Which MIDI controler for Studio One?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by mrpsanter, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I'm planning to buy a MIDI controler and was wondering what are you guys using with Studio One?

    I was interested by the Novation Launchkey Mini: Any of you use this with Studio One? Good choice or maybe something better for the same price range?
  3. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Any MIDI Keyboard will work with Studio One as far as i know. How many keys? Just a plain keyboard or one with extra stuff?
  4. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Hi MrAnonymous,

    I need 25 keys, not more. Extra stuff (such as the Launchkey Mini pads) would be nice but not mandatory.
    I know that every keyboard should work but some are made with a specific DAW in mind (Ableton anyone?) which means that some features will only work in that DAW.
  5. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    You're thinking of controllers I think. Any keyboard should work the same in any DAW it's when you have sliders and buttons and knobs that they will try to map differently in different DAWs. I use an Axiom in studio one and it works well. All the automatic mapping to me is crap anyway, it usually is fun for ten minutes, and then just kind of gets annoying.
  6. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is none S1-ready keyboard...sadly.
    In fact, my Novation Remote SL is a pain to use with it.

    Take any good quality keyboard with features you like (drumpads, faders, rotaries...), and you can use the fantastic S1 MIDI mapping :
    S1 MIDI

    It will be better than all that Novation/M-Audio integration crap :wink:
  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Yes you're right, I was thinking about a controler.
    Which Axiom do you have exactly?

    Beside M-Audio's, anyone has experience with AKAI controlers?
  8. tgunz

    tgunz Newbie

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Right now I use a novation remote 25 sl (first version 25 key) which works flawlessly mixer vst effects transport everything maps just set the template on remote to user very simple I also have the novation mk2 49 key which maps everything the same way any vst u have (once ran through automap)links up perfectly for me (mk2 has seperate buttons to switch between mixer fx vst ect)most vst u can change the presets with out touching the mouse I also have a mpk49 which is just collecting dust now since I got notavation and I strictly use studio one actually just bought it when they had the 50% off sale for 200$

    I have no trouble from the first time I plugged it into computer both of them for that fact all my fx mapped all vst transport banks of faders so there's more than 8 I luv novation I have the Mackie control universe and use the novation to tweak fx when pulled up through the Mackie so I don't have to touch mouse what problems do u have with it?
  9. AuralVirus

    AuralVirus Newbie

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I guessed it was you asking this question before I even entered the thread :rofl:

    Read some reviews - often the mags such as Sound on Sound or Future Music do the 10 best of in various price ranges.
    If its your 1st then anything around the £100/$100 mark will do as an input/trigger device as long as it has the "bits" you want.
    If you can actually play then you'd want larger than 25keys and higher quality key mechs.
  10. baseimpulse

    baseimpulse Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    you should be able to map any parameter to S1 that you choose. Really what it all comes down to in the end, is knowing what functions your in need of most, and that will narrow down a lot of choices for controllers for you. Dont get buried in all the hype of what one does over another etc. Remember that what you are mostly going to use will determine that for you. Also, there are studio one mappings being made by manufacturers as the demand grows, so be patient in that regard. Until then, your best off making your own mappings.

    Hope that helps a bit
  11. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    LOL Glad to catch your attention but the question wasn't as obvious as it seems since I was specific to a Studio One context which is kind of much more restrictive as you know. You don't have that many people (like Cubase/Logic for ex) that uses S1, that's why I posted in the forum. :)
  12. AuralVirus

    AuralVirus Newbie

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Possibly the question 1st could/should be - Whats your style? or intention with S1? How do you want to control it? or think you may want to control it?
    If its just for note input then an ox8 style keyboard preferably (?) Behringer UMA25S U-Control 25 will do, if you want to triggers "stuff" then maybe something with pads.
    If you want to twiddle, input, slip n slide and trigger then something like the Novation Impulse 49 (£200) would be ideal (in fact I'd recommend that anyway as a starter, if too high price go for something like the Behringer UMA25S (£70) with some Korg NANOPAD2-BK 8 (sliders @ around £35!!) & a BK16 (drum pads per @ £23 atm !!!) controllers considering you can add as many pads or sliders as you need.
    Sure they aren't super duper "pro" but they work and ego costs more. :wink:

    You can always spend more on extra kit when you have a crystal clear idea of what you are aiming for but you certainly can't un-spend on an expensive piece of kit you may not actually use to its full potential and those natty controllers will always be useful if you go on holiday etc.
    With the behringer + 2 korgnano's you'd have basically the same input capabilities as the novation for nearly half price or leaving you with £70 toward that upgrade that you'll want in a year or so.

    Lastly as lampwiik said, all controllers will work with any daw, (of course other than dedicated hardware like maschine or push) 99% do basically the same thing across the board.
    The more you pay then the better say key mechanisms become etc (eg weighted, half weighted or not at all). But even the entry level kboards @ £70 such as the midiman ox8 or behringer has velocity sensitive keys (i'd not recommend much below that tbh) its just the more you pay the "better" they feel and of course materials change from plastic to metal and woods etc but they all do the same thing.
    Start low - if its really that shit everything has a guarantee and can be returned :bleh:
  13. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Nanokey/Berhinger velocity sensitivity is a teenager on PMS. Random and extreme.
    There should be a "keyboard piano" feature in S1... It won't be much worst than nano and stuff.

    The automatic integration works usually alright-ish in the shop, but there's always some catch that will make them a nightmare to integrate in your workflow.
    My friend told me Novation automap worked great for him... but it's not always the case.

    If you want a keyboard + stuffs, just save a bit and put some more in it. Or you'll get some random-ish control, unresponsive keys and such...
    If you like Launchkey Mini face , save more for the Launchkey or whatever keyboard in that price range, not all mechanics are equal.
  14. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    MIDI is MIDI. A MIDI controller works with any MIDI in or out. If you just want a cheap controller that's a lot of fun---Alesis Vortex keytar. If you want something nice, I suggest weighted or semi- weighted keys, and go pro. You know- Yamaha, Roland, etc. The people that have been doing it since MIDI was invented.