Fender Sunn Mustang Pickup replacement recomendations

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by Vincent Price, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. Hello

    I am wanting recommendations on pickups for Fender Sunn Mustang...it is my dad's and we want that authentic Fender Stratocaster sound but he doesn't want to pay the price tag.

    Any recommendations please for the whole set of pickups...ideally want to be able to put the original pickup covers back onto the new pickups after

  3. 7897898797978

    7897898797978 Noisemaker

    May 10, 2022
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    It depends mainly on 2 factors,

    1 your budget

    2 what you define as authentic Strat sound

    You could go with Fender Pickups, they're less expensive than Seymour Duncan or Lollar, and you'll get an authentic sound, just avoid the noiseless ones and obviously humbuckers.

    The mexican player Pckups sound good and are cheap, or you could buy US made, a little more expensive but you can find model mimicing the50-60 or70 sound

    If by Strat sound you mean the quack in position 2, you'll get that with most single coils.
  4. I have just purchased a set of Fender Venter 60's Stratocaster pickups...amazingly at £79! I don't know how that is possible but it is from a fender authorised store so we will see what happens
  5. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    firstly what,s wrong with your present pickups. If they are too full sounding a simple treble bleed circuit can solve this, there's also the Fender TBX tone cuircuit "Treble Bass Expander" under $20. on *bay. I personally had TBX installed on all my guitars now my 80's Strat came factory installed with it and got me hooked, the Subtle but nice tonal changes are an integral part of my sound now. Easy to install yourself in 5 minutes.
  6. 7897898797978

    7897898797978 Noisemaker

    May 10, 2022
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    Its a legit price, those are made in mexico and are cheap but sound great, way better than the noiseless made in US that cost almost 300 euro