Acustica Audio latest tech is a big step up.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by hackerz4life, Dec 3, 2021.


AA new technology

  1. Big step up.

    25 vote(s)
  2. Nothing new.

    15 vote(s)
  3. I need to demo first.

    23 vote(s)
  4. Overrated.

    47 vote(s)
  5. I have love and hate relationship with AA.

    16 vote(s)
  1. tamere

    tamere Platinum Record

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Nice. Curious did you used the sp79 line on every track and some of the mixbus like chocolate or vintage?
  2. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    I bounced all my Buses and used a Line Input for each then sent them to my Mix bus with the Mix bus nebula channel selected.

    I blended them with different gain and drive from nebula to taste.

    I dont know what chocolate or vintage is. Was the SP 79 library updated and I was never told ?
  3. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    see, I'm an anomaly here (at least as far as my goals I guess go) in that I'm solely making music for my own enjoyment/escape in my room. I DID switch to reaper JUST because of Nebula. btw my amd 5500u with 8 gigs of ram can run QUITE a few instances of Alexb MFC like an impressive amount before it starts to shit out. it was a 20 dollar parts laptop, maybe I'll get an actual number to post. I duplicate my instances like a pyscho for stereo/dual mono as well, and osiris/Vavra are my synths i use 95% of the time.

    so "clunky" doesn't bother me if it's "fun." building custom synth patches isn't as fast as finding a close preset, finding a close preset isn't as fast as using a sample pack. etc etc. so I get people having different needs for things. a client paying isn't the same as me "perfecting the emo pop no one wanted or asked for" but the nebula stuff DOES sound better than 90% of the stuff I've tried on the sister site, to me, for my needs. like I can hear the grip on a compressor quicker and easier with a timp sta leveler than the arturia (running at 96khz of course)- it just sounds better quicker easier. it's way more fun for me. I used to really hate on old emulations of EQs (why not just use pro q/whatever instead? someone literally made that argument on this thread) now that I've gotten to know them I feel it's just as quick/quicker for me to reaching for a curve and freq range i have/know now than mess with pro. I STILL use pro (well tbtech now) of course, but I'd say I'm using nebula like 80-90% on everything. I really think it adds up (perhaps into a pile of shit, but I'm capable of that without nebula too so.... hardly scientific proof) especially with the avoided imd stacking up with all the stereo instances. fucking acustica incompetent pieces of shit making the merchants in Italy roll over in their graves in shame. the balls to say they're stopping when they never added in the ability to sense stereo signals to add harmonics too, like the main cool thing about nebula. greedy fucking pieces of trash.

    someday I'll try to get "real" stuff of course/maybe if I can $$$, this is a great stop gap until I can pickup a console just to run my shitty techno beats through lol. ps Reaper is EXTREMELY CLUNKLY.... at first with default settings. I can say after using Ableton, reason, pro tools, logic, cool edit pro TWO (I just like to show my age with that one) fl, some others....after you customize reaper to your needs and desires it is the most efficicent daw I could imagine in most ways. it is customizable from top to bottom- too many options that's it's problem. again, for me with no money involved I had plenty of time to tinker and now I have it figured out how I like its stupid efficient.

    anyway first thing with money I'll do is build a super computer that I can hold open the door for audio gridder on. I haven't messed with audiogridder, but if I can find more 20 dollar parts computers with decent CPUs that could be useful. for now with reaper, it's rendering/freezing (after you change it from low quality LOL some of the worst default settings I've ever seen, like it was meant for someones 686.) and file management it's pretty fucking smooth sailing. anyway hobbyist gets thrown around like a bad word here... I COULD attempt the argument it's "true" art as in I'm not held prisoner by sales or public response, and I might even try if I thought my music was good lol. but nothing wrong with having eyes open about what you are imo, and why youre using something and like it. I recommend the movies Gymkata and High Life but not cause the same reasoning!
  4. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    I've done with very recently with a few simple and not so simple tracks with MFC ge and modern tube ge. noticable depth added. sounds fuller, richer. two Consoles different of course, tube kinda slick compared imo- the lfe on the neve is fucking so cool. I mean I've done basically the same thing a while now with my bass in a par channel but the life is cool. so yeah with lines groups master bus it very very very much adds up to me.

    with different settings on the input (line/mic) Alex drives them at different strengths- because I'm lazy this meant I had to volume match every individual element for an "honest" a/b test and the lfe.... meant I didn't do that. maybe later I'll do a quick shitty loop just to do an a/b on the modern tube. I have a ton of fun using these, more so than most of the other plugins...maybe CAUSE of the clunk, feels like you did a little work to get great results.

    ps sorry I write novel length, mom was a librarian and I'm crazy, ignore me I won't be offended. but the thing with the consoles is just slapping it on a simple loop doesn't do it justice. the song with multiple group busses and such it DOES but that's a slog to setup OCD style and proper
  5. tamere

    tamere Platinum Record

    Nov 18, 2011
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  6. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Whatever floats your boat really. I have no horse in that race so I can only be happy that it does work out great for you.

    As you pointed, I have different needs for different circumstances. I can't see myself spending more time ''setting up'' sessions and computer options. Especially because I'm at my studio only 6 months every year and I lose about 1 months on those 6 months just getting used to my space again ( and the airplane pressure fawking up my ear drums frequency recognition). Believe it or not, for me THAT is my biggest issue amongst all.

    But I would have loved a plug and play type of interface from AA at one point. Now I'm completely out of their system and to be fair, I'm doing a lot better without the headache that came with those plugins.
  7. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Oh waow. I was not aware of that. I'm still on the old version without a skin.
  8. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Everytime I hear this expression I think 'I need to use that sometime, it's beautiful' lol then forget about it.

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  9. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Thanks I appreciate but I don't have the latest SP 79 model. I have the early one where there was no iteration of the console like those chocolate or Vintage thing.
  10. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    for sure- although I guess I would say the whole "powerful" part about reaper IS it's efficiency... once youre over the setup part I'm over dramatizing. you only have to trawl through the multitude of options and download community free stuff once though. you can save infinite templates, FX chains, keyboard shortcuts, custom lua scripts etc. if you like like fingering stuff and getting it going quick reaper is a dream I would think for a pro, just not quite out of the box. gotta do a thorough options and community download quest first. but yeah if your setup isn't broke then don't fix it. sorry it's hard not to fanboy about a company that seems to do things right (like a full 60 day free trial?! thats what fucking got me) in this day and age. it's such a huge contrast from acustica to cockos.

    i wouldn't say really half of the good stuff about nebula without Azzimovs skins they add so much functionality in many cases and plain coolness. requirement imo. I'm making a very simple example track of magnetic tube console ge I'll post it in a new thread later. its obviously a throwaway and I'm NOT a pro but I'll match them best I can and leave a long winded rant detailing my process.
  11. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    do you have to buy its skins or need just to donate?
  12. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    just 3 dollar monthly donation but a bunch are free already go check it out
  13. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Brian Molko likes Aqua plugins saturation because it is Placebo!

    Aqua technology is totally clean, check on Cream EQ which is bring no any saturation even input overloaded by 10 db
    Compare to IK EQP1A which is acting as analog device, were saturation increases when you overload signal on input
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  14. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Hey, Alex. This is not a fair observation to make. Core 13 is AGES old, like many years, and despite what plugin doctor is saying, there is most certainly an audible difference with the preamps engaged. Also, its no secret that prior to last year, the preamps in the Aqua could not be driven. You get the tone without driving them hot. Not sure what your point here is.

    Try driving the pre's on more recent Acustica offerings, like GOLD5, STRAW, or CHERRY to name a few, or at least wait until PURPLE4 comes out and compare that to IK's EQP1A... Pultec to Pultec. Don't forget audio examples rather than unreliable Plugin Doctor. Us studio heads rely more on our ears, rather than eyes.

    As a professional with access and experience with all the same tools as everybody else here, including nearly everything Acustica has put out, I don't get the pessimism towards what can be achieved with the multitude of incredible, often jaw-dropping Acustica offerings.

    I'll end this post (and contributions to this thread) with a few last remarks.

    1) Folks, don't let anyone's biased opinions, either for, or against Acustica's stuff sway you away from trying them out for your self, (or not). If you are serious about sound and tone, especially if you have plenty of experience, the tools will certainly speak for themselves. They sound a lot closer to hardware than your typical plugin, if that is something that is important to you. It's as simple as that.

    2) - (a) Conventionally made plugins can sound amazing, and are immensely useful.
    - (b) Hardware is usually considered to achieve a more sonically pleasing result than conventional plugins.
    - (c) Acustica's plugins sound closer (if not nearly identical in a lot of cases) to hardware.

    Again, if your aim is to work with tools that sound like hardware without actually using hardware, you'll want to try Acustica's stuff out. Especially their most recent releases. Older releases sounded great, but the newer stuff with the more advanced tech is just ridiculously convincing - you've got to be a class-A troll to say otherwise.

    If you're anti-Acustica for whatever reason you wish, be happy that there are excellent coders out there that can produce plugins that do their best to emulate your favourite pieces of gear, and make the best music you can, and enjoy yourself in the process. You'll do just fine!

    Personally, I enjoy using conventional plugins that don't emulate gear right alongside Acustica's stuff - an Indispensable and unbeatable marriage of quality, for my personal standards and taste.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
  15. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Plugin Doctor is a mathematic, we may don't trust that 2+2=4 but it is.
    I checked Cherry and EQ is acting same as Cream. Because Vector technology limitation. Saturation appeares when pre section is on, but has no any reaction on bands gaining. Looks like pre section is programmed separately from Vector (IR) EQ, which is amazing for sure, but we talking about saturation. When saturation takes place? When signal goes above 0db, that is analog (clipping for digital). Aqua saturation is something different. And it doesnt mean bad, but just it cannot be exact recreation of analog gear, at least in saturation area.
  16. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Really bad! I sold almost everything I had from AA but not Nebula, because like it badly. Some libs very good there
  17. sherpa

    sherpa Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Never use linear analysis on plugin doctor to measure an AA plugin if the preamp is on. Use Hammerstein and scroll up to see the first harmonic, it's a much more accurate representation of what is going on

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  18. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    If you are serious about sound and tone, you'll know that there physically can not be a difference in outcome (which is playback) between an analog generated tone and/or sound and an digitally created tone and/or sound. :yes:

    There are a lot of (mostly so called professional) people that should check the reason for their often stupidly expensive digital to analog converter they bought again. :hahaha:
    Yes, it's because we can not hear digital signals. :invision:
    So no signal you hear can be digital. :no:

    Every audio signal we hear is analog. It is advisable to exclusively speak in technical language in this regard, not something "sonically pleasing" for example.

    To summon this up. If you are serious about tone and sound, you should check the technical fundamentals of them.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
  19. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Yiiishhh :wtf:
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I used to do well betting rather on the jockey than the horse.
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