MCompleteBundle dylib Patch crashing (macOS 13.4) [solved]

Discussion in 'Software' started by aleksy, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. aleksy

    aleksy Producer

    Dec 25, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys,

    I've attempted to reinstall the MeldaProductions MCompleteBundle 15.00 (SPTNDC release on sister site) on my MBP running macOS 13.4, but I keep running into issues I haven't had before.

    As usual, I deleted the files from the old installation, ran the installer successfully with a new batch of plugins selected, and replaced the "libMeldaProductionAudioPluginKernelV11.dylib" with the patched one.

    After this, Reaper crashed and I attempted to codesign the patched file the way I remember using
    "sudo codesign -f -s [filepath]", to no avail.
    The terminal keeps throwing out "error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.", and no other combination of commands I could find within an hour of searching seemed to work.

    I'm starting to suspect I have to do more complicated things due to Ventura, but I'm not sure.
    Has any of you encountered a similar problem as well and knows a fix for that?
    Before uninstalling everything worked as expected by the way (though I believe I installed the bundle under macOS 12.x or something similar).

  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Best Answer
    someone reported this working on Ventura. This release works perfectly on HS. This was released before Ventura, iirc. but anyway this should fix it:

    sudo codesign -fs - "select all plugins and drop them here"
    sudo codesign -fs - "libMeldaProductionAudioPluginKernelV11.dylib"
  4. aleksy

    aleksy Producer

    Dec 25, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Brilliant, just the lower command already fixed it. The change of "-f -s" to "-fs" seems to have made it work.
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