Cubase 5 major startup crash

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by whataboutit, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. whataboutit

    whataboutit Newbie

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I recently fixed an issue I had with cubase by defragmenting my hard drive. While I was at it I also ran a disk checker/analyser. Anyway, what I did solved the issues I was having but then, the very next day...Cubase stopped working.

    It totally refuses to start now, quitting every time during startup. I tried everything I could think of - removing VST folder, trashing preferences and, finally, reinstalling Cubase.

    Has anybody had this issue, or any ideas on how to fix it? It's driving me :rofl: crazy. thanks guys!
  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Re install it and it will be fixed :)
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    defragmenting my hard drive ?
    big no no, also sounds like your in need of a new hard drive, and obviously your having pc issues maybe spyware, virus?
    time to format windows and re-install cubase its faster and less painful then the route your takin! and its Guaranteed to fix all issues Good Luck
  5. whataboutit

    whataboutit Newbie

    Mar 5, 2014
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    like I said, tried that, didn't work. :(

    you never defragment your drive? I always understood this to be essential, sooner or later. Cubase was doing was weird stuff that defragging did fix. The hard drive is fine, working perfectly.

    As for your other suggestions, I'll have to take a look at that. I hadn't considered virus issues because the computer has never been connected to the net, but it is possible I guess.

    as a last resort formatting and reinstalling might fix things, but fast and less painful? More like a bloody nightmare backing up a Tb of data and then reinstalling all those programs etc then tweaking everything to get it back to the way I want it and hoping that everything ends up in the right place when it comes to working on all my pending projects. You're right thought that it will solve the issues!
  6. BluesPower

    BluesPower Newbie

    Feb 20, 2013
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    i also have some problems whith cubase sometimes
    in my case,EzDrummer cant be found anymore..
    now these day i maked a back up whith acronis.
    the projects i recorded are on a different drive so thats easy to import them again.
    the main backup is win8 and cubase and the plugs etc.
    that not cost TB of storage on my HD.
    i advise you to make a backup .when something goes its back and running in 20 minutes or so..
    but well its to late for now, but for in the future it will save you allot of stress:)
  7. whataboutit

    whataboutit Newbie

    Mar 5, 2014
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    my data/audio recordings are also on a separate drive, but wouldn't I still need to wipe that drive in the case of a system reinstall? even with backup on an external drive, that would take way more than 20 mins wouldn't it? Interested to know...
  8. Kaylix

    Kaylix Ultrasonic

    Feb 22, 2014
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    It is always a good idea to format often. I try to at least every six months. When you get everything installed and as you like it, try making a ghost of your system (Acronis is nice) to avoid having to take so much time in the future to do a format.
  9. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Never unless its strictly internet pc so forth your using , Defrag moves your files and compresses it in Block Sectors, you pc apps will give you more problems shortly, missing dll ect.. ! its moved,,, especially windows defrag tool NO NO *no*
    Defrag is Crap, as intended for Dos old school
    Also if you have a Studio pc you should always have a separate drive if you only have one Your Doomed for time when problems arise, i have 4 tb on mine Daws are on Drive c and plugs kontact lib,and all installers on separate along with Dual Boot Hackintosh
    Window 7 64bit best of both worlds
  10. BluesPower

    BluesPower Newbie

    Feb 20, 2013
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    no you dont.
    just make a backup of windows(in my case win8x64)and cubase and al the plugs and drivers that you have installed
    and if something goes wrong, mabey you installed something that fucked up cubase after you made the back up..
    just go to the folder of the backup you made whith acronis(you do that whitin acronis..)
    and as i said before youre back in about 2o minutes, offcourse that depends on what you backed up.
    and my recordings are not on the default folder of cubase.mines are on the portable drive of 2TB also.

    so to be short..
    (1)make a back up after you happy whith all the installed software.
    (2)if something goes wrong, use the back up.
    (3)and load you recordings youve made,just like you normal do

    sorry for my poor english btw -;)
  11. whataboutit

    whataboutit Newbie

    Mar 5, 2014
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    your english is fine mate, thanks for the advice. So, in future, if I make an image/ghost copy of my c drive, I can reformat and reinstall if anything goes wrong.

    All my audio and recordings etc are kept totally separate on my e drive, which is a partition. Is that good enough or does it need to be on a separate drive if I have to reformat the c drive?
  12. BluesPower

    BluesPower Newbie

    Feb 20, 2013
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    yes you can!

    no its fine..because acronis will see the different drives even if its a partition.
    just mark the drives or partitions that you wanna back up
    and youre on!!
  13. whataboutit

    whataboutit Newbie

    Mar 5, 2014
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    thanks! It's really weird, I decided to upgrade windows 7 64bit from xp 32 seeing as I had to do a clean reinstall anyway and it looks like I don't have to format my data partition, it's all still there. I had it all backed up but I guess that won't be necessary now.
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