Freeware and outdated plug-ins/ releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by toothpick, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Recently AudioZ has been flooded by posts of Freeware,unknown,and outdated releases/ plug-ins. I'm not going to name-drop here but it seems to be the same uploaders are responsible for this. These certain individuals are more focused on the ranking system, getting "+1's", and arguing about stupid shit then the quality of the content being posted. Do you guys find these freeware,unknown, or outdated releases useful? I read the comments and sometimes it blows me away. These people are praising the releases and the uploader. Like did you even install this plug-in and test it out? It sounds like shit. There's no way it could even remotely come close to replacing the factory plug-ins inside any top DAW. Now, I normally would say thanks for any type of contribution (big or small) and adding to the extensive library here at AudioZ but I have to draw the line. This may sound like a rant but I just want to know if I'm the only one that feels this way? Usually, I ignore these posts and keep scrolling but I'm tired of wading through this "garbage" and everything that comes with it.

    Dedicated AudioZ Fanatic
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Nothing wrong with re-releases or freebies, some of em are new to me (and probably to many others) :wink:

    If you are not happy, then go look somewhere else, or create your own website and then you decide what can and can not be posted :mates:
  4. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    That's not the point. I'm not complaining about AudioZ. I feel like maybe you didn't absorb the information above.. I was talking about a select group of contributors who continually post crap to get likes. I don't wan't to control what people post. I was simply asking If other people find these types of posts useful.. I'll go ahead and assume that you do (which is fine). You know I thought that I would give this forum a shot but it's proved very difficult to have any sort of educated discussions here (especially at pro-audio related caliber). That's fine. I'll stick to AudioZ and gearslutz :sad:
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    @ toothpick
    Don't worry about a few contributors trying to outdo each other, just take what you want to try out. Don't worry about the remarks that are negative, that's just human nature, enjoy what you get and test it for yourself, everyone probably has a different set-up anyway, so it may be good with one member, but may not be so good with another. No offense intended. :mates:
  6. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    double lolz!!! :rofl:

    if it stays like this is a one shop for ALL!! :mates:
    so i don't care

    anyway free it's cool... but we have here the forum for that i think!!

    old? just the good ones specially the dead ones that is already here!! or very rare old stuff you know the ones that we dont find in any site, i mean ANY

    that's only my opinion :wink:
  7. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    I don't need those mp3/wav/etc converters, DJ softwares, autotune, all kinds of synths but I don't complain. I just go and download what interests me. Well, maybe if in one day I will need a synth, I know I will find it on AudioZ.
    There is another thing that I would complain, please bring back the Advanced Search, to be able to search on the subcategories. Eg: if I type "guitar" on the search, It shows me all kind of video tutorials, magazines, and it's hard to find something (when I am searching for libraries or VSTi).
  8. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well how in the hell did they make music 10-15 years ago??

    Did those plugins ever got used in the studios?

    No of course not they used plugins from today they simply used a time machine went to the future dl the latest from Audioz and went back to 2002 and used them and hey it sounded so good..

    So now you know..

    Some of those plugins have it charms and SOUND that todays developers have decided to get rid of i used to use Kjearhus and really liked them the same with URS so just the thought of them made me realize it is THAT sound i search for when i tried to use newer plugins..

    So what IS OUTDATED??

    Did they made music before you where born??

    Was that music outdated?

    I guess you where born after or maybe just before Steinberg came up with the vst technology..

    The answer is!!

    Hell yes they did make great music back then and way better then todays shit that is played on radio stations and they often used real instruments and no autotune/melodune etc etc.

    Ask yourself this question.

    Is there a reason why so many plugin developers try to recreate the sound from the 50/60/70th:s??

    Those plugins (not all of them of course) from 10-15 years ago did sound good of course not as pristine as todays standard but good and hey it might be just what you looking for..

    I like how the "low-end quality" on some of those plugins makes my guitar and vocals sound fatter and more raw.
  9. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I see "toothpick" argument anyway...
    I love FishFillet and Dominion plugs...but they are frankly outdated. And now, i replaced them.

    What will happen in some years ? Will ppl praise old plugins calling them "vintage plugins" ? Will internal 32bits signal be praised for it's sound ? We will need to scroll through 20 years (or more) of plugs ?

    Why not uploading DirectX only plugs ? Or Cubase for Atari ?
    If ppl WANT something that old and useless for MOST (that's the important word), they can move their little a** and find it all over the net :wink:
    Like ppl trying to run Windows 7+ softs on XP, forever...One day, they will realize it is time to turn the page.

    I've nothing against ppl using 20 years old long as they don't try to contaminate me :bleh:

    PS : sorry if i sound harsh, but living in the past is never a good option.
    PPS : and before anyone speak to me about plugins emulating old hardware, i get rid of them one after the other. I erased all Arturia, XILS and more. And as guitarist, i hate Fender, Gibson and some more because they never moved their big a** for 30 years. I'm an old fart listening to 70's prog rock...but i listen to 2014 music too.
    Once again, living in the past is never a good option.
  10. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Totally agree. Look at me, I'm a metalhead. I found AudioZ just about 2 months ago, so you can imagine how I'm still browsing and finding stuff! But being a metalhead you can also imagine that I scroll and scroll through all that Dj, House, Acid, Hip-Hop, Dubstep and how knows what else. And then I come across some drum loops, or a toontrack release and I jump at it!

    The thing is... this is free. Why would you complain? Who cares about people getting praises and +1s? For all I care there could be stupid posts about other random shit, jokes, news, whatever, and if I don't want them I just keep scrolling.

    I came across another group, that shall remain unnamed. They actually get people to pay for this stuff. Once they accumulate a set amount of money, they release ONLY to the people that gave money. You could think "fuck that!", but it's still better to pay $20 for that $250+ product. And imagine if you contribute, you get it, and you hate it. At least here you get to try it first.

    And this is just the free software, kontakt libraries, loops, magazines, etc. The sense of community and help you get here is invaluable. I know there are tons of people that know more than me about these things, and I feel I can turn to them... for free! That's why I also help with the odd IT question or whatever I can.

    So let's not complain for something that's been given to us for free. Let's try it and see if we like it.


    Haha, I just had a vision. A few years from now; Grandfather bragging about vinyl sounding better, while his son brags about protools and x32 vst's, while his own son brags about some virtual holographic music generating shit. Hahahaha.
  11. toothpick

    toothpick Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Obviously I like Audioz or I wouldn't be here. God forbid I share my opinion. I guess that makes me a complainer

    I rest my case...
  12. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I'm totally with toothpick... free stuff is a COMPLETE WASTE of Audioz resources... just before i saw this post, I just posted a request for some Massey plugins, and actually made remarks about this very issue... HYD2ROGEN seemed quite happy to waste this sites resources with his free "junk" (and i'm not referring to plugin quality with that term), the free demo, "mono-only" Massey plugs as well. It's like, let the company websites use their resources for the free stuff (like they already are), and use Audioz for the "real shit".
  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Some old shite actually works much better than so called new stuff - mostly its an issiue if you can run the old shite with todays OS! I agree some of the old shite that is shared is pretty outdated, but some is really still starte of the art ..... even when you compair with todays standards!

    Bottom line:

    Check em out and see if they´re of any use for you ....... just a suggestion!
  14. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Personally I like some of the old stuff,and had they not been posted on Audioz a few are quite hard to find elsewhere.I get that warm fuzzy feeling inside when I see some of that old stuff.For instance today I seen Dcota,I totally forgot about that one,used to use it all the time many yrs ago.I'm also pretty glad that that one guy shares old Akai,Kurzweil,and other sampler cd's too.There's countless times before I was a member that I've used audioz to find certain older things,it's been continually one of the best if not the best resource online for older stuff as well as new
  15. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I'm with others on the value of some of the old stuff... for example, a couple of weeks ago i saw (and downloaded) a plugin called 'Roomverb M2' (from the defunct developer Spinaudio)... and I LOVE that thing!!!.. I think it sounds great and provides an exceptional amount of control over early and late reflections.. and even some other parameters like 'Air','Height' (which I've never seen on any other verb-plug), and a couple of other parameters that i can't think of right now. If Audioz did not allow those to be there, I'd probably never have known about it.

    Now, I can see that this general argument could apply to the 'freeware issue' as well; although me personally, I've not found any freeware on Audioz that I wanted... but, others have had different experiences... one's which probably echo my experience above.

    What Audioz should do then, is put it up to a vote... just as they're doing right now with regard to magazines and such which aren't exactly production related.