A serious question

Discussion in 'Education' started by Danie, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    If you work with faster vibrations you might make a movie too.
  2. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    BS #1
    I am a musician and tried to give you some musician's points of view, but you didnt even understand what I mean because you dont know what "creating music as a work" is

    BS #2
    A "producer" is an actual musician and, as a musician, knows 200% how to "work with notes", thats another sentence that confirms that you are not a musician or not even a worker of the indsutry but just an amateur that is inventing his random theory as a cocktail piano player (with due respect for cocktail piano)

    BS #3
    you are not in the typical mindset of a true musician, which is "i am always ready to learn" from everything and everyone. You are in the mindset of an amateur, thats why you are afraid to be mixed, you trying to teach something you dont know. Music.
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I am actually going to be kind here and make a couple of suggestions and attempt to be of use in aiding you to get what you want in future.

    • Keep in mind for well over five years, under numerous aliases, with the most notoriously well-known being "FOSTER", you have presented an illusion of questioning, only to either hijack the thread you visit and even worse, your own thread, going off on a rant about jazz or some other thing you dislike. All having nothing to do with the main topic.
    • This time, you have stayed on topic and being honest, I was surprised. For a start in future keep this up. People have long memories as you have found, and losing the knowledge of the first point is going to take you quite a long time.
    • Last, if you genuinely wish any answer to any question, and this goes for me, you and everyone on the planet, stating what you think you know is irrelevant unless it is directly related to the question. Even then, take the backward stance saying you want the missing gaps filled and be precise about what you do not know and wish to know. You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar.
  4. samuwell

    samuwell Newbie

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve got friends who listen to music all the time but wouldn’t know a chord from a hole in the ground. I tried teaching a few of them some basics, and it was like pulling teeth! They’re just not interested in diving into music theory or notes—they just want to enjoy the tunes. For me, learning music theory was a game-changer, but I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
  5. ULX

    ULX Guest

    It is what it is.
  6. AstroNommy

    AstroNommy Member

    Oct 20, 2021
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    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Danie. I really enjoyed reading everything you said.
    I will sum up my non-musical comment by butchering a famous quote.
    "We need people like you so we can point our fingers and say that's the NOTES guy"
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  7. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I loved! Yeah, 'cos F(tr)O(ll)STER only knows how to point out the fact that no one here knows notes (of course, in F(tr)O(ll)STER's view!):rofl:
    Even because if we depend on any practical, pragmatic example that comes from F(tr)O(ll)STER, I think here at Audioz we are all lost...

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  8. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Compared to its attractive appearance and good feeling, music is a complex phenomenon. When the passengers of the plane sit on, during the 2 hours they are on it, they spend their time sleeping, watching movies, eating, or focusing on the hostesses, but when you ask them how this plane is made and how it works, hardly one of them can explain the entire flight process. Music has a similar situation.
  9. FrankPig

    FrankPig Rock Star

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    You are yet another Foster account, and I claim my $5
    • Funny Funny x 2
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