploit. Also I ran a Windows XP computer for almost 8 years with not 1 single virus so really it's more about the end user not the OS.
  9. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    "If you surf the web for weeks and think your computer is 'clean,' then you are surely dreaming (in my opinion)"

    Well I've been 'Surfing the web' since Windows 3.1 (1996) and my computer is clean as a whistle, or maybe I'm dreaming.
  10. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I was using Kaspersky Internet Security and had every month or two problems with virus or malware.
    It was never 100% secure !

    Then I found this:

    Basic version is free...!

    I used it for 1 year with antivirus, and never had any problems anymore.
    After that I uninstalled my anti-virus software and use this only.

    Not problems since 2 1/2 years now !

    I use it to install and test risk software, keygens and all shit I don't trust.
    Would never go on the internet without sandboxed Firefox.
    Tested on various sites known for all kind of shit and it never failed me.

    The best protection is a virtual system which viruses and malware can't recognize.
    You also have to read and follow instructions and advices from user on sandboxie site.

    If you don't trust it, test it beside your anti-virus software as I did that too.
    See for your self...

  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Again Sandboxie doesn't mitigate the worst vulnerabilities so it is just another tool in the toolbox.
  12. Big Mike

    Big Mike Newbie

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Call me a fool, then. I don't use any antivirus software at all, but I'm on Mac. There are some 'companies' that provide antivirus software for Mac, which is mainly just a marketing thing. Mackeeper would come to my mind, here.

    Yes, that might all be true. But as far as I'm correct (I'm far from being an expert) there are only trojans and those kind of malware attacks on Mac. Not a single virus has appeared, yet. There is definetly a big difference between a virus and a trojan.
    Maybe in the future that might change, since there have already been some big security issues with Mavericks.

    But don't get me wrong, I would never blindly trust a company (Apple in this case). Just mentioning the facts that are known to me.
    Prove me wrong, I am always willing to learn.

    Big Mike
  13. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I doubt that you are dreaming. Fool is my middle name. I started out by writing code for mainframes in the middle 1960's.

    All I know for certain is that software installs itself by stealth on MY computer frequently. I hate adware and spyware: but I hate bullshit most of all, especially my own. Thank you for your comments. I think The Force is with you, though it's never been with me.
  14. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    In my opinion antivirus/firewall where to big and sluggish for years.
    Any dual core with less then a gig ram would show a performance decrease after installation,

    If I would use one on this kinda machines, windows security essentials would be my first choice,
    because it has its strings attached in windows,
    in a way that the machine would do less 'extra' actions performing it's 'security'
    Now with the over-powered pc's most people have, I would suggest to use it, definitely for 'family' pc's

    This year I build my first pc witch I can call a over-powered pc (Not with nebula and full oversampling but u get my point :bleh: ),
    the only prevention that I use: uploading files to virus total, a decent ad-blocker and a healthy brain. :bow:

    Maybe my pc is 'compromised', I don't care, really as long as it does not turn sluggish, I got nothing to hide,
    not in a ten million years, My bank has a all most unbreakable challange/response system and refunds till 250,000.- euro on that system,
    I'm not gay, not performing jihad, I do not, I repeat do NOT have dead babies burried in my backyard. So I have nothing to be afraid of. :dancing:

    Call me Foolish, I don't care enough :grooves:
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The frightening thing is that the government particularly the US can do something about it but they don't. And in many cases they are themselves the malicious entities infecting your computer. If you haven't already this is a must see: To Protect & Infect
  16. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I think you are enlightened, not a fool.

    Your commentary inspires me. Maybe I will buy a Mac.

    I used Apple Computers during the early days of the 'Apple Bomb.' Then I switched to Windows -- because the blue screen of death looked prettier.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    BSOD almost always driver related and these days a rarity. Also Apple is the devil so there's that...
  18. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Why would u even worry about attacks? Unless you are trafficing warez.. Most producers should be working offline anyways... But there are those people who are on that porn :bleh: doing that stuff... Thats when you actually have to worry about attacks/viruses/malware. Good info tho!
  19. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Antivirus today are somewhat useless probably because they're not the biggest and most frequent threat on the web IMHO. I have been particularly cautious in the last years and I've never took any virus or other stuff that I was not aware of using only the Comodo security suite (thanks to it I can check any kind of connection and cut them eventually). I do agree with Cat, it's the end user that makes the difference and I must admit I needed some years to learn how to behave on the net. :rofl:
  20. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Indeed my learned friend. Funny how the emblem of said company is the very same as that which caused the fall of ALL creation... :wow:
  21. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I believe you 100%. But many others are kidding themselves to think their computer is clean.

    The keys to success are 1. current backups, and 2. intrusion software that double checks the effectiveness of antivirus software in real time, and 3. software that monitors inbound and outbound packets of information.
