Guitar in the Box?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ryu_shiro_878, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. ryu_shiro_878

    ryu_shiro_878 Producer

    Jan 3, 2024
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    I recently wanted to add Guitar to my arsenal. I've for couple minutes picked a yamaha acoustic & liked how it feels & plays. I've never tried to learn the instrument due to never owning them. So the poor me opened what I had which was couple guitars from Ample Sound. This is just couple seconds of dumb improv after just opening the thing with Tonex clean preset. Does this sound any good?

    For something like this Ample Guitar, what should I have as chain to make it better. Stuff from sister site or russian tracker will be appreciated, I'm not in the condition to shell. I'm on M1 Mac :D

    I love the Cindy Lee's album Diamond Jubilee & something that sounds similar is what I'm trying for as for the tone.

    Would love to know if there are better libraries or plugins for such.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024

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  3. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Producer

    Oct 21, 2023
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    From the sound of it, I can tell you're not using the riffer feature from Ample Sound. Trust me, it's more about the engine than the samples. Check out this video and dive deep into this channel:

    After mastering the guitar programming part, you may still hit a wall, which is texture. Reamping is the way to go. For that, Overloud's THU and NAM got me the best results so far. Good luck and have fun!
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  4. ryu_shiro_878

    ryu_shiro_878 Producer

    Jan 3, 2024
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    Today I tried Acustica Aero, I guess it's the best of the bunch out there. I've tried THU in past but didn't like it much. People whine about Aero being a cpu-hog but it works perfectly for me [guess it's the R2R magic for removing bloat; I'm on base m1 air]. I like it a lot. Now Aero doesn't have as much flexibility as Amplitube but it sure does have a lot & I'm still figuring out what Amp-Cab combination. Also, all the great pedals too.


    I think the TC is the best guitar of the ample electric line-up. I have the SC too but it's very weak comparatively. I'll put more work in & see how it goes. Thanks!

    I'll look more into programming. I knew of his channel from before but he sells a course and thus a lot of it is behind a paywall I guess [not the most organized stuff]. Anyway I found some lovely tutorials [gonna leave em' here...don't know if it'll help many though]:
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
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