WTF is going on in the world?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kearnsy, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Evening all

    What's your take on Geopolitics folks?

    Here's mine, the world is ran and controlled by a bunch of homicidal psychotic maniacs hell bent on the destruction of humanity and the planet for their own selfish needs

    The institutions are corrupt and full of paedophiles, science and history are controlled and doctored to fit in with the rule of society

    TPTB (The powers that be) will stop at nothing (and i do mean nothing) to get what they want, they associate and sell/trade with known dictators around the world and it's been going on for 00's of years with generations of the same families remaining in power

    Politicians are full of shit, and they're bought and sold by the bankers and corporations, and we live under a fascist dictatorship in disguise as democracy

    TPTB make the laws, and the laws are there to protect them from us, the laws are not to protect us, they don't give a fuck about us, but they lie and pretend that they do through mainstream media, and little by little, bit by bit, our so called 'rights' (temporary privileges is a better word) are being eroded

    We're fed bullshit on a daily basis, and most people lap it up like obedient dogs and never ever question what they're told, and, if you state your opinions and the facts to a braindead obedient zombie sheep slave, they'll think you're a loony

    So, in brief, that's my take on the world, what's yours? a different view, or anything you'd like to add to it?

  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Damn Son..No comment, pending emotions :bow:
  4. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Well, if you watch history of world is there any time when situation was better ?
    Only difference is sometime it's a war and sometime's it's a cold war :)
    From the king Henry or some older time, there was a peadophiles, homophobos, maniac's and every kind of people.
    Poor Galileo was burned by it's truth :( and imagine how many womans are called as "witches" just because they are not spread legs and they are been wise.
    Today's modern world is not different at all if you look back at past, and people are on the same level of enlightenment as before 1000 bc, just technology go ahead.
    Long time ago, motive was theritory and gold, today's motive is oil and diesel and that's all. Motive still exist.
    Long time ago, there was a tax by king, today's tax is everywhere and in every sphere in life... and from Government and State.
    I think it's enough of explanation.

    But the main question is what to do ?
    ... I don't know, dl some nice plugin, buy a beer or bottle of wine and take a joy... If you have kids, then no worry, then for sure you have important thing for think about it :)
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Now that's why i don't have any health insurance. Because I'd rather die on feet than kneeled in front of these motherfuckers. I must admit i have a tea collection here and i'm almost vegetarian, but i also eat from KFC too and i love stake. :rofl: Anyway, i'm skinny so gettin' weight isn't a problem for me, maybe that's why i rarely went on hospital in the past when i was a kid and never in the last years. :dunno:
    But anyway... I would love to kill these motherfuckers with my own bare hands making the first and only bloodshed in my entire life.
  6. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, friends,

    what is strange, there are, on rare occasions, situations with quite some catharthic potential (orchestrated or not, does not exactly matter at those moments), then even these are misreported, misused, thus at the end, instead of making those badly needed dents in the universe, all are losing nearly all capacities to change the tiniest wee thang in this world, in the persons participating, in the later recollections... :sad:

    for quite long periods, there were times spent with nearly nightly recurring dreams about being one main character in some anarchistic realm, with one very sophisticated gun in hands, contemplating about who should be my next target from the highest echelon we are blessed with... *yes*

    what is good, even after the resulting long lethargic periods there are new hopes, ideas, things to do, in order to compelling us to rise above our, nearly lost in apathy, selves... *yes*

    remaining the very serious court jester of the emperor of utopia, wish us all the best, squared... :bow:
  7. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I'm not a religious dude by any means..I'm an Agnostic.

    But I really do believe we are in the last days and times. The ruling class has taken root globally, everything is just a facade now and fear is being used to control. People have realized their own needs and wants over others. Automation is growing exponentially, destroying jobs that would be filled by low skilled/poor workers and at the same time has drastically reduced the need for manpower.

    So why would any of TPTB want us just taking up space here? The bigger the population the advantage, the more resistance they can possibly face. The state ALWAYS serves it's best interest first. It has been exhibited by every government in the history of civilization.

    Agenda 21 and NWO are is full swing...there is no more denying it.
  8. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    "Almost vegetarian..."

    This did make me laugh...
  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    Jaz Coleman - Interview with the singer of Killing Joke

  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    In short form - Newton Sandy hook Shooting!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    You knew they once called a cow witch and the cow was found guilty :rofl: People were stupid, still are pretty damn stupid and most likely will stay stupid till our planet or our race will die one day.

    I live in germany and are forced to pay for my rent and health insurance. Health insurance is basicly a good thing, but way to much. I would have to get seriously hurt every year to get out what I payed in... That sucks big time. Also I dont want rent, dont even know if I wanna get that fucking old.


    Okay, now my insignificant thoughts on the topic:
    I dont like the system and society of my country... I dont even wanna change it, you know what I would love to do some day? Get out, somewhere else. Some place small, without big politics and economy around me. Of course that means I would have to say goodbye to some stuff, like all those supermarkets and the incredible amount of stuff I can get.
    But honestly, just getting out of that dump of hate, crime, corruption, money, loudness, stress, hectic... Just piece, without anything above. Just me and some simple folks, helping each other out if needed. I dont need most of the modern inventions. WOuldnt that be nice?
    Give me electricity to make music and go on the internet, give me a MP3-Player... Fuck smartphones, they make people stupid. They make people block out whats around them. These things are poison for a society...
    I just read a book, its called the long way, maybe some of you have heard from the movie. Sadly the move kept out amazing parts (and added some of that hollywood crap nobody but brainless idiots needs). These guys escaped from the soviets, and fled all the way to india. The author wrote about the mongolians and tibetans, some nice folks. They live simple, connect their villages throught simple paths. They all help each other out, and if people come their way or pass their village, they welcome them and share... Where would that be possible in modern/civilised places?

    Big societys need politics. And of course that means what all of us seem to hate. Maybe the problem isnt society, the system or whatever. Maybe we are the problem, because we are wrong, we dont fit in...
    Imagine some place small, just some nice folks. Nobody over your head, everybody is an equal part of society. There wouldnt be a need for politics... Imagine...
  12. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    They are pushing that initiative in the US. They are severely oppressing people's ability to own property. And many people are pushing for the German model here....what many stupid American's forget so easily is the road Germany had to go through to the point they are at now. Americans are the stupidest fucking people on the planet, I am convinced. They will turn a blind eye to the Military-Industrial Complex, a government issue money cartel with a credit system that keeps people in perpetual, virtual slavery, Neo-Colonialism/Globalism, collusion, cronyism, bureaucracy and all other kinds of long as their demands are being fed for entitlement programs, forcing religion on people or gay people being able to marry...

    Yes, these are life's pressing issues in America.

    Germany is an anomaly in today's world of sorts. They have a very strong work ethic and strict conformance in combination with compulsory education. This may be just my perception, but it seems there are still "nationalist" undertones lingering from Nazi Germany still. I have always been very curious about Germany.


    That is Utopia, my friend. Lol.

    In today's world it is virtually impossible to go off the grid. Check this out.

    The Most Isolated Man On The Planet

    They can't just leave this man alone... We just HAVE to fuck with him.

  13. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    People look at some german stuff, and related it to Nazi germany, and therefore say its like Nazi germany, completly fogetting or ignoring that most of this stuff has developed a long time before Nazi germany... Nazis didnt change everything, they build up on what was there. After that whole desaster the Nazis caused we didnt build up or took Nazi stuff, we build up on stuff that was there before the Nazis.

    German history is long and rich, it didnt started 1934 when Hitler got Kanzler.

    Reminded me of what I generally hate about many "discoverers" and colonisers. Why is it so damn hard to just leave people alone? Integrating tribes that live in a different world in our society is foolish. It isnt better for them. Just leave them the fuck alone, they are better of not even knowing we exist! Visiting them with cameras isnt better either.

    I guess my dreams are a Utopia... Doesnt stop me from dreaming...
  14. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
  15. sham69

    sham69 Ultrasonic

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Yes the World is going down to the bottom, led by corruption & greedy people

    let's hope a "better" humanity will raise, in harmony with our environment.

    I think what we can only do is "limit" our way of being a (blind) consumer :dunno: & stop watching TV *yes*


    nice and interesting interview of Jaz Coleman, one of the rare rock band I can still listen to,

    and with french subs, it is the icing on the cake...thanx
  16. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    As I've lived for 4 years in Germany i can understand good what you mean.
    That country - as like almost all "civilized" countries - is really (over?)developed, advanced in many aspects but in the same way very underdeveloped concerning other parts of life.

    Well, I put it this way: In places where the media-sensual SATURATION (over-stimulation) has expanded, new room for new ideas, or other ways of living is getting spare! Some people solve it by migrating to some other country, especially in the southern hemisphere where all that invading + destroying progress hasn't reached yet. And the idea is not bad at all because people discover new realities, other ways of approaching life plus they bring on their "luggage" of positive and negative knowledge. WISDOM is still much more valuable than progress at any cost. What will we do then if we have all high tech, streets, computers, satellites, tv etc… if we don't have natural, non-processed FOOD resources anymore??? If we cannot really communicate anymore? If we don't even have the TIME to enjoy something??

    The actual UNBALANCE between the southern and northern hemisphere of the world is one reason for injustice, exploitation and misery. People living in the northern hemisphere have (still) access to wealth, knowledge and power, meanwhile the people living in the southern hemisphere have (almost the best) food resources, mineral deposits, easy-going social behavior +lifestyle and last but not least an enjoyable, pleasant climate.

    So in conclusion: living in the north you have to work more, earn more and pay more for living.
  17. AuralVirus

    AuralVirus Newbie

    Jan 26, 2014
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  18. Javair

    Javair Newbie

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Damn everything you wrote is everything I feel, could not have said it better, it's good to see I'm not alone is this way of thinking.
    When I bring up such thoughts to friends...they think I'm as you said "loony" or a conspiracy nut, sadly they are the brainwashed zombiesheep.
  19. Off The Record

    Off The Record Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Some reality run by narcissists unfortunatley
    I Agree with you Kearnsy totaly!

    I used to look into to everything because i was unhappy with how things were from a young age, looked into all sorts, conspiracy theories which i might add are closer to the truth i found than the official stories most of the time :rofl: its all controlled by secret societies shaping everything etc etc

    Religions and found the majority of them have been changed edited and or corrupted over time i decided to settle on the spiritual side of things as i feel more comfortable with that and the basic simple truth that Love and Forgiveness is the answer to all problems, its like what Jimi Hendrix said: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace" yeah I'm into that :bow:

    Anyway over the last few years i have broken away from society and its mind numbing talk about garbage on TV etc, i was always out and about, clubs pubs getting drunk, smoked up the lot but i chilled out in the end and basically do a Deadmou5 type thing now where i stay in and work on music lol i don't look into the theories anymore heck i don't even watch TV anymore haha, (Watch the walking dead though and the odd film here and there but through a website, and mostly tutorials and vids about music production etc on youtube) all i do is focus on my dreams and love of music these days and work on improving my skills in these areas :) and thanks to Audioz and this site for helping out with this :bow:

    I know in the end everything will turn out right though, i believe in a higher power that does truly love us and in the end the darkness will be defeated, dunno how long but I'm confident it will happen, always have hope because being consumed by the dark things going on in the world can really depress and bring you down which is part of their agenda anyway lol

    could go on for ages but ill end here

    Take it easy everyone :mates:
  20. xectis

    xectis Noisemaker

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Hey kearnsy, Your words simply speak the truth without a shadow of doubt so thanks for sharing your thoughts. Let me just go into a bit more detail by adding that in the early 70's scientists in a laboratory somewhere in the USA (of course) created the virus known as Aids with the purpose to decimate world population, mostly in Africa, India and gays...yes gays. Much more to say but not enough space to fill my feelings.

  21. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm right there with you 100%, kearnsy. :wink: Gosh I so love threads and people here, so much more than KVR and dog forbid Gearslutz. GS is so full of morons... :rofl: On KVR you can at least find a decent human being here and there... but here you have to search for morons. I like this balance of people. :rofl: