How to extract certain parts from audio?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by DontFearTheReaperV4, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Not 100% sure where to post this, but I think here is my best bet. :rofl:

    I have always been curious to this, as I use the extracted audio to create backing tracks for my guitar/drum/other performances.

    For example..
    It may not be your style or taste but..

    Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country

    Whole song as original - Drums only- Vocal Only-

    How the fuck??? I'd love to do this if it was just like.. tearing apart the final renderd audio.

    Parts like guitar and drums, I could make them myself through recording. But, THIS is the original audio, I know the song more than well enough. So it must have came from this song. How and where the fuck do people get these??

    Please excuse my swearing, It gets me so excited hearing isolated vocal tracks xD

    Thanks! :mates:
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    These might be a few of the multi-tracks the whole song is build with and nothing else ...... Search: multitracks and Im sure you´ll find loads of these!

    I dont know much about take apart different individual tracks from a full mixdown, but you might try Melodyne wich can do a number of odd tricks with audio!
  4. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Multitracks for sure.. Melodyne is a very powerful program but miracles are not allowed! The singer scream at 0:10 is because someone has put some charcoal fire in his underwear? :wow:
  5. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Peter Frampton said when he was working the Grammy's Beatles tribute they were reheasing the songs from the original tracks somebody had found. He said "That stuff's not supposed to be out there, but it is". They used them to learn the songs in detail.
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Multi-tracks, stems, singback- and/or backing-tracks phase-inversed with original mix, etc

    Sometimes mix engineers export individual tracks (when no one is around) to make some extra cash by selling them.
  7. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    The far simpler explanation is video games.
    Rock Band,Guitar Hero,Rocksmith and the likes all have the stems just like this for every song.
    They just need to be extracted, and many of them have shown up on audioz before.
    Not saying leaks of material doesn't happen, but it's rare, and there are A LOT of songs that have been in all these video games, only way to be sure of which is which is to have a full list of the ones that have appeared in games and match em up i guess.
  8. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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  9. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Thanks man! I've heard of Melodyne somewhere along my life..cant remember :dunno: but didn't know it may be used for this to some extent xD :bleh:

    I'll have a search around for multitrack stuff!

    I've heard of stems too, one of my old band mates actually mentioned them to me when I brought up this subject too. But what he described didn't sound like what I was asking for!
    I imagined in most cases it could be possible by phase inversing backing tracks with it, but would probably be full of artifacts.
    And hmm... Wish I knew some of the big names personally then xD :rofl:

    Yeah I have actually done that method myself. I ripped the individual audio from guitar hero to build myself a backing track etc.
    It just seemd to me that there was so many songs out there, like.. full albums worth of stems.

    I mean another example
    Metal Gear Rising.

    Not too long after the game came out, and loads of people loved the sound track. The vocal only versions appeared.
    I imagine that could be phase inversion doing that, seen as instrumental versions where also released. But it just seems too perfect.

    As angie said, "Miracles are not allowed!"

    Realistically I knew there was no way of doing it. And it would have been stuff you guys listed, I just.. have found so many really high quality isolated sections it seemed to me maybe there was some way you could "Unrender" Mp3 files.

    they are basically just compiled of other audio tracks, Was thinking maybe some tech wizard could reverse engineering them and tear them apart again.

    Ahhh Im just a musician being hopeful. Thought I'd ask anyway xD
    Guess it always is just the easiest explanation.

    Thanks for all your replies! Appreciate it alot! :wink:
  10. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Miracles aren't allowed because of the mixing/mastering process. Even if tracks are mixed with drums/vocals/bass in the middle and guitar on the sides or however it's done there are always multiple things mixed in the spectrum's that you can't really separate the instruments in the frequencies. I mean you can to some effect but with tricks but only to a certain point. And it's in no way constant through out music. backing vocals may get panned in with the guitar sharing similar frequencies. Or drums may be stereo separated and can't be extracted from what they are panned with etc.

    And while leaks aren't all that common the stems or mutli-traks are sent out for multiple reasons like editing for remixes, or commercials, video games, etc. Which is why you'll find a song or 2 on an album but never the whole album, usually just songs that are used for other purposes in the industry.
  11. Kaylix

    Kaylix Ultrasonic

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I haven't actually done much of this but I would imagine that you can use a post production repairs software to separate out the components of songs that don't have stems available. Stems would be preferred because then you have the pieces that you want no problem. But if you don't have those them you should be able to use something like isotope RX3 to isolate what you want. It might be worth looking into and it also might be way too much work for what you want.

    After further research I would definitely suggest that you look into Roland R-Mi. It is around and can be used for exactly this purpose. You can isolate specific components visually. You should check it out. I hope that this helps.

    Sorry to be a spammer, I am on my phone(I have trouble typing on it). :) I meant to say Roland R-mix! There is even a version in Sonar.
  12. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    no worries Kaylix i already reported you for Spam *no*
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