Beware of other audio FORUMS!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kookaboo, Jun 18, 2011.

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  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi, i just want to say that the Forum vstc*** is moderated by some really stupid and megalomaniac Moderators.
    Especially "Superfreak" and "THAgeneral" are acting like real dictators! I hate their arrogant behavior.
    People go there, post their stuff and they delete it without any explanation.
    They're just a bunch of dickheads bastards! May they rot in their own hell...
    For God's sake there are much better Forums around.

    This site here is actually much better!

    Big Cheers
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I agree, 1 million percent. :wink:
  4. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Reminds me CD3 and Brazen ROT (lol) from AN... :rofl:

    BTW, warez audio is a little community and some members here are mods @ VSTC. *yes*
  5. Shifta

    Shifta Newbie

    Jun 12, 2011
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    i agree ..
  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    AudioZ is definately more acceptable of human interaction than most. Here's to the future!
  7. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Lord Gaga: "...some members here are mods @ VSTC."

    Even better - so they can officially read what coward piss-heads they are!
    They're just abusing of their powers... poor, mindless little dictators.
    Thinking they are great with their s*** System, arrogant a******s!

    Their days are counted.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i cant really say something about CD3 and Brazen :) thx are really helpful like gazmatrix :) from AN
  9. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It is always best to not act in haste Brothers. Anger is a cruel dictionary to find Your words from.

    Hope this will ALL be put to rights. ALL involved are GREAT PEOPLE/CLUBBERS/MEMBERS!

    AARRRRRRGGGHHH! I turned into Mr Cliché!!!! :mates:
  10. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Piss off Superfreak - you have nothing to say here!!
    Go back to your corner and play little Gestapo Dictator.
    You offended me deeply with your coward actions.
    I will not talk about THA's absolutely disgusting tactics.
    Offending and talking behind one's back...that's all he does.
    And if a member gives a minus reputation to a moderator he
    just can't stand the disgrace and takes actions.
    Who you think you are out there??

    I've never broke any rules on your site - the opposite:
    - i've posted enough stuff to fill a complete Studio
    - gave points when others never did or forgot to do
    - always helped out people in trouble

    But that's all passed now.
  11. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I'm in total agreement with your assessment of what has happened to vstc... !!
  12. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    The peak of nonsense and disrespect is that Mods of other Forums come even here to slander and defame.

    I'm not alone to claim justice and freedom of expression. Vst**** has been reported to an U.S. Organization
    as Pirate site. They will possibly face the consequences soon. End of the chapter.
  13. ricardo72

    ricardo72 Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Here there & every bloody where
    @ Superfreak

    Forum Terms & Rules

    at the moment there are only two global rules:

    1. never offend our members (for any reason);
    2. no warez on the forum


    As far as I`m concerned you can shove your Golden rules

    I made a comment about a post that was made by the Moderator daddy_z which he had created way back on
    Weds, 2009-11-04, 19:52:40
    Loopmasters - Push Button Bang Dark Dub MULTiFORMAT-DYNAMiCS

    The comment I made was as follows:

    Misleading Post
    I quoted that he put the post as [Multi-format] when all the other formats that was originally made and supplied with this release was missing from the title.

    I feel that as a Mod you would think you would know alittle better than to post something as a complete title when this is clearly not the case.

    daddy_z emailed me and he called MR infallible & gave me an instant ban *no*

    Banned me for what????
    For telling the truth that post was misleading to not only myself but to other members of that site aswell.
    What a nobb!!!!

    I don`t feel my comments was so terrible and was hardly being offensive. And certainly not worth be banned for. It was as if you are not allowed to say anything but if I was to put a post up with misleading details as he did, and it got reported by another member of that site they would be quick enough to get on my back to amend my post.

    Well that was back then but I bet you daddy_z is still the same old tosser as always. *yes*

    Well AudioZ was my 1st place I had ever joined in regards to music production & my heart is and always will be with AudioZ now :hug:
    SAiNT is an easy enough going person and so are the rest of the gang who I`ve spoken too along the way, who work along side SAiNT in helping run a Top Site!!!

    They all do a sterling job :bow:

    Oh by the way daddy_z did amend the post as its still there but now with [WAV] format only now :rofl:
  14. budzmaster

    budzmaster Newbie

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I was actually just starting to really like this forum..

    Hey Kook, have you considered actually sitting back, putting your emotions aside for a brief moment, and really thought about what you were attempting to accomplish?

    I have no idea about what goes on on that other forum, but I do know that this kind of negative energy is better left there for this reason:

    It is doing nothing to positively add to our forum, and is in no way providing any value to any member.

    Please take these words as words of guidance and not as condescending. I am not personally attacking you, but rather attempting to make you stop, breath, and think about what it is you are doing here making posts.

    Trust me, I know this from experience, the type of energy you receive when you are trying to get people to join in on the hating is not the kind you desire. It may attract attention to you for a brief period, but that that attention will be negative and will always fail to keep others on your side for very long.

    If that other forum is run by people who you consider to be "a bunch of dickhead bastards who are dictators", than honestly....let them do their thing. Who cares about them?

    Sit back man, smoke a bowl. Download some cool plugins and make a tune... all of this time and energy you have spent focusing on these dudes could have been spent doing shit you actually dig.

    Keep it real man.
  15. ghost47

    ghost47 Noisemaker

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You guys & gals ok Sounds like you need to toke one man easy button please!
  16. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Maybe you tokers need to realize that there are actually some people who really care about exposing injustice/wrongdoing, and that roasting a bowl isn't the solution to everything in life!
  17. EHCanadian

    EHCanadian Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Canada, EH
    Sniff sniff... I smell tr0ll3rz
  18. budzmaster

    budzmaster Newbie

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I am very well aware that there are people who care about exposing injustice/wrongdoing in life and can appreciate that very much! In fact every day I am posting new videos on my faceboook from to try to help expose the injustice and wrongdoing by the global elite.

    Either way, there are two ways of approaching this situation:

    1) Ineffectively. Doing what "feels" right at the time without actually thinking about what you are trying to accomplish and how to go about getting what you want. You spit out slanderous personal statements about people to relieve the feeling of anger that is just bubbling to burst out of you. You feel good temporarily. You manage to suck more people into a negative situation, and manage to get people upset while still not getting what you actually desire. Your in the same position as where you started, but just with more people pissed off.

    2) Effectively. You consider the situation at hand. You put your emotions to the side for 10 mins (trust me they will still be there in 10 mins), and you attempt to see things from both opposing sides point of view. Let people know of their injustice, explain what they have done wrong and what you demand they do to change. State the problem, fill other people in with facts they can understand to inform them of the truth. Then persist with trying to get what you want.

    But honestly, it feels like you dont even have a goal.. other than to make people get more angry and to start shit with other people. If thats the case.. as I said before, maybe you shouldn't waste your time here. Im telling you, there is a lot cooler shit you could be doing right now.

    Oh, and don't smoke a bowl. I really could care less. Your ignorance does not and will never offend me. I offered that as a tool that you could use to help you step out of your Ego for a moment and see things from an enlightened perspective. What you do in your life is your choice, and just because I offer something as a possible solution to a situation doesn't mean that it is the solution to life.

    Have a great day bro... hope you feel better :thumbsup:
  19. The Drum King

    The Drum King Kapellmeister

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Yea I love this site and AudioZ

    How come i don't see SAiNT's comment in here anywhere... :rofl:
  20. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    now that is not nice at all! :snuffy:
    1. i will not prohibit this kind of topics, whether it be about AudioSEX, Audioz or any other project - my members should be able to express objective opinion about things that matters to them.
    2. rules says "never offend our members (for any reason)", but if we be 100% honest, disputed person wasn't a member of AudioSEX at the moment this topic was created;
    therefore, Kookaboo did not broke any rules, even though he should be more humble with his words.
    3. the point of this topic has been reached - the information has been given and reasonably argued by those who related to the subject.

    my thoughts: it is impossible to satisfy everybody.
    it is also hard to find a good moderator (AudioSEX doesn't have any so far), and we need to understand that moderator's opinion not necessarily shared by administrator's opinion.
    the right thing to do, would be to inform the administration of that particular forum and let them know about their moderator actions.

    one thing i can tell for sure - it is senseless to blame the whole project because of one representative.

    feel free to discuss this subject in PM;
    but as budzmaster hinted, we don't really need to see this dirt and negativity... TV works best for that.

    topic closed and might be removed in the future.
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