Kilohearts Snap Heap - where do I place 3rd party "Snapins"? [solved]

Discussion in 'Software' started by buckaroo, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    Quick question, I am just starting to play around with custom Snapin Racks for Kilohearts Snap Heap, where do I place 3rd party "Snapins"?

    I checked the online manual, but didn't find specific info on this. Looked in Appdata, Documents and the main Kilohearts folders, I didnt find anything specific to Snap Heap Snapins. Apparently, these Snapins can be used both inside Snap Heap and/or as VST plugins, so would they get their own custom folder inside my regular VST plugin folder I use for Abletons browser or? :dunno:


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  3. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    are you sure there are "3rd party" snapins?? :guru:
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  4. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    Like I said I am just starting to play around with the Snap Heap / Snapins, so whatever terminology they use, but I guess its a yes, if a person not associated with Kilohearts made/sold the Snapin rack, preset or whatever its called, doesnt that then make it a "3rd party" Snapin?

    Anyway. Whatever the term, my question is where do they get placed to be used as a Snapin and/or straight up VST plugin?
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  5. baldman

    baldman Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2015
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    AFAIK, there aren't any "Third Party Snapins" In Snap Heap or MultiPass just click in the effects section and the snap ins that are available are shown. As far as Plugin versions of the Snapins most of them are named with kHs, i.e. "kHs Phaser", there are a few of the premium snapins that do not have a kHs prefix; Carve EQ, Disperser, Fatuator, Slice EQ.

  6. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    SnapHeap is a plugin-host for other Kilohearts plugins. I don't know of any non-Kilohearts plugins that work inside SnapHeap.

    On Windows, 3rd party presets (file extension: .snapheap) go into "\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Kilohearts\presets\Snap Heap\User Presets\".

    If you're looking for a plugin-host that works with 3rd party plugins, you'll need something like Waves StudioRack, BlueCat Patchwork, DDMF Metaplugin, Kushview Element
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  7. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    These are ".snapheap" file extensions with custom names, made and sold by a 3rd party as "rack audio-FX". There are no installation instructions inside the folder, only the .snapheap files.. where do I put them so that Snap Heap sees them and if they can also be used as VST's independently, the DAW browser also needs to see them. :dunno:
  8. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    As I mentioned in the OP, I dont have a Kilohearts folder inside "\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents"
  9. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    it's just a bit difficult to understand what you mean exactly, even if it's "just" a matter of terminology.
    a few days ago i noticed that there's something like a kilohearts max4live device for ableton live. just had a short look at it, and don't know anymore where i've seen it.
    are you talking about this one? a kilohearts max4live rack for ableton live??
  10. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Then create one! Either manually or by saving a blank SnapHeap setup as a preset.
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  11. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    In the first sentence of the OP... "custom Snapin Racks for Kilohearts Snap Heap". And.. "These are ".snapheap" file extensions with custom names, made and sold by a 3rd party as "rack audio-FX".

    These have nothing to do with M4L.
  12. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    then simply do what @xorome said
    create a folder under ...\Documents\Kilohearts\presets\Snap Heap\User Presets (on windows)
    name the folder "my-fantastic-rack audio-FX" or whatever and put the .snapheap files into that folder
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  13. baldman

    baldman Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2015
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    OK, I see what you're after now. Open an instance of SnapHeap. Click on the "Browse" folder icon. It's at the top of the interface. Click on "User" and it will show the path to the User Preset folder. just click on the underlined path and it will open your SnapHeap User preset folder. That's where ".snapheap" presets live.
  14. buckaroo

    buckaroo Guest

    THANK YOU! :wink:

    I actually found a second and more detailed manual for Snap Heap which explains it similarly. Why the link on the webstore page opens a different less detailed manual is beyond me. Anyway. Apparently, 3rd party rack preset custom locations can also be added in the Snap Heap preset library browser via the handy "Add Location" button.

    I still find it odd that the factory presets folder location is hidden somewhere (same applies to all of the other Kilohearts plugins - where are those preset folders?), as ideally everything would be neatly organized in one simple Kilohearts/Snap Heap/Presets folder location with subfolders for Factory, User, 3rd Party etc., rather than having presets scattered around between storage drives and folder locations. Whatever.

    My DAW is on a different PC, which I will open Snap Heap and attempt to organize everything accordingly... after this headache goes away, that is :crazy:
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  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    User presets being in "...\Documents\KiloHearts\Presets\Snap Heap\User Presets\" is pretty standard, but was not obvious until i saved a preset... because it did not EXIST until I saved a preset - LOL.

    I can understand having the Factory Presets in a different location..
    I kind of like that idea, and they are in: "C:\ProgramData\kiloHearts\presets".
    The abbreviated names for the snap-ins makes it harder to know which is which, but no big deal there.
    I also see the "Add Location" button thanks to your comment, and plan to use that as you say.
    I usually move the actual user presets folders to my own personal presets library on another drive, and symlink it back to the default location.
    I do a similar thing with 3rd party libraries and presets - they go to Daw Lib folders on different drives and get symlinked back to default locations.
    That way I could reinstall my whole system and my own presets and all the 3rd party libraries and presets are never lost.
  16. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    so you dislike comments from people that try to figure out if there's any sense in what you're stammering?
    and you disagree with comments that point out the actual solution to your "problem"?
    you disagree with things you couldn't even formulate a proper question about before, since you didn't have any clou what you're talking about? and then you disagree with the solution afterwards? way to go, princess :wink:
    even funnier is the fact that you took away the "best answer" you gave to baldman (who actually answered your question, just like xorome did before) and gave it to doubletake (who, well, simply didn't even answer your question [nothing against you, doubletake!]).

    worst part though:
    everything's in the f***ing manual


    eat it >>>

    conclusion, next time name your thread simply:

    "i have no clue what i'm talking about. help me!"

    trust me, somebody will come and figure sh*tz out for you.

    have a good one and enjoy your 3rd party rack audio-fx :rofl:

    (you're invited to dislike, disagree or whatever)
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