Here's a Decent Plugin Management App

Discussion in 'Software' started by Brad Helm, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. Brad Helm

    Brad Helm Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    I'm new to the site and couldn't find that anyone had suggested OwlPlug for the management of plugins.

    It can be found here:

    You'll get a 'software is damaged' message when opening it the first time. Hold the option key down, while right-clicking, and then select 'Open'.

    It's proved to be a useful tool, getting better all the time. I like the CSV export function.
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  3. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Genuine question: what's useful about a plugin manager?
  4. MdB

    MdB Guest

    wait, i'll ask chat gpt
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  5. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    What! you don't know what plugins you have and/or are using, so you need an app to show and remind you. :rofl:Are you serious?.
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  6. sevente

    sevente Kapellmeister

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Interesting - thanks for sharing. I think Djord's question is a good one so I had a look at the GitHub page:

    Why I have created OwlPlug ?

    OwlPlug came from my hate of installing and managing audio plugins. The process is very annoying. I always wanted something simple that looks like dependency managers or online content store. I've started this just for fun... But because it was so simple to install plugins, I've discovered dozens of cool plugins just by using my own tool. So I realized this is not just a different way to install plugins, it's a real opportunity to share and discover awesome free and open sourced plugins developed by the community.

    OwlPlug can discover VST2, VST3 and AU Plugins. OwlPlug is compatible with all previously installed plugins as long as they are all in a specific root directory, for example C:/AudioPlugins. Additional directories can be configured if your plugin setup is fragmented on the filesystem.

    After downloading Owlplug, you can still organize (add, move, delete, ...) your plugins with a file explorer or with your favorite DAW without breaking anything.

    A Link allows you to create and manage symlinks across your filesystem and plugin directories. With Links, you can access directories anywhere on your filesystem (Hard drive, USB keys, custom directories...) through a single root plugin directory. For example, you can configure a link named usb-drive in C:/AudioPlugins to target your usb hard drive D:/myPlugins. All plugins in D:/myPlugins will be accessible using C:/AudioPlugins/usb-drive. This feature may be useful for DAW that scans plugins from predefined or limited number directories. On some Windows version, symlinks creation may require admin privileges.

    Explore and download Plugins
    OwlPlug can be connected to several remote sources to download plugins. A Remote Source is a collection of downloadable plugins that can be installed locally. OwlPlug can be configured to use any compatible third-party store in Explore Tab > Sources > Add a new source....

    May not be for everyone but the links feature looks interesting.
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  7. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Plugin Manager App: so you can spend even MORE time fucking about with plugins and developing opinions about them without running audio :rofl:
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  8. jordan77

    jordan77 Ultrasonic

    Dec 18, 2016
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    Reminder: If you can't manage on your own your plugins, that means you're too addicted installing such a thing... (and never ending doing this bad habbit). This will destroy your productivity.
    Just a hobbyist? That's ok..
  9. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I use symlinks extensively in my system to relocate things like VST3 folder and VST data. However, this app is wholly unnecessary for that. I use Link Shell Extension and it integrates into right click Menu and so simple to use; you literally just right click on destination > pick source > then navigate to location you want it to appear > right click > drop as junction > done.

    I would much rather use this method and I used to keep a Notepad txt doc to note down my junctions, but it's now just become ingrained in my memory.

    I use it to relocate VST3 folder to Documents where admin privileges aren't needed (after I had issues with u-He plugs not able to write into default VST3 location due to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 needing admin rights). I also use it to relocate things like Nexus 4, Nebula 4, Ableton, Steinberg, Native Instruments, Ample Guitar, Arturia, Sampletank, Waves insruments data, and other significantly sized plugin data onto a secondary SSD. When I reinstall the plugins then, I simply delete the data folders and replace with a junction to the one on my dedicated SSD. This ensures I can always have the full and latest data for the plugin/DAW, sometimes without having to redownload and reinstall everything (like all the Steinberg data). I also have this SSD cloning itself to a backup mechanical drive too as a contingency.

    I would much rather be using this approach than an app where I'm not sure what it's doing, how exactly it's doing it, and this method gives me full control easily of where and how I store what components of VST/DAW data.

    Here is the app I use to create my junctions and I've never had any issue:
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
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  10. Brad Helm

    Brad Helm Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    Why a Plugin Manager? I know, right?!! God, what was I thinking?? I mean... everybody SHOULD have the EXACT same virtual instruments and effects, the same computer systems, the same hardware, and all of it should be used for the EXACT same musical projects as YOU.

    F***! I wasted so many years of my life and money getting two B.Mus. degrees and purchasing a Keylab 88, Komplete Kontrol S88, Roli Seaboard Rise 2, Roli Lumi Keys...

    I better throw myself off a bridge right now!!!

    Now, if you didn't catch me being facetious (here's a link if you need the definition):

    I use multiple systems, like Logic + Gig Performer + MainStage + Komplete Kontrol + Kontakt + Maschine (not all at once, just to be clear), with multiple VST, multiple authorization programs, multiple keyboards: for composition and performance, across all genres - AND I use it all to teach.

    If you're still struggling to understand, I'll bring it down to level 1 for you: Sometimes, vst and DAWs crash. A plug-in manager helps troubleshoot where the cause might be.
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  11. LoveToGig

    LoveToGig Producer

    Oct 19, 2020
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    How can a dedicated plug-in manager help with plugin crashes?
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  12. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Sounds interesting. Just ignore the Doubting Thomases here. Sometimes you can put forward a suggestion here, and instead of being thanked you get met with a lot of negativity! Thanks.
  13. Abner

    Abner Newbie

    Oct 26, 2020
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    very useful pulg-in! And there's still room for improvement. Also AFAIK there aren't other plugins like it around (unless you wanna use the manager inside your DAW)
  14. sherpa

    sherpa Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Does this software have info about plugins, such as the latency they create or the intensity of the CPU hit? I can get this information from Plugin Doctor, but it would be swell to have this information in an app
  15. VSKZ

    VSKZ Producer

    Jul 9, 2021
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    omg, this can actually remove plugins from the waves "waveshell", thank you!
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  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Ah, nice. I just looked at the site, documentation is sparse, but I didn't go down the rabbit hole or visit their discord etc...

    I could see this having some use absolutely, or features suggested like above that could be of absolute merit.

    And cool that they have a macOS version.... I wouldn't have thought that..

    will research more...
  17. Terrordisco

    Terrordisco Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2018
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    "If you can't manage your plugins"... Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I think I am too addicted to that shit, yeah. I downloaded Owl Plug thinking it might actually be a nice tool to rationalise, clean up, edit, pare down, etc.

    It's not, not really, it's too simple for that unfortunately. But visual management tools are for visual thinkers, to help them declutter. You're not one of those people, it's ok, you don't understand, maybe don't even quite comprehend that people's brains function differently. Your comment comes off quite condescending, like you're better than these troubled people that should just [insert useless advice]. For those that read, it's not only useless advice, it's also a bummer, a downer, another thing that destroys productivity. I don't think this was your intent, so I'm writing this as kindly as I can, just a simple suggestion. Hope you're doing well otherwise.
  18. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    lots of haters here.

    Im a full time producer, meaning my main and only source of income for the last 15 years has been in music. I also have a ridiculous amount of plugins. As the years have progressed, ive found myself needing new tools, for a multitude of reasons. For fun, a better quality release to what i have, something i may not have needed before, etc etc etc. An app like this is awesome for keeping track of everything. The creator also points out that you can discover plugins through the app, free, unique plugins, that may have slipped under the radar.

    Not to mention, i also manage a couple public studio computers, those get so many plugins installed by the different users, being able to see whats installed, where, etc is a godsend for cleaning things up.
  19. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Compare it with AUganizer. The first time I tried that app it immediately put all my plugins in the Trashcan. I put them back no problem, but that ended my thoughts of testing it.

    It would be useful for an app like this to keep track of the last time you loaded each plugin. Many people keep things they "think they will need because you never know when you will need it". It could let you know about ones you have just forgotten to delete, or that you are a hoarder.
  20. shinyzen

    shinyzen Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2023
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    this would be a great feature. Another useful one i can think of, is your most used plugins, as well as recently used, or even plugins within a session.
  21. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    It would be useful for an app like this to keep track of the last time you loaded each plugin. Many people keep things they "think they will need because you never know when you will need it". It could let you know about ones you have just forgotten to delete, or that you are a hoarder.

    re: AUganizer, I never tried that, but I could see your experience with that not to be something I would like! :). But as you said, fortunately you were able to undo easily etc... so no real harm, no real foul... but I imagine for some it might toss them for a loop for a bit at least...

    Great point. Yeah, as I'm (trying) to be more discerning with what is installed of late on a newer system after flooding my older systems with a lot down the pike that would see use only in 'trying out' or 'testing', never to be instantiated again... your idea would be the value to be in terms of simply auditing use and removing detritus. (as my discipline against hoarding can sometimes fail, even with the right intentions..).

    Good call.
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