Omnisphere Tutorial

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by yeeeeyKasei, Jun 11, 2024.

  1. yeeeeyKasei

    yeeeeyKasei Newbie

    Jun 11, 2024
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    Could someone create a complete guide on how to install Omnisphere in Windows? There are so many errors and no step-by-step guide on how to install it. It should also include where to download it from because I see that many people have downloaded like 8 discs and I only have 1 of 89GB. Currently, I'm struggling to get it to read my Steam folder even after granting permissions, and if i try to open the program after failing to read the Steam folder it goes blackscreen and crashes, then i have to reinstall everything again. If there's already one available, please attach the link.
  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Are you downloading the original (version 1) of Omnishpere?

    You should be installing from v2.5.0 at a minimum (2021 R2R release I believe). Everything needed should be available via torrent.

    Initial Instal:
    Omnisphere Installer (version 2.5.0 - 2021)
    Omnisphere 2.8 Core Library (56.7GB - STEAM folder - 2022)
    Bob Moog Tribute Library Installer (April 2011 from Team Air)

    Patch Library Updates:

    Software Updates:

    Soundsource Library Updates:

    Bob Moog Tribute Library:

    June 11, 2024 Installed State:

    Omnisphere Software 2.8.c
    Omnisphere Soundsources v2.6.2c
    Omnisphere Patches v2.8.2c
    Moog Tribute Patches v2.0c

    Keyscape Soundsources v1.5.0c
    Keyscape Patches v1.6.0c
    Keyscape Creative Patches v1.6.0c

    Sonic Extensions:
    Nylon Sky Soundsources v1.0e
    Nylon Sky Patches v1.0e
    Seismic Shock Soundsources v1.0e
    Seismic Shock Patches v1.0e
    Unclean Machine Soundsources v1.0e
    Unclean Machine Patches v1.0e
    Undercurrent Soundsources v1.0e
    Undercurrent Patches v1.0e

    I start with the base install, activate standalone using the R2R instructions with their new Spectrasonics 2048 keygen and then, apply all updates in order. Reload standalone & click the refresh button at the bottom of the browse window. This method has given me error free installs.

    Note: make sure you have the older v1.1.2 R2R keygen in case you have to patch the VST in all locations for Omnisphere v2.5.0.


    default VST2 install folder. Examples:
    C:\Program Files\VST
    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VST
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2024
  4. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    This won't happen on this open forum as most everyone is hip to the rules of the site - i.e. no posting warez, or links to warez, sites, torrents, etc...
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2024
  5. Msot HI

    Msot HI Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Installing Omnisphere is not too complicated. Here's the process that I followed as a noob. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it worked. However, if you miss any step, you will run into difficulty. Whatever step you don't understand, ask for clarification.

    Disable Internet and Anti-virus!

    1. Unpack your disks into one Spectrasonics folder. Place it in Documents folder.

    2. Copy the Omnisphere.dll file to the folder where your plugins are located (x64). For example: C:\ ProgramFiles\VSTPlugins
    (I doubt it, but It is possible that the version you downloaded has VST3. In that case, VST3 will automatically install in C:\ ProgramFiles\Common Files\VST3

    3. Create a Spectrasonics folder in the ProgramData folder. (ProgramData folder is hidden by default in Windows. You may need to enable the display hidden files and folders option in Folder Settings)

    3b. In this folder (C: \ ProgramData\Spectrasonics) create a shortcut to the STEAM folder inside the Spectrasonics folder you first put in the Documents folder. (VERY IMPORTANT)

    4. Run the Omnisphere Software Update.exe file.

    5. Disable antivirus before patching Omnisphere.dll files

    6 Run Spectrasonics KeyGen.exe (as administrator) and press the PATCH button. Go to the window that opens, along the path where you copied the Omnisphere.dll file ( eg, C:\ProgramFiles\VSTPlugins) and open it in KeyGen. After a few seconds, the inscription should appear in KeyGen: Successfully patched!

    7. Copy patched Omnisphere.dll file to C:\ ProgramData\Spectrasonics\plug-ins\ 64bit. (It is possible that the version you downloaded has VST3. In that case, you have to patch C:\ ProgramFiles\Common Files\VST3.) But you still need to copy the .dll file to C:\ ProgramData\Spectrasonics\plug-ins\ 64bit. (You cannot run standalone Omnisphere, if you don't copy patched .dll file to C:\ ProgramData\Spectrasonics\plug-ins\ 64bit.)

    8. Launch Omnisphere from the desktop shortcut. When you first start Omnisphere, it may take 5-10 minutes. Do nothing before a full window appears. Eventually, a window will appear with the registration of Omnisphere from which you need to copy the Challenge Code by clicking the COPY button.

    9. Start KeyGen again. Paste the copied Challenge Code into KeyGen in the same Challenge Code line and press the GENERATE button

    The serial number is generated in KeyGen, which must be copied and pasted into the Omnisphere registration window in the Response Code line by Clicking the PASTE button. Close KeyGen.

    10. Then, press the CONTINUE button and the next Omnisphere registration window will appear that indicates that the plug-in must be restarted. Reboot to verify activation, and then close

    11. Install the Omnisphere 2 Data Updater.exe file that should come with your download. The Update that came with my download was v2.5.1c. I don't know the version you have.

    It would be a breeze, if you follow the guide. However, be very careful where the first update (Omnisphere.dll) is installed. By default the update wants to install in Steinberg Folder. If your .dll plugins are not stored in Steinberg, make sure to browse to the folder before clicking install.
    My .dll plugins are in c:\program files\vstplugins. But I did not notice that the update went to c:\program\Steinberg\vstplugins. That created a little problem which I had to fix. I don't want you to make the same mistake
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
  6. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    As a general rule, when installing from ground zero, I never even bother with activating/patching until everything is installed and updated to the latest available version. Trying to patch/activate every single update/grade will drive you absolutely insane. Just wait till the all the updates/grades you gathered have been applied, then patch and activate the final install at the end.
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