Aliens? AI? Boredom? Life Tips. Creativity. Sleep Deprivation.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daisy69, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Barry T

    Barry T Producer

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Elon Musk is a fraud (look into it).

    Grimes and her like have an army of producers, ghost writers, engineers - not counting publicists, personal image consultants, marketers and the whole beast system of the entertainment industry behind "her" (iykyk).

    These people are selected and groomed from a young age and manufactured on Hollywood/whatever's production belt.

    The stories they sell you, like "being discovered on YouTube", or "meeting X celeb" by coincidence, are all bovine feces. How else will they sell you the "dream"?

    I know many will cry and moan "conspiracy theory" without any evidence or argumentation. Intellectual sloth in 2023 is inexcusable.

    My advice is, don't quit your day job, have fun making music and forget the carrot they dangle in front of you. You will never be the next Lady Gaga, Baby Booboo, or whatever trash rapper they are selling next. That is a GOOD thing. God bless you.
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  2. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    usually they come when you're not waiting but that prolly only works till you're in your 40's. i always thought i would be one of the first, of my friends growing up, to get married/settle down. was never single for too long from my 20's to 40's but never met the right one(willing to put up with my questionable life choices). i was one of those lucky ones, who meets the right people, that gets the right chances and opportunities. it's all, for a big part, based on luck.
    getting noticed and getting gigs, getting dj-gigs, getting resident dj-spots at parties and clubs, getting signed by a label etc etc. it's great fun and such but on the long term it's not very stable and quit difficult to maintain and combine with 'normal day life'. and meeting someone who accepts that isnt easy
    the problem is, also, that luck can also run out. parties can stop after years of being well established, successful clubs can close down, life-events and health issues can get in the way. and getting new chances and opportunities is difficult when luck runs out. this artist life takes it's toll as well and bad luck is pretty easy to get, especially for things that are beyond your control. Life partners can pass away, beloved pets can die, depression will hit and screw up inspiration. the series of events combined with luck that slingshot you into success can easily come crashing down when luck runs out. i'm 47 now, still single and not looking to change that, life events got in the way and did their damage unfortunately but, oh well, it is what it is. i'm ok with it and so are my 3 cats that i adopted last year after my other 4 had passed away during the pandemic.

    sorry for being so dark but this is also a side that not many people realize is there and i really can't recommend it.
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  3. Triphammer

    Triphammer Producer

    Mar 21, 2015
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    I have no advice for the OP. I just wanted to say thanks!! I feel so much better
    about MYSELF, seriously.
  4. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    it's that i don't need to look at other people to make me feel better about myself or your comment would've done it for me.
  5. AstroNommy

    AstroNommy Member

    Oct 20, 2021
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    Dear, I think you need "Dopamine Detoxification" and healthy amount of Oxytocin. You will reach your destination!
    You are no doubt, a talented person to express your feelings :)
  6. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Can you explain something more? I don't understand.
    Like you feel better because thought you making drama then saw me? :rofl:
  7. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I heard that this nowadays dopamine detox is bullshit clickbait.

    Thank you I think maybe not talented. But I have some predispositions like feeling emotions much more deep than average person especially pain. And I trained my ears and I can divide sound frequencies to hear something like single instrument in song and more field and details and hear much more than average person and other shit.
  8. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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    @Daisy69 you need to find something you really love and use it as a source of your energy
  9. AstroNommy

    AstroNommy Member

    Oct 20, 2021
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    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
  10. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I think I forget to mention one thing.
    When you just listening to music like average person.
    Your favourite artist are fascinating and crazy. And everything is cool.
    But when you more and more inside the kitchen. How it looks inside.
    When you more and more into production and how it looks in your idols.
    You are realize that you are not so different than They.
    You are close to them and you have similar skills.
    And you can be creative as them.
    And some stuff that they are doing is just some shit and they are lazy.
    And this is bullshit.
    But people which listen to them will listen any shit from them because they are famous and people like anyway even the worst shit from them. And if you tell this is shit and gives examples and other technical info or something to those people they kill you and will hate you. You know what I mean?

    Never meet your heroes. LOL
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  11. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    The secret of the blue whale is in being perfectly adapted to its habitat so it doesn't need a big brain.

    The problem of the blue whale is the invasive, extremely aggressive species called humans that is ruining its habitat so quickly that it can't adapt quickly enough to the ever changing conditions. The genetics doesn't do quick changes. Just ask the dinosaurs.

    The problem of the humans is that they themselves can't adapt quickly enough to the radical, self-generated changes in their habitat. It's the same genetics, same principles. We are still essentially hunter/gatherers, supposed to roam the vast forests all day long in relatively small groups. All of a sudden, we are sitting alone in small rooms, staring into shiny blueish screens, instead of green scenery, all day long.

    What can possibly go wrong?
  12. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    A few observations:

    Matrix. Most of us are trapped inside, the majority doesn’t even know. They think they need to perform, produce, consume, battle, follow (to succeed in life). I guess most only know their purpose at a later stage. There’s nothing wrong with that. Or they never will, also possible.
    But if your goal is 'to make it’ - I’d call that a pretty shallow, meaning-less goal.

    These artists you mention, and (successful) artists in general. Most are selected, they’ve got a whole team behind them, that all need to eat from them (well, call that literally & in a figure of speech).
    Is that really something you wish for? I’ve met and worked with dozens of ‘names’ in my profession.
    Believe me, they can feel as insecure and bad as you, or much worse.
    Also, know that succes in this age is very temporal. Grimes (actually have no clue who that is).. well, there’s a good chance that in a couple of years, no one will know who she is.
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  13. Michelangelo

    Michelangelo Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Hey Daisy, where can I hear some of your music ?
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  14. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    TL;DR, I think you already got the answer:
    Here you have a simple vid that explains it from mathematical and psychological POW:

    Mind the part that shows what 'lucky' ppl think contributed to their success (or 'unlucky' think caused their failure..) and the resulting behavior versus society.
  15. Jurleston

    Jurleston Noisemaker

    Jul 16, 2023
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    Do LSD more!!!!@111 Odooiio
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  16. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    "Please do not delete this topic. It is very important to me."

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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    The need to make a living from something isn't the same as the need to make something. There is a dichotomy here and this along with previous statements need exploration.

    Perplexing, we are all different and getting someone to want to be with you is as much about loving yourself and allowing someone else to love you as it is about getting someone else to love you.

    This isn't just about heroes, realize that all humans are human. It's an average but all humans including our parents, drank, lied, did good things, did bad things things, had failing, felt as deeply as we do, fucked and were flawed. It's part of being human.

    As far as extra-terrestrials and the deeper problems go if I ever have a conversation with one, I'll get back to you.

    As for the rest, hate is a disease, it spawns hypocrisy, redirection, projection and self loathing. Part of the human condition is that we are all a bit schizophrenic (we have dialogues with ourselves) and that is a blessing a curse. You know yourself and you know you've played the game in your own words you've been tribal and that game of blame and ideology scrumming is a drug, as with most addictive chemicals it induces withdrawal.

    The solution can only be found within yourself and you can only achieve it when you stop trying to make other people behave the way you want and put that energy into making yourself the best person you can be. In short care less about what others are doing and focus more on who you want to be and do that, whatever it is, you don't need to fix other people's behaviour or beliefs, you don't need to hoard emotions or means, nothing you give is ever forcibly taken from you if you poison the well for others you yourself will have nothing to drink.

    The only conflict your are feeling is one that you have constructed yourself out of desire, a desire to make the world do things for you which you and you alone. Why is that fair and why should the cosmos oblige?

    There are no answers you can get here that will change anything if you are actually serious (I have my doubts) as with all things the solution is to immerse yourself and just accept what is and what has been and then proceed in a logical manner through your own work to where you want to be. Success is not a guarantee, the universe a random place but if you are committed and have the will to focus on the work rather than the obstacles (imagined or real) the odds improve.

    The journey itself is an undertaking, this is the true meaning of adventure.

    Either way - have a nice trip. Odds are you'll be the you that you were yesterday and all the programming will reset and you'll just find someone else to blame for you not having everything you want and return to the numbing embrace of the tribe, superior ideology and the righteousness of the whatever cause you think will advance your wants.

    This also is human nature.
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  18. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I don't think this is only you, but we are here, I do care about good people here, your topic is about your difficulties not about others people.
    PS: I hope I've understand well and I'm not of topic.
  19. MdB

    MdB Guest


    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Musk was born rich, a heir to an emerald mine isn't exactly begging on the streets for dinner. If you are coming from nothing and building, attaching your struggle to someone who was born into multigenerational wealth isn't the best analogue. He's also not a stable personality or role model, this you can see by his actions, vacillations and the difficulties he has with the opposite gender. If you had billions of dollars to buy lottery tickets you would expect to hit the jackpot every once in a while, no intelligence or artistry required, all you need to do is buy enough of them. What the individual believes might be different but hey that's the cosmos' randomness, it has a sense of humour.

    You can rent sex, you can even rent a womb but it's not going to buy you undying romantic love of the literary kind, if that even exists outside of addiction.

    Fables are fables and humans are humans.
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