Ableton LIve 12.1 Update with new Features.

Discussion in 'Live' started by ArticStorm, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the major new thing is Auto Shift, something like Pitch correction.
    Then we have a new instrument device: Drum Sampler – compact one-shot sampler with built-in effects

    Auto Tagging, which didnt really work for my sample folder? (not sure for what it looks like, if it actual works? Or its a problem on my end ...)

    Some Effect devices were improved: Limiter and Saturator. Again we lose the old devices and the new ones are just replacing the old ones. So its maybe good to save the old devices as presets, so you dont lose them, I will post them to the other topic with the other old devices.
    I would had prefer like it was done with Redux, there there is simply Redux 2.

    And then some MIDI improvements, specific for MPE.

    And ofc a few new stuff for Push, there is also a separate changelog for Push updates.

    Also there is no PDF Manual included, the Docs folder has been removed from the installer entirely, So i guess we are stuck with a non searchable online manual, which isnt even uptodate - well done Ableton.

    here is the link for the post by Ableton:

    Any thoughts about this major minor upgrade below!
  3. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    Ableton's company is doing great :thumbsup:, unlike Imageline :dunno:
  4. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    (I'm)patiently waiting for them to fix the forced browser/tagging debacle (or a simple opt out legacy/current preferences button) so my labor intensive custom folder structure and naming scheme is usable UGGH!!!! :suicide:
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    its a mess, tags do not work in folders added to collections.

    Vendor tagging for plugins has a loading delay, so i turned it off again. And Ableton devs has said, they cant resolve that? Its very noticible with only 300 plugins. now imagine 1000+ plugins. And im already on a machine with a not so slow CPU.

    Im still using Collections and if tags would work there, i couldnt care less about the other stuff.
    I dont know this whole tagging was nice, but it feels like its just not good implemented.

    Yeah i made my own Labeling structure?

    It still also bugs me, that i have to shut up both the indexer and Plugin scanner. Why scan, when nothing has changed?

    renaming the Indexer also does no longer work, bcs it now asks you where the indexer executable is -- and opens a dialog for that.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    IL is also doing great. They are a bit smaller than Ableton, but they recently acquired Melda, Uvi and they also have Producer Loops and a few more.
    IL also released FL 24 a few days ago i think. Also with a lot of new features.

    I am not sure has FL now pitch correction, like Live does with this update?

    I am looking forward to really using the Pitch correction.
  7. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    what is this "drum sampler"?
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    compact one-shot sampler with built-in effects.

    it sounds great and adds new sound tools to Live.
  9. arsch

    arsch Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I hope that one day Elon Musk buys Ableton and fire all the incompetent and woke employees and replace them with at least medium competent and normal unpolitical workers. it started when they made "Master/Slave" into "Leader/Follower". for non native english speakers it always takes 1-2 extra seconds to translate Leader and Follower. terms like Master and Slave are much quicker to understand. I feel like the whole software is so bloated with unnecessary features just for the purpose to look flashy but after using new features for one or two times they just "stay in the closet" and "collect dusk".
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  10. genlab

    genlab Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2021
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    True words and Leader and Follower also not woke Words

    To put every two months new not needed features inside there and not making the app bug free at least that it not crashed so often with vst ist really woke....

    Till Years we wait for renaming controls and put it in banks and rename that on the Push ..very easy to programm
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024
  11. MayaMate

    MayaMate Ultrasonic

    Feb 13, 2019
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    I have read somewhere that with a right click on the new Device you can choose to have the old one. Can you test it because I'm still on 12.0.1....
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Ableton doesnt crash for me ... idk what people do with Live?
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you have to force old device behaviour with presets, there is no way to get them with a mouse click.
    I dont see anything, when i click there.
  14. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    I agree with you
    I look at it with the logic of a composer: 65% of my composition is in electronic music and 35% is in other styles.
    When I do the bass style sound in Ableton, it is much easier and faster than doing it in FL Studio.
    I don't have any restrictions, but in FL Studio, I feel that the slots are filling up now, and I have to switch it to another channel.
    For example, compare FL Studio's Patcher with Ableton's Effect Rack, both of them have the same goal, but you see, working with Ableton's Effect Rack is much easier, controlling and adjusting the screws is very easy(In order to give a specific value in Ableton's Effect Rack, it is very easy to give it a range of numbers.But in FL Patcher, you have to control them with other plugins that you have to understand their work (Fruity Formula Controller and...)
    It is very easy to make the project more categorized and regular in Ableton. But in FL. To organize the project, you have to do extra clicks and extra moves for it.:dunno:

    I gave another example before i say in another place, you should put the two signals sidechain in Ableton and in FL, which one will make it easier for you, faster and more accessible...?:guru:
    Ableton puts everything in front of you, a utility plugin does all the work for you to control the sound
    You can do the same thing in FL too, but it only makes you a bit greedy. For example, I have a problem. My friend's monitor is big, my monitor is small. Sometimes,When we send projects to each other when I open the plugin, I see a small corner on my monitor. I have to grab it and drag it. In the middle of the page, I get nervous :bleh:

    I myself use both of them, I don't mean that IL is garbage :wink:
    But IL is going more to the sales business than to make the work of composers easier
    FL looks like a cooked steak Without spices and salt, but Abelton is a cooked steak with spices and salt.
    I like both of them, but I like Ableton a bit more,:bleh: I use both of them:thumbsup:
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    IL tends to keep plugins, remember the Formula plugin is over 20 years old and its a crazy idea to enter a formula for a cycle and use it as a control device. Its a crazy flexible idea, i loved 20 years ago and still do ...

    and it could be used to volume control and side chain. Actual FL never had a clever side chaining feature up to later versions.

    FL did grow in a different way, Ableton does collabs on devices: AAS, Cytomic (Glue, EQ8) or they do stuff in house, if they can.
    IL simply grabs ideas of plugins and the dev and hire them to work for them.
    This adds a while different nature to how devices are born for FL.
    i remember how reflex got hired by IL.

    FL always was Steq Sequencer oriented and they still are. They added more flexibility to the playlist with every
    new major version, but their users still love the step Seq.

    The point is, IL has a different mentality than Ableton has, hence the products are different in terms of how to deal with features.
    Also adding new features requested by IL users are super super fast implemented, for Ableton it takes ages, if not forgotten.
  16. ClarSum

    ClarSum Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Wasn't expecting much from Auto Shift, but seeing Poly Midi in, Shift by scale degree, formant follower, Vibrato with fade in... I'm now very interested in trying it and not just on vocals, have you tried it yet? Adding a pop out spectrum view with a pre/post curve for the Color section of the saturator will be very helpful to me. Love all the new midi and automation implementations. Everything creative looks good to me in 12/12.1 it's just the workflow issues.

    I'll have to wait because the browser and scanning issues already mentioned here make 12 unusable for me for serious work with the way I need stuff set up.

    Artic, is the drum sampler just a stripped down or streamlined version of Simpler's 1-shot mode? I noticed there's no zero-crossing snap button and no circuit type selection for the filters, I suppose that is augmented by the new FX. Is there a time limit on samples that can be imported and if loaded to a regular channel and not drum rack does the sample play chromatically across the keyboard? Also are the FX stacked or just one at a time?

    Sorry for all the questions I would also love to read the manual to find all this out but it seems it's not in pdf form or even updated because the entire 12 rollout feels like an extend public beta.
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I think they totally build up Drum Sampler from the beginning. Otherwise there would be a reverse features as Simpler already has. It looks much more modern than Simpler.
    I think there is no time limit for importing samples, atleast nothing mentioned anywhere.
    But i havnt tried anything longer than 30sec.

    the sample play with Drum sampler seems to proper pitch it, so you can play melodies on your keyboard with a stretched sample i guess.

    Yeah Ableton online Manual is way behind. And there is also no offline PDF so far. So we are totally undocumented and in the dark, i really dont hope it stays that way, but im afraid it will ...

    you can try the pb for yourself. its free for everybody who knows how to handle R2R latest release.
  18. ClarSum

    ClarSum Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2023
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    I'm happy to wait for the official release, but this update has now convinced me to move to 12 once my current projects are completed. Thanks for the info on drum sampler and for your thoughts in general.
  19. verwest

    verwest Ultrasonic

    May 20, 2022
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    Yes, FL is one of the oldest software. I started composing with FL version 8
    You might think that I totally hate FL Studio, but no, for example, I give Ableton 9 out of 10, FL 8, maybe 8.5, I am still working with it.
    I can only make a suggestion to IL to move the program in such a way that it is clicked less and the result is reached faster
    Of course, there are news that they are working on a newer version, maybe 25 or 26, on the mixer. They say that there is a new mixer that can add more slots to it, and they are also working on the playlist.

    Let me tell you that Ableton also has a series of features that are boring, one of them is scanning VSTs every time and it takes up to 10 minutes. Every time you close the program, you open it again, every time it scans from the beginning, while FL Studio is the winner in this case, it scans once and that's it.:yes:

    In general, I still like FL Studio, but I like Ableton a little more

    And since the past time between Ableton and FL Studio, there has been a fight:rofl:

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2024
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you can skip the scanning by cancel it in the settings after startup, if you scanned through before, it shouldnt be a problem.
    the indexer i also always pause, its like the indexer has no memory, always scanning everything again and my sample folder are small with only 20GB, while other have huge folders. Still stupid, as it uses the SSD for no reason and shortens the lifetime. Thank you Ableton.

    there is no fight, if FL's plugin would still work like the reason rack plugin does in ableton, i would still use both, but nahh, the FL studio plugin is useless, there is no access to MIDI parameters, like there is for Reason Rack plugin.
    So i gave up on FL being a Partner for Ableton.

    but i do sometimes use FL 20, no need to upgrade has everything i need.

    the FL mixer/FX way is just different than the Ableton one, sure 10 slots and these 100 mixing channels can be a be limiting, but if you dont have huge projects it should be fine.

    I actual like the improvements they did to the Limiter and the Saturator, it was long overdo. The Limiter has been sitting on the master channel since 2010 in my template, it does a good job there, limiting to high output, but otherwise doing nothing.
  21. Katze

    Katze Kapellmeister

    Jul 18, 2024
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    So that's all it took to get you triggered? Ok.
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