KLU (Kontakt Library Utility) - Version 2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Fred Bloggs, Nov 17, 2023.

  1. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    You are very welcome… and that's some very interesting information that you've posted there. Thanks for that :like:
  2. Mauwurf

    Mauwurf Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Question to @Fred Bloggs

    Now that you have the INformation about the MAschine and Komplete Kontrol Chapter of NI Stuff.

    How dificult would it be to Extend your Tool for Maschine / Komplete Kontrol Stuff?

    For example integrating GULP.Coffee in your tool to generate ThirdPArty NKS Presets.

    I can Assist and Contribute if you like.

    LAst year i was able to Transform SERUM Presets into NKS Presets via GULP.coffee. I did it with Help. But yeah it was successful ---- But also a pain in the Ass. Huge Workaround a lots of Things to do.

    Maybe we can Work Together to Extend your Existing KLU tool. Make it even better.

    5-6 Years Ago their was a Tool (Only Windows) named Preset MAgician. But was then Discontinued in 2020. And only VST2 Capabilities.

    Here are the Rest of it what was left on Information.


  3. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Mmmmmm… thanks for the offer, but I was actually thinking of chucking it in altogether !! The more I get into this, the less I seem to know. Just sticking with Kontakt is already a handful :woot:. As far as I'm aware, the Kontakt secondary image ONLY requires an MST_artwork in the correct folder to appear, but there are two caveats to that. Sometimes the artwork or the generic folder icon, doesn't appear in Kontakt at all, and even if the folder icon IS there, adding the MST_artwork file doesn't always make it appear. I still don't know what governs this apart from incorrect names, but all the other files you suggested for Kontakt don't change anything and are unnecessary :no:
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
  4. gigino

    gigino Newbie

    Dec 29, 2023
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    very kind Fred
    thanks for this new version. I ask you for clarification. I work on Mac M1. Do I have to use the Beta version or 2.1.0. Thank you. louis
  5. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Hi @gigino. KLU applications are "Universal", so will run natively on "Intel" or Apple silicon computers. Version 2.1 was actually compiled on my shiny new M3 computer :wink:. It has a known "bug" however (see posts above), in that one or two menus appear in French. I don't know why but I will compile the next version on an English system which seems to fix the problem :yes:
  6. eddie nubes

    eddie nubes Newbie

    Feb 28, 2024
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    Congrats with a new M3 chip, Fred!
    Just registered to say thank you for you hard work and tell you how much time it's saved me!

    Is there any way people can donate to support you, or a github repo to contribute?

    Also, noticed that some parts of the interface are in French and some are in English. It's visible when I open Select/Change Library finder window. Not a big deal though, I don't mind picking up on some French :)
  7. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Thanks .
    I do have a "Buy Me a Coffee" link in the first post if you wish to errrrr… buy me a coffee…. ? Thanks, whatever you decide…
    The French language bits are a known bug made by my compiler, when I compile on a French System. I will compile the next version(s) on an English system, promise :wink:
  8. BlossomwoodsCollection

    BlossomwoodsCollection Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Hi there! I have a question.
    Will this work for K'd Libraries with LEGIT version of Kontakt 7?
    Mac OSX 12.6 Monterey M1
  9. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I'm not really the person to ask about this… it's more a K7 question ! KLU will install valid prefs and service center files which would make the libraries visible to any K6 or K7 so far as I'm aware, but that's also tributary of which Kontakt those libraries are compatible with…
    Perhaps someone in the Kontakt forum would be better placed to answer you…
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
  10. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    "K'd Libraries" do not exist... It is Kontakt, eventually, cracked in order to accept "pay to use" libs.
  11. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Hi All. I have posted version 2.2, in the first post as usual. Some interesting new stuff an bug fixes here… check it out and let me know :wink:
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Fred Bloggs: just want to drop a note to thank you for what seems like an amazing tool... especially for someone like me, to give you the TL/DR: I am updating systems and hardware from my old 5,1 cheesegraters, and just stepped up to an MBP Max 3 running Sonoma, and coming from Kontakt 5.6 etc... just pulling my sleeves up and rebuilding this new machine up from scratch, and haven't gotten too far yet, but my Kontakt libraries over the years (I started with Kontakt 1, stopped at 5, and I have taken a few years off and getting back in :) ), are numerous and whatnot, in the terabytes of content kinda thing...

    I purchased some new 18TB drives and was going to copy them all over as to "airlock" from my older systems I am keeping on ice for legacy projects etc... and this tool seems INVALUABLE.

    I will be sure to scrutinize your instructions and pdf's etc prior to going forward, but in theory, I should be able to transfer my older libs and factory content etc over to the latest Kontakt 7 from K5.6 versions etc... and if so, you are a miracle worker sir! Respect!

  13. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I don't know about miracle worker… just a tenacious believer :rofl:
    Best of luck with the conversion. You're very brave to go with an 18TO HD. I went for a 10TO a couple of years ago and I'm now coming back to 4TO SSDs for work. The limited speed of the HD was slowing down my Logic Pro too much when working with lots of big libraries, although the new M3 Pro did help a bit…
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Oh yeah, the 18TB's are just for transferring/cold storage/airlocking from old systems to new... I have a few 2 and 4TB SSD's that I will actually be using in work mode...

    In the past, before the prevalence, or rather cost effectiveness of SSD's however, I was able to work pretty well off 7200 spinners surprisingly, but the libraries and whatnot were probably a lot less intensive for one, and I had a lot of RAM running and Kontakt memory server (if memory serves correctly) etc.
  15. s33ker

    s33ker Newbie

    Dec 22, 2023
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    FIrst of all, lots of appreciation for your work @Fred Bloggs !
    Does KLU work with Kontrol S-Series? Does it matter if non-/legit libraries are used or native access?
  16. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Sorry, but I have no. idea ! Do Kontakt libraries normally work with them ? If they do, then those installed with KLU will also. KLU works with Kontakt libraries. The equipment used by those libraries is not a problem theoretically.
    If some nice people care to buy me a Kontrol S-Series, I'll try it out for you :rofl:
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  17. Londoner

    Londoner Member

    Oct 30, 2021
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    Version 2.2 awesome! Thanks Fred! Ooh la la - the French is no more!!
    Interesting to see the admin pw can be saved - it pays to read the readme!
    will try out the bulk delete when I have the usual diskspace issues!
    Thanks again!

    I've bought you another coffee - seeing as none of the skint cheapskates around here have bothered :)
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
  18. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Thanks for the coffee and the compliments. Both, warm the heart. You are a true gentleman sir.:bow:
    Yes. Saving the password is not only handy, but essential for bulk operations to be viable! You can also "unsave" it if you want to. Do be carful with bulk operations though ! You are warned but once you've agreed, it does what it says on the packet :yes:
    BTW, I too am a Londoner originally, born and bred ! Then I went and married a French lady:rofl:
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  19. run4lifeca

    run4lifeca Newbie

    Feb 17, 2024
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    hi I'm just wondering
    is there a limit to how many libs you can add in kontakt?
  20. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    That's more a Kontakt question isn't it ? There's no limit to how many libraries KLU can install for you. After that it's down to NI's imposed limits for Kontakt, but I wouldn't worry about it! I'd worry more about how much drive space you have :rofl:
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