Whats the best way to use jbridge?

Discussion in 'Software' started by virusg, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Hi all, i finally got a new machine and i wanna make use of my already bought jbridge bridger, i just wanna know from those who had experience more than me the best way to use it, in terms of organisation and in order to use the plugins by all daws plus, i have lots of projects coming from x32 system, will i be able to open them? ...i saw jbridge adds the ''x64'' at the end of the plugin ...never had the time to experiment so thats why i ask, whats your experience with it? THANKS!
  2. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    It works great for me, although Echoboy is a little buggy in Ableton 64bit, not sure if that's the plugin or Jbridge or Ableton or what, but I haven't had problems in Studio One. The only reason it needs to add the x64 is if you keep the 32 and 64 plugins in the same folder. I don't, so I uncheck the box that says "add x64"
  3. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Soundtoys and Antares plugin are buggy with jBridge within Ableton x64 on OSX.

    Although it's not very fluid, you can work with it

    Otherwise 90 % of the bridged plugins work well,

    Ps: The only thing i find a bit boring is jBridge display a second window and need a few more mouse' click than using normal plugins
  4. anvier

    anvier Ultrasonic

    Jul 22, 2013
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    Man don`t use J-bridge, use Sound Radix 32 Lives, more simple and usefull
    Just search in Audioz
  5. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Doesn't Image-Line - FL Studio have a built-in x86 -> x64 bridger ?
  6. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    sorry because of the price ill stick with win machines although 32 Lives seems like a nice alternative jbridge is only 15$, anyway, my biggest concern is the organization of the plugs before i install here and there plugins everywhere
  7. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I want to know how to tell if a VST synth/plugin is 32 or 64 bit ??
    ie. if it's an older one ~7+ years legacy and the developers' info doesn't specify.
  8. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Download CFE Explorer (is free). Install it. Right click on .dll file and open in CFE explorer. In the Information window You will see details.

    I have all my 32bit Plugins in a separate folder. So Jbridjing them is easier and the files are better organized.
  9. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Pretty much.

    Just gotta read the notepad file. Even though some of the notepads get their info messed up, they most likely have the team/year/x64(x86 which is 32) or check if the plugin is ilok/hardcore to crack.

    Team: Usually AiR, Krock, Amplify, Assign (This is not 100% and there's more groups) Some plugins keys/cracks/patch still work with newer versions/updates.
    Year: Well, its simple to search on audioz or look at year older than 2011 will hardly be 64. Again there might be exception if a 64 version was release that was able to use old stuff (crack). You might find the date on the notepad file too.
    x86: That most likely means that it will be 32 only. Unless you see a 64 or you know it's a brand new update/version of xxx plugin, It will most likely be just a 32 version(if its missing x54 but it has x86).
    iLok/superhardcore security: Well, things like soundtoyz/flux/pro tools/reason/cubase/uad/softube... etc.

    I'm sure there's other ways to find out. These are easy spots on. You could just google the version. I hope you don't download anything that pops on the first page because "SOME PEOPLE" (Don't wanna call name) spam post that are outdated version and hardly helpful. (I saw an automap post the other day, which was an old version, the software is free, and requires hardware)

    Sorry, I'm not able to help your thread. I tried jbridge but i find it hardly reliable because it increase the time of plugins to load and causes random crashes/memory crashes. It might just be me that i was noob to use it. I also only gave it like a 2 weeks try out and i got rid of it. It's been awhile and i heard they recently update. (Also 99% of the plugins i tried were crack that might have a big cause the problem too)

    By the way, You got a new computer/machine. Why not just bounce all your old 32 plugins into the 64 technology. It might be time consuming and might cause trouble with older projects; however, in the long run you might get a better benefit from switching to 64.
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