I couldn't live without....

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by touma, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. touma

    touma Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Holy crap 5 octaves? I've listened to a lot of rock singers from the 80's with 3 1/2 4 octaves range, but 5 man... that's insane lol. Counter-tenor voice? That's amazing, I've been taking classes for the last 3 months more or less. I am a tenor with 2 1/2 range so far. I can nail up to Eb5, although I'm practising a lot to get higher. Did you use to vocalize and train your voice everyday?. That's one hell of range, good shit man.

    It's a pity what you are telling about the local bands man, that's where big bands come from. We do need those club owners inviting bands to perform live. Here in Argentina, club owners tend to invite bands to play live. Most bands I've heard don't sound really good, but they are just happy to give them a shot. There are pubs/restaurants where you can actually get paid and get free beer for the rest of the night. Recently the band of a friend of mine got that deal, they play ska, jazz, blues instrumental music. It's a pleasure to listen to those Ray Charles and ska artists, they even have their own compositions and are great musicians. That's the problem with local bands here, their compositions are harmonically poor.

    About your compositions man, soundcloud is the way to go. You can disable/enable downloads, allow certain users to listen to your tracks or make them totally public or private. I think the free account has 2 hours of storing capacity, enough to host 3 albums lol. You upload the audio straight from your daw in wav, so it sounds good. I use it to send my mate the different parts I'm working on. It helps a lot. I would love to take a look at your compositions man! Let us know when you upload one.

    Rest assured that if I have any doubts I now know who to ask, thanks for your help mate!. And yeah, it's my pleasure to have you as a friend here!.

    My respects man!!
  2. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    That is so cool that clubs ask bands to play there. Here you have to beg them, Some of the clubs in large cities out west use "Pay to Play". They give you a block of tickets and you don't play unless your band sells enough. That's way messed up.

    That 5 octave range is on my very best days, The low octave I hardly use and the top octave comes and goes,and is there only after I am completely warmed up. I do sing in front of people 5 or 6 days a week and have done so for the last 11 years. I start with a song well within my range, if it feels real good I'll sing something that stretches my voice, but I think I can still hit. If I want to sing a song that is too high for me I will drop it a key. Struggle with it there, If I can master it that way, then I use the original key and struggle until I can eventually sing it well. I don't use my falsetto much, though I can if I need to.

    Through the years I have added a lot of top end to my vocal, and singing songs I never thought I would be able to sing. I do still have times when the top end just is not going to happen, I must be in perfect health to sing really high. A simple cold or stuffy nose and I'm screwed for really high notes. You know I worked at a recording school for a long time. Every session we had a vocal coach, Michelle Horsefield deliver a hour and a half lecture on singing and working your voice. I use some of her tips. My favorite tip of hers is to imagine you have a dime that you are squeezing between your butt cheeks, try not to drop it when you sing. This causes you to sing from deep down in your diaphragm and gives you that little bit extra for long and high notes.

    I have got to go, running late

    P.S. I love Ska music
  3. touma

    touma Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    You know I can use that tip huh, thanks so much for that. Everything is useful in the process of learning.

    Good luck on your gig man, and do let me know when you decide to upload something!
