Omnisphere 2.8 losing sound output sometimes

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by hazeglow., Aug 28, 2023.

  1. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    You are right, I noticed this thread too. But AFAIK there is no particular themes besides that since 2.6.4 (2021) post.
    Very hard to say tbh. Sometimes it can happen after just 1-2 minutes after opening instance, sometimes after 10, and something it is just not.
    No - for sure! Reinstalling the whole library, downloading it, deleting all paths if it is possible... sounds very tiring when you know that all soundsources working correctly. I think it is much relevant when you notice missing samples.
    2.6 by The Pirate with mac instructions from the sister site. 2.8.5f software, patch library update and bob moog after that (maybe 3 months between installation and update, cuz i have skipped 2.7 versions), but I dont remeber in what sequence tbh. Bob moog was the latest, tho.

    However, it seems like VST3 working normally at the moment. At least, I cannot reproduce this bug in that host today. It will be interesting to test it more.
  2. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    After only installing the latest updates of the trilogy and moving the STEAM folder back from an external drive on a fresh Catalina install almost 2 month ago I thought the previous issues are gone like not switching presets or not playing sound at all.
    And today suddenly it happened again on Live 11 with the AUi.
    I guess we have to take it like the weather. If the VST3 works for a long time without any shenanigans please let us know. I only use AU because mixing plugin formats in a Live project is not good.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I only use AU format plugins in Logic. There have been a few threads about this specific issue, so I did not search and post in any of them about it; but I had this happen one day. A real "no way!" kind of moment, because I knew what it was (this bug). I did the normal close the instance of it, restart Logic, and maybe rebooted even. It hasn't happened again. I never "play" Omnisphere or use multiple channels of it. I make the patch I want in the track, and either record or draw the Midi I want it playing, and eventually bounce it to audio.

    I think it is a bug in the legit version, too. It could be caused by adding dodgy 3rd party preset packs, or by maybe even presets created on a warezed version. I can only speculate; but maybe the people reporting it aren't crazy, or screwing something up after all.
  4. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    That's good to know. I thought it was Spectrasonic's late revenge. Or something with Live 11...
  5. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I can relate as this happens to me in both Logic and Standalone, but it doesn't seem to have any real pattern. I'm only using (of course) pirated copies of the lot of the 1st party libraries. Sometimes leaving it idle either just kills the the output (despite the volume monitor indicating it's supposed to output sound), has it so that every 3rd or 5th MIDI key press be a dud, behaves normally when playing with keys but refuses to respond to the pitch bend wheel and/or the mod. wheel. Sleeping the machine and returning to an already open instance of Omnisphere (whether it's within Logic or the standalone) has these varying issues happen again. Not to be redundant, but I'm not convinced it's my hardware, as my Novation Launchkey 61 will generally send a C-2 (I think? It's pretty low) note key when waking my machine up to indicate it's still able to send MIDI responses.

    Would it screw anything up if I were to leap back to 2.8.5e? I've got patches v2.8.1c, soundsources v2.6.1c, and Moog Tribute v2.0c, so I'm not sure if variant f has any crucial change that's needed for regular playback.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    the only difference to legit then, is Omnisphere Software at 2.8.5f. you could check the changelog for anything that could have been fixed, but it's not likely to be that much changed only 1 version apart. The only problem I have ever really had with it was due to Bob Moog Tribute library. It would do a few different random things because of it, so i just deleted it.

    I doubt it is your hardware , also. What hardware do you have connected to it? Is the problem repeatable? You could disconnect any usb controller like the Launchkey, and see if it does the same thing. Another thing I would try, would be some other method of getting chords to it. So I would use an arpeggiator, chord trigger, or other MidiFX plugin. That way, the midi signal path is the controller sending midi into the DAW, but you have a place to hijack it before it hits Omnisphere's midi in. You can test multiple key playback without using the controller.
  7. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I've yet to reproduce the issue extensively, as it happens the least when I expect it, but sometimes the denied MIDI signals issue is remedied from fiddling around with the MIDI channels within Logic, but unfortunately the fastest way to reset it is just to drop the plugin or close the standalone outright and start again. As for hardware I've got both a Launckey 61 and Launchkey Mini, both MK3. Legacy hardware-wise, I've got my Casio VZ-1. I can assure you that even MIDI playback is affected by this issue too at random. I suppose our best hope is that 2.8.5g or perhaps 2.8.6 makes light of it. Though I am a tad afraid of contacting support if any (nonexistent) license details are warranted xd
  8. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    It seems like VST3 works correctly enough. But I can confirm that this bug happened once in VST3 host too. Anyway, almost all my projects with omnisphere instances in past 3-4 months did not contain this odd habit to lose sound output.
    There is also 2.8.6c update at the moment which was not released when this topic was created. But due to the sister site, it is not worth to updating because of sudden DAW crashes. However, it is unknown - are there any sound fixes in it, tho.
  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Omnisphere is acting up on me now (Win11, Cakewalk). It only outputs silence in a high speed bounce, I have to go real time. Haven't updated it in a while so something else broke.

    Maybe I'm not up to date and I need to be.
  10. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Whoopsie, missed that one. I think it's all up to date now. So far it works, but that means nothing.
    I let it go and use it as it is. Because it happens across platforms and formats I would say it's a frigging bug in this over a decade old 500$ software.
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