This guitar sound

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by TwistedCycles, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    i'm a poor guitarist and i own a Fender Telecaster US from 83 that i plug directly in my audio interface and i would like to get that sort of sound

    Do you know if i can get that sound with her ?

    The sound i would like (3,5Mb video)

    i tried a lot of stuff in Guitar Rig 5 but i can't get even any little bit stuff which sounds similar... Do you think it's more to see with the sound of the guitar itself ? the way i plug it directly in the soundcard or some soundesign / blend done by Samplelogic to make this monstrous sound ?

    i don't own any pedal effect and no DI
  3. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Ok,I was confused at first since it was a Kontakt patch,you just wanna sound like that.I'd say get a DI they can be helpful.Secondly with a tele it's just the 2 single coils (I think)it may not sound as mean as say a Jackson,PRS,Dean,BC Rich,etc or even a Les Paul or really anything with a humbucker(Lol,too many guitar names).But you should be able to get a pretty mean sound out of it,and the neck pickup should give a nice bluesy sound.They're kinda famous for having a twangy sound,that's why a lot of country & blues guys play em,but I've seen a few 90's alternative bands use em too,and honestly you could use it for any genre,it's all how you play.Fenders tend to have a certain sound,the strat too,I watched a Steve Vai Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen concert on youtube and Yngwie was playing a strat and I could immediately hear a difference,it's almost like you can hear the frets more,hard to explain.G3 - (Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen) As far as fx processing goes I'd say try a few different ones and see what you like,Guitar Rig 5 is ok,it has a few really mean presets, I think it's good at covering 70's,80's & 90's tones,others are nice too revalver is pretty good,that Grind machine is nice too.There's others too Amplitube 3,Podfarm,Overloud Th2.Nick Crow,Poulin/Lepou,and the EZmix stuff.It's all nice.They are all good for certain sounds,it's really a matter of taste.I personally like Poulin Legion and Lecab and like 2 impulse responses or the EZmix ones.There are some impulses in a thread on here somewhere.I use the same fx whether it's a real guitar or a vsti.And not sure on the Samplelogic question but as far as virtual guitars go I use Real LPC,Vmetal,Shreddage 2(Sometimes).I've tried others like Ample Sound etc.I'm still learning Vmetal,and I still cant get shreddage 2 to do what I want.So far Real LPC gets me as close as I can find to the sound I want.I usually turn on the bridge mute,pinch harmonic,legato,and tapping keyswitches,tune it down -2 to -4 semitones.That bridge mute is sweet,I'll play the first 2 notes of a power chord say E and B,and either chug the bridge mute keyswitch and the chord or hold it all down and use the strum keys,can get as fast as you can play.It has it's downfalls though,certain chords sound funny almost like inversions compared to a real guitar,nothing beats a real guitar,but these will do the job to a certain degree.Best of luck :headbang:
  4. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    I use a Digitech RP 255 FX pedal which gives me the capability of switching between humbucker and single coil. It also has about 50+ amp models/cab models/ FX up the wazoo, etc. No, it won't sound like a Mesa Boogie or a Marshall but it will be damn close and with a little wizardry during the mix you can fool most of the people most of the time.....I know I have. (see/hear this: ) A little subterfuge in the description says I dusted off the ole Marshall stack....I've never owned a stack.
    But I digress. Instead of trying to 'copy' a sound why not use FX pedals and plugins to create something unique. Last person I know who ever made a Tele sound awesome was Roy Buchanan. Maybe its your turn? Good luck either way.
  5. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Thanks for all these replies mates !

    i don't have much money to buy tons of gear for guitar, but i think i need to change my pickup on the neck. The bridge one is the original from 1983 and has a great vibe to it for bluesy stuff but the neck one is a lace sensor not really powerful so i will see if i can find something like a humbucker for more power. May be a DI too ...

    later i'll buy a microphone to record the sound from my amp (a 2006 Orange Rocker 30 combo)

    Indeed, i don't play a lot my guitar anymore but i need that kind of "Les Paul power chord" patch sound for a Dub track i'm working on, a massive overdriven sound really squared if you know what i mean. Straight edges/shape, not muddy like what i get with my telecaster which sounds dirtier/slobbery and not great for what i need for this Dubby track.

    Finally i don't think it's related to my (poor) playing technique since i only want simple power chords
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Just sounds like distortion with the mids scooped out (aka smiley face) on an EQ. Not really much to it.

    You might want humbuckers though. Easier to get that tone/characteristics.

    FYI the tele is my go-to guitar. Great guitar, even though I prefer the japanese ones made during the 80's. I have three.
  7. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Huehueteotl,

    Well... not so poor ! You have in your hands one of the most legendary Electric Guitar of the History... *yes* :rofl:

    *no* Not necessarily. I mean, if you want to change your 'original' Pickup to absolutely have an 'Humbucker', choice is yours... but before, you should absolutely try the following Plugin. If it suit you, you can then leave your 'original' Pickup untouched and get some Fat and Bold sounds (as these provided by 'Humbucker' Pickups) thanks to that Plugin. *yes* :wink:
    Morevover, it's FREE !!! *yes*

    'Redshift Pickup Replacer' (by AcmeBarGig)

    "RedShift allows you to replace the tone of your guitar's pickup with a huge list of alternatives and provides you the versatility you need without having to spend money on several guitars.
    From active rail pickups to lipstick-style single coils, from warm 50's humbuckers to high output modern varieties, RedShift covers every style of playing. Additionally, Red Shift allows you to change the material that makes up the body of your guitar."


    This coupled with a good 'Amp Simulation' (something more or less similar to a 'Marshall') may do the trick ! :wink:

    As it seems that you're frequently using 'GuitarRig', try the 'Plex' Amp, for instance. 'AmpliTube 3' can also help you in this way to get some 'Marshall' Style sounds, or any other kind of 'Marshall' Amp Simulation.
    You should perhaps also have a look at non-commercial 'Amp Simulations' (FREE) like these of 'Poulin', 'Nick Crow Lab', or even these of 'AcmeBarGig' (a lot of different Models are available)... just to mention a few. *yes*
  8. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    indeed i said poor guitarist to mean bad player not for the money, though i leave with less than 500 euros/month... :(

    Concerning the pickup i only want to replace the non-original one : the Lace Sensor on the neck which has not so much identity imho, but no worry, i will keep forever the Original on the bridge *yes*

    Oh and thanks for the Pickup replacer plugin which looks nice but it is only for Windows and i crunched the Apple some years ago : S
    i will look if i can get some similar stuff but thanks for the cool advises :wink:
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