The Day We Fight Back: A Call To The International Community To Fight Against Mass Surveillance

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Catalyst, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Gee I'm glad you weren't around for the American Revolution or things'd be real different. Naturally because I support doing something about this situation I must be "young", how do you know how old I am and age has nothing to do with this. I know plenty of older people that think we live in a police state and are doing their part. I'm a grown man if that matters and I don't believe doing nothing is a solution. People have risked their lives to leak this information and it honestly saddens me that the one thing that Snowden feared was that nothing would change will happen just because of attitudes like this. You guys are basically saying well it's always been a cage so really it's not so bad. No! Fuck that. Let me make it clear to you...if the path we're on doesn't change real soon human beings will be a vanished species. I don't know if we can turn things around even at this stage, maybe the snowball has to smash the village at the bottom first but all I know is that we have to try.
    I want a way out to get out fast
    Before it becomes too real
    They want a war in this future's mess
    Extinction i think is for real
  2. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I really don't know whats the big deal with getting spy.

    All they can get out of my history is p0rn, music and random stuff i watch.

    Sue me for watching p0rn on the internet just like 99% of the world.

    It's not like they will figure out that i have a master plan to conquer the world in 2015. :rofl:
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    All the people that don't feel this is a problem
    You should seriously watch this if you haven't already: To Protect And Infect Part 2

    I'm assuming you don't live in the United States. The fact that many of you don't see a problem with a government institution having run amok with no accountability under the law and being allowed to pretty much do...whatever the fuck they want is astounding. You also don't seem to have a problem with the fact that your politicians actually don't know anything about it because the info doesn't trickle up...that boggles the mind when you think about it. Oh and did I mention that if you're living in the United States then YOU'RE FUNDING THIS CRAP!!! They're using YOUR money to fucking spy on the planet. They have completely eroded The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, what the US was founded on. And those people that say they'd never be interested in me are living in a fantasy camp, straight up. I refer you to this great Wired article that brilliantly sums up the issues with that logical argument: Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance The article brings up the many laws that you are likely unknowingly breaking right now and I can tell you some of them are fucking ridiculous. Then there's the the fact that they build up a huge file on you and can go back and scrutinize every area of your life and then use that information to destroy you. I'm not even going to start getting into the fact that the United States with such a tiny fraction of the population of the world has 25% of the world's prison population and that's only going to grow in the future because let's be honest...there's money to be made and control to be had. Lately I have actually been reading not one but MANY articles on what subject you may ask? Pre-crime...yes that's right it's arrived. With the advent of technologies such as Google Glass and the bag of tricks the NSA has up their sleeve you're going to be looking at a planet that you can't possibly even imagine right now when all those dystopian novels spring to life in brilliant high definition with surround sound. I read an article where this company has developed a better facial recognition algorithm that can extract a high level of detail even if the image is 60% corrupt and they want agents to use it in conjunction with Google Glass so they can hunt people down in a crowd more machines. :) Oh did I mention it's now completely okay to assassinate US citizens (never mind outsiders)? If you don't live in the United States don't worry I'm sure you'll run into their government when they start another senseless war possibly in a country near you. I also read another article that the UK is planning on building technology into cars so that the police can hit a fucking button and disable your vehicle. Chew on that for a moment. I wish that people that don't care enough to do anything would be shipped to a country where they could live out the remainder of their lives getting assraped by the government since they don't seem to mind. I on the other hand can't live like that. *no*

    People have fought and died to make the US a beacon of freedom and it is every American's duty to take action. It's also the duty of the international community to hold the US accountable for it's transgressions. Anything less is tyranny.
  4. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    social media networks pretty much do the work for them.

    You can pretty much analyze a person from just looking at their facebook/twitter.


    On my personal opinion. I would be worry if im constantly doing illegal activities. Other than that.. theres a spanish quote that says

    El que nada debe, nada teme
    He who owes nothing, fears nothing

    P.s. This is entirely about "spying" topic.

    I do have disagreements against censorship like china. That regulates the usage of internet and stuff like that. :bow:
  5. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Talking about skinny puppy, did you hear about this?
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You're not getting it...what's illegal changes everyday and surely what you're not allowed to do is somehow okay for the government though. Even something as innocent as giving your 10 year old a little wine with dinner is breaking the law. I won't even get into the fact that the NSA has built the equivalent of the great firewall of earth. I hate the I have nothing to hide argument because no offense but it's honestly the most ridiculous argument you could possibly make. It's not about whether you have anything to hide or's that this is being done in the first place. It's the cause that's important not the effect on your own personal life. Some of you seem to have forgotten the stifling effect that these events have had for reporters or did you miss those articles where the government was spying and harassing them nonstop. That's when I knew that we had reached that tipping point. That's usually the last stop on the road to nowhere. :(

    The difference between Facebook is that you're CHOOSING to put up your information and you're aware of the risks. In this situation the decision is being made for you. It's completely different.

    No I haven't but that's fucking awesome. So like them. :rofl:

    From an interview with Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy:
    Released through SPV America, Mythmaker came from experiences I had with a person that wasn't in a place in their life to realize what they were doing and what they were reacting to and how they were reacting and [then] did something heinous, Ogre shares. That was related to the population and how the population reacts out of fear [We're] dealing with a mythological sense of history. [History] is definitely manipulated to suit the present situation. I [also] began to look at my own ideas about control and what I can and can't control and I can control a lot! Ogre laughs. It's interesting how things change, how historical constructs change and how a mythological sense of history can shape a future and make righteous what's so wrong.
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    heh... if u have opposing point of view.. ur just not getting it !!!!!! *no* anyway, for what its worth.. :mates:
  8. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    As they say, history is always written by the victors
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Jesus...I don't have to have an 'elaborate' opinion.. like u said.. over it.. That IS my opinion on the whole thing.. in a nutshell, condensed.

    Lets not start defining what an opinion is now, its anything i want it to be.. If that's against the rules, then please show me where, otherwise, if u would, please get off my back.

    Cheers. :wink:
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be