IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. PicPocLeHerisson

    PicPocLeHerisson Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2022
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    Another open-source AI modeler...
    Should be interesting to compare NAM vs GuitarML's Proteus, that is open-source too.

    According to the null test in the video, the difference is very very subtle between Tonex and Nam.
    But Tonex has a big advantage: its huge and still growing tones library.

    Any new competitor in guitar amp AI modeling is a good news.
    I guess Overloud or Native will propose something too.
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  2. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    It's giving better results for amps than GuitarML and has a great community behind it.
    It's developing fast and focused on real amps, some of the best models here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s6kfBa-dO_m2Uwa7q3bVP6FZxr0PMwbg
    There is already a Linux and LV2 fork and some guys testing it on a raspberry, so it's really promissing:
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  3. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    My problem with "open source" projects is most of them die ... simply.
    Or they become "closed source" to get some money.

    I totally understand that ... but would i rely on a soon "abandonware" product ?
    I already use Native Instruments for that :rofl:
  4. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    NAM is more accurate than ToneX, just like the QC is more accurate then the Kemper.

    Capture-based modelers only get as good as the person making the profile though, that's why 10 years after the Kemper still sounds great despite being extremely inaccurate all things considered.

    The issue is that NAM doesn't run on any hardware and the capture process is not as streamlined as the other platforms. Because of this, the amount of captures available isn't huge and the big relevant profilers won't take interest in it.

    I tried ToneX when it released and was massively unimpressed, most of the profiles on the Tone.net kinda sucked and I went back to Kemper. Cue the Pedal being released and we instantly get the likes of amalgam audio and tons of other independant users making excellent profiles.

    NAM is an interesting open source project that I certainly hope is going to inspire the big companies to improve their products, but for now it's mostly just null test wanking with such a limited userbase.
  5. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    It runs on Raspberry Pi.
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  6. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    I obviously meant dedicated commercial hardware, but it's really cool too! It's still a far cry from NAM having convenient hardware unit but at least it's doable.

    I truly appreciate the work they do but they need to spend a lot more time improving the user experience and find a way to organize/share the captures so that they don't end up all buried in a Facebook page :woot:
  7. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    I finally came back to ToneX after letting it develop over time. The number of presets has become insane, and like anyone I'm bored with the load times. I tried deleting a lot of lines in SQLite but ToneX crashes as soon as the library.db is edited. I'm lost in the 44 pages of this topic, anyone has a quick solution ?

    I thought about editing my first message to include every current tips and tricks to optimize ToneX, so people don't have to search through all of this. I'll try to dig relevant informations today !
  8. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    No solution here. I hope IK will find a clue.
  9. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I wonder if anyone can recommend some paid for Tonex profiles? I know that since the pedal release more have become available but I would hate to buy something that already had a good free version.
  10. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    I really struggle at finding good Marshall captures that aren't low gain Plexi or djenty JCM800, so that's what I'd go for personally. Haven't tried his captures for ToneX yet but they were the best on Kemper so I have no doubt they're excellent!

    The Carr and Two-Rock are simply astonishing from amalgam, it's no surprise the free captures from these pack are in the top 10 of the Tone.net. All of their captures are great and if you're interested I'm running a group buy for them here since they have a discount until the end of the month.

    If you're into heavier tones, SinMix captures are really good. He has a good amount of free presets though so not sure if it's worth buying his stuff. There are way more quality high-gain captures on Tone.net than anything else so...

    Also high gain-ish captures, I believe most if not all of his captures are DI only so you can use your own IRs. I've liked his free Friedman BE100 capture, not sure how the rest holds up but he has a good "tone reputation" on different forums. :rofl:
  11. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I was looking at the Choptones JPC2 which seem pricey. But I've spotted some in the Library which I will try later. The ones you listed seem reasonably priced. I guess that more people will make some in time.
  12. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    Yeah, Choptones stuff is ridiculously expensive for ToneX, although compared to the other sellers they seem to include a lot more captures per-pack.

    We would have way more profiles if IK made it possible to make "offline" captures rather than forcing a 30minutes process per profile. If you could just record multiple profiling files and have the AI process them all at once overnight it'd be much much better. :dunno:
  13. dansere

    dansere Guest

    I tried deleting a lot of lines in SQLite but ToneX crashes as soon as the library.db is edited. I'm lost in the 44 pages of this topic, anyone has a quick solution ?

    there is a simple solution for this problem of crashing after editing.
    EVERY edited version needs the BLACK ANGUS tonemodel!
    This one, which you see after startup everytime.

    So you have to add this to all the cutdown libraries.
    I have sorted to clean, drive, hi-gain and pedals,
    all with this Black angus-thing included and now it DEFINITELY works,
    no crashing at all and short loading times.

    By the way, this is my first post here, because I want to help you out for this problem, which was mine in the last days
    and so I want to share with you all.
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  14. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Maybe it's just me but Choptones (both profiles and IRs), in a lot of different platforms I tried (TH-U, Mooer, Kemper) always sounded dull, lacking high end, not crispy. Probably they do some kind of filtering that can sound good in particular scenarios but it's far from what a mic'ed head sounds. If you compare it to BHS (in TH-U, as example) or MirrorProfiles (Tonex) these are so much real, with a lot more clarity.

    MirroProfiles captures and IRs are great imo.
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  15. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    Entirely agree! I was never a fan of their stuff on Kemper and TH-U, I'm curious to see how their stuff fares on ToneX but I'm not expecting much... it's a shame because they're probably the most prolific profilers out there.

    MirrorProfiles captures are usually really good, I've played the heck out of his free Friedman profile with multiple IRs and it always sounds great :thumbsup:
  16. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Choptones THU "Angel" series is VERY good
    On the opposite, i found BHS average ...

    I depends on what you want :wink:

    As far as "old school vintage" sound, ToneX rules, even factory ones
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  17. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN thanks a lot man ! I copied the Black Angus line from my backup DB, pasted it in the "cleansed" DB, and BOOM problem solved ! Genius <3
  18. Okaerinasai

    Okaerinasai Member

    Feb 19, 2023
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    Well there's 30 or so Choptones pack of 70+ captures so you're bound to find at least a few good ones :rofl:

    I really have a hard time going back to TH-U after using ToneX for a while, I do miss the Supercabinet though and the fact you could load 150+ms IRs (even if there's barely any direct captures to use them with anyways...)
  19. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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  20. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Hey man

    I don't intend on purchasing the Tonex Pedal as I personally have no need
    From what i did see that pedal is very over priced the build would be asian and to put a value of $400 on that unit is ludicrous IMO that unit top dollar value if I needed to take a stab at it would be $200 Dollars But as with most of these Hardware company's they have this idea of profit per unit not profit over many units as is most hardware company's these days

    For any Amps created prior use the previous database Finish Date 6-03-2023
    For any Amps created after to currently being added use the New Start Date 7-03-2023 Database

    To search for an amps and listen to the audio before committing to the decision of trying Amps
    each has a creation and uploaded date take reference and search the Database set that is required

    Use the site Tonex site for referencing


    Hope this helps Enjoy Man:mates:
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