From today WinXP users are officially fucked!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Willum, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's so easy for an average user to say "you dumb fuck why don't you upgrade?" but they don't consider a MUCH WIDER base of computer users that I consider myself in, too. Read this post about all this stupid hype about XP becoming insecure all of a sudden, for example:

    "Don't believe it - there is an awful lot of oddball hardware out there doing things you'd never think of in a thousand years, and they could be running pretty much anything. One of my colleagues has an oscilloscope on his bench still running Windows 98. It's 15 years old so ancient by IT standards but only a bit past mid-life by instrumentation standards. Of course it's moved down from high-end to mid-range in that time (i.e. from the super-duper one-per-department scope to a personal bench scope) but it'll probably have another five years within the company and probably another decade at least in the hands of some amateur when it gets moved on. There's plenty of other examples, in fact I believe the later models of that very scope were indeed XP Pro powered.

    It would have been £10,000-£15,000 scope new, probably even today it would be £1500-£2000 to replace - it's not the kind of thing you do on a whim without clear benefits."

    I have VST and VSTis that I use and paid for and there are some that simply don't work reliably in any newer M$ OS so I don't "bite it". I'm not dumb because I use XP. I just use what works the best for me and that's how you should use OSes. You use what's best for YOUR case and diss the others. Security is not an issue in XP at all! All M$ OSes are garbage regarding security ANYWAY. :bleh: That's why I use Linux for Internet. XP works for audio just perfectly and even the benchmarks show that XP is better and more optimised for audio. No matter what the kids who never used DOS or W95 say. Most of the posters on this board have used XP as their first operating system, I think. Well, I'm a little bit longer into this computer audio thingie, kids, like from ATARI times and the 1990s. You're all into an absolutely wrong line of this modern cocaine-infused addictive thinking of "upgrade!", it's like watching cocaine addicts blindly taking the next shot. No thinking nor brain used, just "upgrade!". "Newer is better!" Yeah, right... maybe for you it is, not for me, kid. If Microsoft has done anything to make my VST and VSTis work better on a newer OS my story would sound entirely different, I assure you. But they have not. If Windows 8 shaved off even 5% off the CPU usage of VSTis and cut down the latency, I'd use it. But it got worse, actually. That's why I just don't see more Windows than XP in my audio future any more.

    ahhh stupid kids these days!

    I can also say to you "Windows 8, you're using it?" :rofl: To me it's just the same. Except that XP gets my work done in shorter amount of time. Can you even comprehend what I just said?
  2. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Until you can't use your music softwares...

    Native Instruments is dropping XP support this year, and already done on Kontakt...more to follow until december.
    Komplete 9:
    Windows 7 or Windows 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit), Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
    Do you see XP here ? Not me...and not even Vista :rofl:

    Another one, just for the fun :
    Dead traktor XP

    Waves v9 ? Not even Vista, too...
    Windows 7 with SP1 | Windows 8

    And more and more...

    You can stick with XP...but not for music making. Or may be you still like Atari ST with Cubase ? :bleh:
    Of course, you can use old softwares on old computers and old OSes, but i already see too many ppl moaning because they can't use the "last stuff".
    It is going to be worse than ever this year :rofl:

    Most XP lovers (i was one, until this year) forget something : Microsoft is dropping XP...but software devs are following because they gain money not supporting an OS.
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yeah, thanks for reminding me. And why is the old software worse in your mind for using it? Like, it doesn't sound that good any more? Like it doesn't work any more? WTF is your issue?

    If I use say VAZ Modular and I love the sound of it and I actually don't even expect any more upgrades from it as it is already far more complex than I could ever explore in 20 years from now, so why should I abandon it? Just because M$ decided to release new OS and fanbois are throwing insults about being stupid for not upgrading the freaking OS? Fuck OS! OS is just the thing that powers your applications. It should be stable and LEAN and EFFICIENT and SMALL. All that matters are the apps, not the OS. If I knew XP worked subpar to Win 7 or 8 in any way I'd change it in a jiffy, but it's not! XP works the best and fastest and more optimised of them all, still! Yes, even with the newest ha5rdware, especially with the newest hardware! Yes, I don't run computers from 2001, either. And I still don't need more RAM than 4GB.
  4. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Oh the irony.. This coming from the lame mac users..

    I still think x86 plugs work better on XP. XP with vintage plugs by air, assign never ever failed.

    If Windows 7 wasn't as rock solid I would have stuck with XP. Amazing OS. A free antivirus and XP is as good as it gets. And the updates are useless anyway.

    P.S. Recently i got an Ipad air as a gift & had to provide credit card info just for downloading free chrome browser from their app center.

    Talk about money scam with useless pretty toys. Nothing but marketing fad. crApple make me sick really. I gave it to my brother in the end. :snuffy:
  5. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Wait a minute XP Who? must of been before i was born 70s or earlier :rofl:
    Cracks me up is that actually people seem surprised by this, theres been what 3 or 4 os since ? time to move on i think scrap metal is up to .50 pound
  6. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    There's still large organizations like hospitals, POS systems, etc that use XP. Just because you can't perceive it, doesn't mean it's not there. Also, as recent as last month, I get emails from someone who I beleive is on XP.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I got out just in time. :rofl:

    Microsoft is finding its footing after a change in management. So far their offering has been strong, they just created Office for iOS and that was also a success. Windows 9 will be awesome, looking forward to it. :grooves:

    Windows 8: faster, better security, better GUI, etc. Some compatibility issues with older VSTs but fuck it. I love it.
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Actually, in Mac's case, OS 9.2.2 (last version of Classic) became obsolete because they wrote an entirely programming language for OS X. There was a weird shell that allowed you to run Classic in OS X, and some programs were able to run in either OS, but they also got rid of that after Tiger. After Snow Leopard, they decided to get rid of anything that isn't complying with their iOS/watermark/64-bit protocol. Even though my hardware can technically run Mavericks, the model of my computer is a year older than their minimum requirements. As was stated above, you can install Windoze 7 or 8 on an older computer. You can also run older programs written for XP (or even older) on newer versions of Windoze. You can't even run non-UB OS X programs in OS X.
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Nobody is stopping anyone from dualboot/tripleboot. I'm using Windows 7 for audio, simply because the driver support is better than in XP 64bit, but I still have XPs and have no reason to uninstall or replace them. Why? In all circumstances, there's always W7 if something doesn't work, and vice versa. Worst thing is to upgrade, "because it's fancy and everyone does that". As SineWave said, I use what works best for me, in the best possible combination :wink:
    Windows XP mode on 7,8 is mostly crap, it's way better to have the 'real' thing installed.

    If XP 64bit was as good and compatible as its 32bit brother, I'd still be mainly on XPs :thumbsup:
  10. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I really doubt hospitals that charge more than a leg and an arm still have windows xp. I'm pretty sure most "organizations" had move towards windows 7. Main reason cause they have contract with companies like HP/IBM/TOSHIBA to fill their orders and repairs which usually install windows 7 as default. And now a days, you can hardly get a computer online that isn't windows 8 or 7. You might even be lucky to get windows 7.

    And i find it extremely rare that "organizations" would still use computers that are older than 5 years because of "spyware/safety issues/repair". (I'm sure a "good" user can make a computer last or upgrade it. I hardly doubt random workers would treat a computer as good as their own dog)

    Now, I'm sure that 3rd world countries in africa or that have a harder time with politics/economy might be using such computers/os. :dunno: Maybe you're right, China could use 1 OS that would represent 1/3(4) of the world population.

    :rofl: I remember when catalyst had nightmares because he was force to upgrade to windows 8. I'm glad you enjoy the OS.
  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    and it will happen all over again when Win9 comes out next year, with MS saying "Win9 is the best windows ever - and no more support for Win7, Oh and by the way your 2 year old puter will need to be replaced ae well because Win9 is simply too good for it and it won't work on your old hardware" :wow:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Name one thing you can do on XP you can't do on 8 besides getting infected by malware every turn. It's a 12 year old OS and not a very good one at's time to move on unless you have some compatibility issues like SineWave. I wouldn't go back if you paid me. :bleh:

    System requirements for 7 and 8 are almost identical by the way.
  13. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    the dutch government still heavily relies on windows xp. now they have made a special contract with microsoft so that they can continue to work with xp. i've read in an article that about 70 or 80% of the dutch government computers still runs xp *yes*
  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well i really that win xp is not that (everything has to be internet like win7)
    Or even verse that apple crap they have been like that for ages..
    If you make music why the need to be on internet and why must every bloody thing in the OS have some connection to internet..

    THAT is the reason i believe most people dont like with newer windows..
    It all started with Vista..

    And that graphic shit that take a whole bunch of resources from the computer..

    Again if you make music write poems or only do some Office shit no need to upgrade..

    And hey they did make music when XP was the newest OS and people still listen to it strange huh?

    My girlfriend runs XP have been doing it since it was released and guess what she never have any malware virus and shit and dont even have a AV installed but then she never visit sites that is dangerous

    She used to have a licens to Kaspersky and get tons of spam mails virus/malware/warm warnings her computer screen looked like a flashing stop sign :).

    And one day the license went out she thought about sign up for another year but didn´t have the money so i uninstall it clean the register and guess what??

    It all stoped no more spam mail and she used to have more then 5 every day.
    And no more virus malware worm alerts i did an online scan and even intalled another AV (norton) demo and did a scan and the computer wasn´nt infected that really proved my theory that AV companys is the one who spread 99% of all worms malware and shit to make people scarred and that most warning the user get is FAKE.

    So i guess you use your PC wisely you can have win 95 also without being infected..

    B.t.w i also stoped using AV i had freewares for a while after i notice what (not) happens to her PC but i unintsallled them to to free up some resources and never have any troubles and i frequently visit some porn and wares sites so go figure
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Windows xp was seriousl good for everything. Win7 is what i'm using now. But graphic on Win8 to me is shit. Why they have to turn a pc to a fuckin ipad?! With fuckings apps and shit like that!
  16. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Hell they don't believe in security breach, like acmed says! Im Screwed
  17. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My old dell lappy has never experienced any malware/virus issues, and me being a perve on occasions and looking at porn! (the wife was on strike :sad: - sorry ) and even worse, warez sites :wow:
  18. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    If u use the computer only to make music,yes,no need to upgrade,if it wasn t that 99% of the plugins u buy require online registration,if u have so much fun using another computer and authorize your software with that and then follow the instructions for offline registration,please do;

    I m pretty sure that 99% of people that use the computer only to make music,have another one connected to the internet,otherwise u r contradicting yourself or posting your comments with the help of a medium or a shaman;

    About the graphic shit,well... i like it,i like things that are aesthetically pleasant expecially if i m supposed to use them for a long time.Regarding the amount of resources,that s relative too,it depends on your hardware.

    And hey guess,people made records when computers didn t even exist and still listen to them,incredible uh?

    So why the need of a computer at all,why the need of sites like audioz where people can find the latest softwares,what s their purpose?they r useless since people still listen to records made when xp was the newer software or before someone invented computers,right?

    Aw and by the way,when xp was the newer software,real records (and i said real records,not home made amateur stuff) were made with Apple,and before apple they were made with Atari


    putting a verb in a sentence makes it easier to understand *yes*
  19. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Its a shame Xp can't run ssd's, because its nice to have a machine running 8 processors and 48MB ram.
  20. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I work in a very high security company that I obviously can't mention... but we still have several XP machines that run very important software vital to the operations.
    We are unable to upgrade as the software running on them will not work on Win7 etc.

    But not having to patch those damn machines every month is a blessing!