Hans Zimmer - Randomly famoused composer

Discussion in 'Film / Video Game Scoring' started by metaller, Oct 30, 2019.

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    DEGRAD Ultrasonic

    Oct 2, 2023
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    He's a 7-note music maker but with orchestral sounds:

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  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    My fun aunt Shirley
    Shagged Hans Zimmer.




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    DEGRAD Ultrasonic

    Oct 2, 2023
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    Just show me their scores and I find thousands of errors in them.:bow:
  4. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I publicly challenge you to record a Shaggs song (let alone an original one) and make it sound like The Shaggs.
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  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Absolutely agree, Trurl. Comparing The Shaggs to Hanz failon is like comparing Einstein to.. Jimmy Fallon?
    Unique, bizarre, brain-mangling, impossible precision vs masturbatory, bland, self-appreciating forgettableness
    (For the benefit of hanz fanz, that wasn't a compliment to the worst producer evah.)

    Also, I'd recd taking a look at Headshot's appraisal of this charming Hanz, which is more relevant w/ every passing day. He seems (thankfully for our poor ears) to have been dumped out of hollywood on his zimmer. Hopefully he can retire to his island made of money before poor aunt Shirley presses charges?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  6. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I have re-visited your soundcloud page yesterday to see if there was anything new. You haven't added anything new for 6 years. Improvisations on a scale - alone - cannot be called a "song" - it lacks a structure, a story - and it is not even suitable for muzak!
    It is, at best, an exercise.

    My dad was a very bad example to me - he claimed he never did anything wrong in his life, he was the best, he knew it all, better than everyone else. The reality was he was just a narcissist with an incurable complex of superiority, that only death was able to cure.

    Life is a personal journey!

    Some take the challenge - and Hans took his seriously - and - regardless if one likes his work or not, was successful in his journey.
    Others - the peanut gallery if I may, have nothing but criticism to offer...

    I have no pleasure in putting friends or people down, but, if you insist - your portfolio is a lot different than his - and the composers you praise as good ones.

    Taylor Swift is the most famous artist in America today (ugh!) and I don't see you picking a fight with her work!

    I have encouraged you some posts ago to concentrate your efforts into your music - your challenge - your life.
    There is nothing wrong in being humble. Nothing wrong in failing. Nothing wrong in giving improvisation on a scale concerts to friends.

    We all know by now your opinion about his work.

    I'm going back to Earth like millions of people in this world - not famous - not special - an average Joe if you like.
    But I prefer to evaluate things and change now than having death as the only option for a change.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
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  7. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think my last public domain song was rls about 5 years ago? Your link is to a (short-lived) daily practice project. I work for a living; doing sync work, as I mentioned before. I appreciate what a difficult job it is, as I mentioned before. I can also appreciate that Hanz crowded out opportunities for other composers, unless they were prepared to let Hanz take credit for their hard work. Whether you think this sort of behaviour deserves plaudits, or is best brushed under the carpet is a matter for your conscience. I don't rely on Hanz for work, unlike a lot of his fanz in this topic.
    People can choose whether to consume her media, enough peoples' votes have made her famous. You are forced by a director to consume Hanz' miserable output. Less so, now, thankfully.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  8. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Platinum Record

    Jan 23, 2022
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    In a world of melodies, a composer arose,
    Hans Zimmer his name, where fame brightly glows.
    With epic symphonies, his music took flight,
    Emotions evoked, both dark and bright.

    Yet critics they whispered, a murmur so sly,
    His tunes were generic, devoid of a cry.
    A formulaic pattern, a template he'd trace,
    His music predictable, in a monotonous race.

    From Gladiator's grandeur to Inception's dreams,
    His scores painted landscapes, it seemed.
    But amidst the crescendos, a question did linger,
    Was Hans Zimmer's music a mere epic finger?

    Was his genius for hire, his talent for sale?
    A master of sound, yet lacking a tale.
    Or was he a visionary, a pioneer bold,
    Crafting the soundtrack, for stories untold?

    The masses they cheered, his melodies grand,
    But critics they scoffed, with a skeptical hand.
    For in Hans Zimmer's music, they saw a façade,
    A symphony of clichés, a formulaic road.

    Yet Zimmer he soared, unfazed by their scorn,
    His music ascending, like a celestial horn.
    For in the hearts of many, his melodies found,
    A resonance deep, a connection profound.

    So let the critics debate, their voices so shrill,
    While Hans Zimmer's music continues to thrill.
    For whether generic or touched by a spark,
    His music has moved us, left an indelible mark.

    In the realm of scores, a name arose,
    Hans Zimmer, a master whose music flows,
    Famed not by design, but by chance's hand,
    Crafting epics in a wide, storied land.

    His fame, a randomness some may claim,
    Creating music that's often the same,
    Yet in its familiarity, there lies
    A power that soars, reaching the skies.

    Not by mere chance, but talent's grace,
    He weaves symphonies in a boundless space,
    Randomly famous, a phrase unsaid,
    For his music resonates, widely spread.

    From "Gladiator" to "The Lion King's" roar,
    Through cinematic worlds, his spirit pours,
    Each score a journey, a tale to tell,
    Echoes of wonder in a magical spell.

    Randomly famed, perhaps in jest,
    Yet his compositions stand as the best,
    A maestro conjuring emotions untamed,
    In each chord, a legacy unnamed.

    From thunderous drums to strings that soar,
    In every note, an epic's core,
    Zimmer crafts tales with a predictable trace,
    Yet in their predictability, a familiar embrace.

    His melodies, oft labeled "generic" fare,
    But in their grandeur, audiences ensnare,
    For in the heart of each ostinato beat,
    Lies a rhythm that stirs and moves the seat.

    With swelling crescendos and timpani's roar,
    His music paints battles and heroes galore,
    Though some may say his tunes they know,
    In their repetition, a mesmerizing flow.

    Amidst the grandeur of his predictable theme,
    Zimmer's music, like a recurring dream,
    Stirs the soul, ignites the flame,
    In its grandeur, it finds acclaim.

    So here's to the composer, famed at random's will,
    Crafting epics that thrill and fulfill,
    In the generic beats and the familiar score,
    Lies a magic that resonates even more.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
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  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Fuck, even chatgpt thinks hanz wrote Gladiator (Lisa Gerrard) and Lion King (Elton John) : humanity is defo fubard'd by teh bard.
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  10. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Ok, I have took sometime to listen to the songs and I can relate to that

    Who is drm? A former band of yours? What instruments do you play? Why did it not continue?

    I can relate to that too...

    You're not serious, are you? People can choose but you do not? Do directors come to your house and force you to, send you e-mails or how does this work?

    What is the part from my post above that you disagree? - Life is a personal journey? Your portfolio? The humble thing? The average Joe? I will be glad to take it back!

    On the top - right side of your (drm) link one reads: (ups)
    "I'm just someone trying to make muzak using my brain. It sometimes succeeds in being hilarious."

    Most of us are not necessarily Hans fans boys. You have proving yourself to be the hater, the victim...the defendor of evil Hans.

    Poor boy...

    Spare us will you?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
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  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    It's literally just me, quickly playing all the parts live? Also badly! :yes: You never heard of digital rights management, it was just an excuse to make joeks liek: drm - it just doesn't work etcs.

    If you like a director, you are forced into listening to the person who makes their score. Like I said earlier. If you like Taylor, you can vote for her w/ ur money directly.

    We are (hopefully were) all "victims" of Hanz, even those who "worked" for (exploited by) the one taking all the oxygen. And credit. As I have said before. Somehow you didn't get it the first hundred times? The dude abides, I thought? Angrily, somehow!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  12. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Everyone else is stupid but you. You are a winner.

    That is enough for me!
  13. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Yeah buddy. Errors in music. Sure.
  14. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    That's beyond tone deafness, I'm afraid. You might have Alzheimer's.
  15. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    I won’t get into the endless debate about if Hans Zimmer is a good composer or not. Or if he is ‘randomly famoused’?

    My main issue with Hans Zimmer is his stealing of music of other mostly classical composers and then just shamelessly stating “Music by Hans Zimmer”. Here are two very clear examples:

    Original: Edward Elgar - Enigma Variations, Op.36: IX. (Nimrod)

    Hans Zimmer: Dunkirk Official Soundtrack | Variation 15 - Benjamin Wallfisch | WaterTower

    Original: Carl Orff - Gassenhauer

    Hans Zimmer: True Romance - You're So Cool
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
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  16. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    i have written music that has mirrored or directly sounded like other artist/composers. I simply had not heard the original/other music before. I didn’t steal it. I just didn’t know it had been used before it’s a very weak argument seeing has everything that exists currently well…came before us. And it’s impossible not to have similar lines or harmony.

    the lost woods from Zelda’s theme is pretty much Jupiter by Holst.
    Star Wars repeats and directly rips off Holst as well is John Williams stealing or less of a composer?
  17. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    If you've listened to the examples you can't just classify this as "What a coincidence, I never ever heard this before?".

    Especially Edward Elgar's Nimrod from the Enigma Variations is a very famous piece known all over the world. Hans Zimmer would surely know this piece! (But obviously you don't?)

    Carl Orff's Gassenhauer is not so famous but has been used before in the 1973 film 'Badlands'. So Hans probably liked it a lot. Just made some minor changes here and there and put his name under the composition?

    These are compositions that were 'greatly influenced' by Gustav Holst's Planets. But they never come close to shamelessly copying a complete composition like Hans Zimmer does in at least these examples I posted!

    There are lots of other classical composers that had a big influence on film music. Igor Stravinsky (Le Sacre du printemps, Petouchka, Firebird), Sergei Rachmaninoff (Piano concerto's and 2nd Symphony) , Aaron Copeland (Appalachian Spring), Richard Strauss (Also Sprach Zaratustra and his other symphonic poems) to name but a few...

    But being influenced by a composer is a totally different story than just stealing a composition like Hans Zimmer does in these examples!
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  18. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Sorry to dredge this up, *but* sounds like you haven't heard much North African music or instrumentation. Namely the Mizwad.

    Also, again, it's the producer's and director's choice over who composes their movie's soundtrack.

    So you're screwed if it happens to be Hans Zimmer.

    It boils down to who you know, who you work with, you consistently deliver a good product by the assigned deadline, and the client loves it.

    Also, people steal. Some are more shameless and successful than others. Fact.

    If you can pull that off and make good money in the process, enjoy your success, and godspeed!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
  19. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    they sound influenced in the same regard that Williams is influenced and “steals”

  20. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Sorry, but this is totally not the same! If you're unable to hear the difference between the stealing by Zimmer and Williams being influenced I don't think there's any further point in discussing this with you.
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