Just wanted to tell all you guise that I hit the damn vape...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by krameri, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I had typed an angry reply here, but I'm in a good mood so I'm not going to do that. Please don't suggest that I "research" anything, trust me, I know this plant already and know how it works. And especially how it works for me. That's a dangerous route to suggest that what someone is going through isn't somehow real.
  2. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Hi. This is not only for you. As you know, any substance can have other reactions becouse every "human" is not the same.
    It was just to give you information, and i'm glad you know that you already did your own research.

    Quote "Saying this as someone who has to pop 20+ goddamn pills a day, fuck chronic illnesses."
    Don't you think that popping them makes you ill? Just a thought...
    I can understand what you are going trough. 1 pill for this to get the side-effects gone with another pill etc.
    Pharmaceuticals represent about 3% of petrochemical use but almost 99% of pharmaceuticals contain petrochemicals.

    Take care.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  3. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Wow, I'm already half hard. Let's see...

    Brand name that sells herbal supplement products at exuberant prices

    Same, supplement products at anal gaping prices.

    BTW this is literally the first product that appears when you click on the website LOL :rofl:


    Complete crook who held beliefs so hilarious he'd deserve his own subreddit today.

    Here are some of his beliefs. This made me laugh harder than the last five Dave Chappelle specials combined :

    • Lungs pump blood through the body; the heart is merely a valve.
    • Mental illness is the result of gas pressure on the brain from mucus decay.
    • Fasting can cure insanity
    • Consuming rice causes leprosy.
    • Nocturnal emissions expel mucus, but cease on a mucusless diet.
    • A clean-blooded body sends electromagnetic radiation through the hair, which is important in sexual attraction.
    • Hairless persons are sexually inferior.(*)
    • The white race is unnatural. The white skin colour is the result of mucus-laden white blood corpuscles clogging the system.
    (*) : as you may have guessed, he was rivaling Karl Marx and Khomeini in the beard department.

    Oh, he also manufactured and sold a "cleansing laxative" that had sand among its ingredients. I don't know about you, but shitting sand isn't my idea of caring for my insides :wow:

    His latest video :

    No comment.

    I don't know what a spiritual water fast is, but if it's the same thing that made the possessed girl in The Exorcist writhe with pain, I just wanna say that me and my demon have come to an agreement a long time ago and live in a very peaceful synergy, so no thanks :

    Btw, very cool drum mic'ing technique. I think that's how they mic'ed Steve Gadd on Aja too.

    Another "drink your vegetables and live forever, trust me I'm a doctor (but don't ever ask me to show my diploma or even proof that I went to college" guy.

    I mean vegetable juice is cool, I like it myself. And I never went to med school. Just like Walker. You should follow me.

    Oh, a chiropractor who also has his own supplement brand. How odd.

    Bettered his approach = jacked up the prices :thanks:

    I don't think that's in the realm of possibilities :suicide:
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Don't forget Ashwagandha, Moringa and Tongkat Ali ;)
    Oh... And now they suddenly make eating beef (aka flesh) not suitable, becouse meh climate lol
    The revolution is on the rise
    Also RFJ is on Steroids. 1 week whithout, and he'll collapse.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  5. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    holy shit i didn't bother to look any of those people up because i had the ODD ASSUMPTION they were quacks but i guess maybe that's just the decaying mucus affecting my brain. lol thanks for that, off to eat sand and shit myself