Analog lab crashes, please help

Discussion in 'Software' started by MostDope, May 17, 2024.

  1. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    Hello, I hope y'all having a good day/night, I've been having issues with analog lab for a whiiiiiile now and I'm tired of it, this is why I'm seeking help right now.

    I had analog lab for years, I encountered 2 problems.
    The 1st is that there are some presets that I can't load, it makes FL crash, I call them "cursed presets", everytime I try to load them up it crashes, it's too annoying because I can't work like that. when i buy a new bank from other producers, maybe 10 presets or more are cursed.. It messes up my workflow because there are more cursed presets that I know of, so when I'm in a session, having ideas I try different presets until I fall upon a cursed presets and it crashes. several times.

    The second problem is almost 1/5 preset is missing samples from Arturia keyboards and pianos, Pigments or Arturia synth collections even though I have these plugins...

    I'm getting desperate because I love analog lab so bad but it never worked for me, ever since i downloaded it for the first time, it never worked properly and I cannot work like that.

    To solve this problem, a week ago I did a factory reset on my PC thinking it would correct all the bugs i've been having, but no it's just the same..
    This morning I tried to solve this problem by buying a month of Analog lab on splice to see if the problem wasn't because I got an old version, but still, it crashes with cursed presets, even in standalone!!!

    Please help me on my journey to make Analog lab V work, I've been searching for an answer on the internet for too long I need to make work Analog freaking Lab.

    Thank you for reading this.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Did you update any of the separate synth plugins?

    I think you should stick to testing it from the standalone version. Your DAW will use more cpu/memory and any other possible complications; so troubleshoot it from the plugin until you fix that. Then worry about it in your DAW once you know it "works".

    If you cannot fix it with settings in your preferences menu, I would probably remove (using Revo) and reinstall it. After backing up anything you need to save. It's only 5 or so gig; it's not like it is Omnisphere.
  4. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    The synth plugins work perfectly alone, why should I remove it and reinstall it I did wipe my whole pc and it didn't work lol
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I saw that you mentioned doing a "Factory Reset", but I wasn't going to guess what extent that meant to you. Also, if you did install Analog Lab on a fresh Windows install already, it should theoretically be working.

    What release did you use to install Analog Lab? version number and team would help. By wiping Windows, you have already ruled out so many possibilities. What presets do you have installed? Did you install one of the big VR/R2R Soundbank Bundles?
  6. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Hi, I had same issue for a long time (using VR release), here is what I did :

    I uninstall everything from Arturia, then delete all the folder that were not deleted in the process, then reinstall everything (not sure if it is relevent but I select "install Common Data to default location at drive C:" (before that previous install I didn't change anything there, some were on that by defaut, other were on the Symlink option, not sure if that help but maybe it does).
    Then once everything is install, open FL studio in administrator mode, and open the Arturia plugin, I'm not sure if you need to open them all, maybe just the Analog Lab is enough, otherwise some preset will not appear.

    Then you can close FL and reopen it like usual and it should work. I don't know if it fix all the issue with all the "cursed" preset but I didn't have any issue since I've done this with the preset I know had issues.

    I'm not sure if the problem is because of the mixed symlink/not symlink installation, or if it come from updating on top of already installed plugin, I did that with the last version available on sister site, so I'll see with next update if it's that.

    Hope that help
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Is this the issue VR mentioned about these preset bundles, where the presets had been cured and would even work on other teams releases?
  8. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I'm not sure if it's the same, I only use VR release for Arturia products.

    I think what VR mentioned was more about the licences, the preset bundle they release is not usable exclusively with VR release, as it can sometime be the case (because some presets can be linked to a specific user account/serial number/email adress). But maybe it's not about that, I'm just guessing here.
  9. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    First I installed Analog lab 5.10 It's not from VR or R2R it's just from a guy I think, After that I tried to install Analog lab from splice with a 3days trial, and after that I tried to unninstall everything (Lab, Synth collections, piano and keyboard collection, pigments) and downloaded the Arturia Collection 10 from VR that includes all these plugins and still the same. So i don't know what to do Imma try to unnistall everything again and then try another version. For the presets I have a bunch of banks, not from VR or R2R, just other producers banks found on reddit or other sites and banks that I bought from producers I like
  10. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    I too did install it on drive C: I mean I didn't change anything when installing, it is originally on C drive
    I did open in administrator too to be able to see my banks, Imma do it again and try to open a cursed preset while in admin.
    How did you uninstall every arturia folders, did you do it by hand or use a software to delete everything?
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The cleanest way to uninstall everything, including all junk; on Windows is to use Revo Uninstaller.

    Some of these massive preset bundles have given people issues also. I think you have to do cracked presets with cracked plugin. You may have better luck with all of this using VR or R2R releases.

    So VR had this note on some of the Bundles that have been released:

    Release notes:
    In addition to the two left hands of architecture with a million small pictures, the Arturia plugins
    also have a paranoid flaw in checking the license of protected presets - is checked by legitimate
    each of more than 10,000 protected presets, which greatly increases the initialization time of
    plugins :( Therefore, to accelerate loads all protected presets, were cleared and unlocked. Now
    these purified presets can be used even with third-party imperfect releases (eg R2R) that did not
    support protected presets
  12. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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  13. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I use the regular uninstall you get in the windows app setting, then delete all the folder in program files and program data, cause sometime the uninstall just delete the plugin but not the presets.
  14. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    So should I try to uninstall every arturia plugins and download them again ?
    Should I download VR or R2R versions ?
  15. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    Sadly, Arturia softwares are buggy by nature.
    Bugs are not related to scene releases ...
    That's one of the reasons why i stopped using any Arturia product.

    And FL Studio has always been an unstable host too.
    Did you ever seen another DAW with "plugins settings" like buffer and such ?
    Not me ... and i tested them all.

    Here, you are stacking both half backed trouble makers.

    First, try another DAW and see if those presets crash too.
    If they do, try another scene version.
    VR 5.10 seems "more" stable.

    If you read comments on every scene releases, you will see ppl complain about Analog Lab being unstable on almost all DAWs .
    Because it is related to Arturia, not scene.

    On my side, i dropped Analog Lab and gone full Falcon for analog like synths :wink:
    Good luck ! :wink:
  16. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    Yes, you should get a known good release or else you are just shitting up things. I've used Analog lab since version 3 without problems.
    I own the hardware and still use the cracked version because it runs better.

    after you deinstall and clean up your system. Image your hard drive so you have a backup copy (known good - verify the backup)
    so you don't have to do all the deinstall stuff if you have another issue going forward.
  17. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
    Likes Received:
    North America
    try Arturia.V.Collection.9.v9.4.0 R2R
    In our release, Un/Installer does not kill presets. Compatible with other legit Arturia installers.

    - Legit ASC installation will not be affected,
    and does not affect to R2R Arturia releases.

    you will need to have these installed on your system

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package (x64)


  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It is looking for the first file at C:/ProgramData/Arturia/Samples/Mellotron V/User/NIGHTFALL/1_1.wav.

    Verify that one file is in the correct location. This usually happens where a program is setup to look for files in the wrong location. You may find the file on the hard disk, but you will not find it in that exact matching location. Do not use the Locate function in FL. Manually locate it in Windows. This is exactly what it looks like when a symlink or shortcut is pointing to the wrong folder.

    I think the reinstall of everything will fix it, but sometimes you can just easily fix the link (or add one). The problem could even be in the settings for FL.
  19. MostDope

    MostDope Newbie

    May 17, 2024
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    I downloaded another version, let's say it works, the only bugs I get is with the same as earlier with the "cursed presets", I no longer or rarely have the issue where it says sample are missing. So i just like every presets that work beforehand so every presets liked actually work and don't make Analog lab crash. It's the only solution maybe the problems come with the presets and not the vst, anyway thank you all for your help
  20. kxxykwtfgo

    kxxykwtfgo Newbie

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Hi there,
    I don't know if you still have problems regarding this issue but I had it as well, been trying over a week to fix it pulling my hair out, with these 'cursed presets' in third party banks where clicking a wrong preset crashes the entire DAW, very frustrating in sessions.

    what worked for me on Windows was to uninstall Analog Lab V and also the Piano & Synth Collections, for some reason that was causing the issue for me.

    - Uninstall everything (including all the other Arturia Bundles/Products)
    - Delete Arturia Folder: C:\ProgramData\Arturia (Windows)
    - Reinstall just Analog Lab V
    - Re-import preset banks

    The only downside is that you basically sacrifice the other bundles, but still worth it in my use case personally.

    This worked for me, let me know if you still have issues!
  21. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Please don't mix from different teams, just choose one team. Download everything from Team V.R. and install it.

    - Arturia Keyboards & Piano V-Collection 2024.11.CE - V.R
    - Arturia Synth V-Collection 2024.11.CE - V.R
    - Arturia Analog Lab V Pro v5.11.0 CE-V.R [21 February 2025]
    - Arturia Pigments v6.0.1.CE - V.R
    - Arturia Sound Banks Bundle 2025.1.CE - V.R

    Note after installing: Make sure to run the DAW as Admin because it needs Admin
    permission to write new database file (db.db3) in the ProgramData folder.

    Arturia Clean install:

    1. Click on the Uninstall button
    2. Delete the following folders & files if available :

    C:\Program Files\Arturia
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Arturia
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Arturia

    View hidden files and folders in Windows - Windows 11 Windows 10
    Open File Explorer from the taskbar.- Select View > Show > Hidden items.

    Hidden folder: C:\ProgramData\Arturia

    Hidden folder: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\Keys
    Hidden folder: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA

    3. Restart your PC
    4. Close / disable the antivirus software
    5. Install the:
    Arturia Keyboards & Piano V-Collection 2024.11.CE - V.R
    Arturia Synth V-Collection 2024.11.CE - V.R
    Arturia Analog Lab V Pro v5.11.0 CE-V.R
    Arturia Pigments v6.0.1.CE - V.R
    Arturia Sound Banks Bundle 2025.1.CE - V.R

    Note after installing: Make sure to run the DAW as Admin because it needs Admin
    permission to write new database file (db.db3) in the ProgramData folder.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2025 at 9:19 AM
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