Kontakt Wallpaper Request & Comments

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I can't even understand where this all started. All I've done is wallpapers. I'm not competing here. And I definitely don't think that I'm better that someone else. That's just silly. I'm very aware that I cant please everyone and people may prefer others work. I'm fine with that. This what he does is personal. Everyone can see that. And I'm not fine with that. Once again all I do is wallpapers, Haven't say anything to upset no one. Seems like he can't stand that someone else is making these walls besides Griff. The amount of time and effort we put on these wallpapers is a lot and everyone who makes them deserves some gratitude. We are doing this for FREE. Peace.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2023
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  2. Xenon

    Xenon Producer

    Jun 23, 2022
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    I appreciate very much the wallpaper work of this little group of a few people!
    It is a huge contribution to the AScommunity!
    Thank you very much!
  3. cdk

    cdk Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    It's true that critics are everywhere these days and make other people's lives worse...
    Pride and criticism divides the whole society.
    But I think the world needs to experience more peace...

    I am grateful when in my life I can meet kind and humble people who are not afraid to stand up when they see injustice or bullying.
    Thank you BaSsDuDe ( and others who are not blind to evil ) for everyone here in this community.
    For those who create here, for those who are just starting to share their wallpapers and maybe just learning how to do it better and better, but also for those who are just looking for inspiration here to be able to create music better.
    I really appreciate your voice...
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  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Hi to both of you - I know all anyone here who creates wallpapers does, is created and given freely out of the goodness of their hearts.
    This is why I commented against the inappropriate dissing of people who are trying to contribute to the community which is all any of you do because none of you get paid for doing it.
    - The point is it does not matter who has a preference to which contributor giving without charge, the efforts are appreciated not deprecated or vilified. Nobody is forcing anyone to download a wallpaper they do not like, it is that simple.

    I personally am grateful to all of the contributors and I spoke up for one reason only - you all contribute with the best of intent not the worst and encourage others who also try to contribute. Putting down anyone in an environment that helps people without any financial cost is bordering on offensive. THIS is why I spoke my peace/piece.

    Enough said on this I look forward to more of all of your creations, which is why this thread exists for the COMMUNITY :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2023
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  5. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    All you had to do instead of starting this unpleasantness was to say, "Hey guys, maybe that joke about the 'apprentice' was a little too much?"
    But you chose to make this an unhappy place.
    Sad. :sad:
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  6. kronos45

    kronos45 Newbie

    Feb 6, 2022
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    Hello there ^^
    does it could be possible to have a sonokinetic ostinato bundle and adventure bundle (brass, string) from bestservice if i m right?
    i know:guru: it s old ^^ but i just got it ^^'
    start having too much library.... so i m thinkink more about bundle wallpaper to condense^^

    thank in advance my friends ^^

    And i m so sorry for what i can read before...all the wallpaper i can find here are awesome...
    i meet some people in real life who use kontakt too... i was so sad to see no wallpaper on them library software... they where soooooo happy when i show this topic!!

    thank you so much to all of you guy for our beautifull software collection!!:mates:

    (and again!, sorry for my english, i speak french and i dont use translator)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2023
  7. rgpals

    rgpals Guest

    Salut !
    Tu veux le bundle incluant strings, brass et woodwinds?
    Si tu veux on peut discuter via l'option discussion (pm).
    A bientôt
  8. kronos45

    kronos45 Newbie

    Feb 6, 2022
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    salut! je demandais juste un joli wallpaper pour avoir les 3 librairies en une seule! je te MP ;)
  9. rgpals

    rgpals Guest

    Master @NYCGRIFF could you make, as @kronos45 ask, a wallpaper for a bundle "sonokinetic ostinato" including brass, strings and woodwinds and a wallpaper for a bundle adventure best service including "adventure brass and strings"?
    Thanks bro !
  10. CROXON

    CROXON Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2019
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    Joka Beatz Loop Machine
    Joka Beatz Loop Machine.png
  11. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It´s just curious that somebody who doesn´t appear for this tread will do for add this comment. I could agree with you in some (a few) of your arguments, but as even in those situations, language is always winner or loser. And yours is clearly loser. You can say thigns in other way, respecting people, and maybe I´d agree in almost everything. But it´s not the case, and it seems strange to me because when I contacted you in the past you were correct and educated with me. So, I´m unfortunately surprised.

    Of course, Girffin is not only my friend but the best wallpapers designer now, before and later. Some time ago, before appearing the present "designers", @RainMan did do something that many others, including cdk and pasi, never did: first, accept criticism, and later LEARN. And I´m not refereing to MY criticism, it has been done by several people but as these two users talk about me without saying my name, I say theirs, I´m not covard I´m not hypocrite, they YES. User Rainman had learned in a very good mood and actually sure is working as professional designer. He had a great master, of course @NYCGRIFF, but the most important, he recognized he had so much to learn and he DID IT. What is not seen here. I can do also wallpapers with three layers, I´ve done lots of them, but I don´t publish them because I think they are crap, only for my personal use. I CAN recognize and not publish, not like others.

    It´s also curious that users @pasi and @cdk , I say your names obviously, not covard like you, talking about me but with no name, talk about something personal. A personal disappointment. Of course it´s personal. Are they here to make wallpapers, if can be called in that way, and help community, or like in so many cases, they are unchainted with themselves and the amount of "likes" they receive? Now they appear as the good people of the movie and me like the grand master in Kontakt who criticizes their wallpapers and despise them. Did I do that some time? No guys, simply I ignore those wallpapers and choose something more worked and with style. Can recognize that @pasi has improved his work, but it has been a long time since then... And not due to a wish of learning. Simply, Griffin appeared with more "likes" than he. But something is something.

    More curiosities. Something that I never did and @pasi did was complain about the "likes" I didn´t gave to him. So.... Are you here for helping community as you say or are you here for "likes" I never gave to you? What I said before: hypocrisy and I also add inmature huff. About @cdk there is not so much to add. He makes always the same sort of wallpapers using three layers and that´s all. He doesn´t learn and has no intention. OK. No problem with it because it´s not my business and not useful for me.

    The one question here, appart for the out of context comentaries from you @BaSsDuDe , is that on this tread there are two ways to do the things: @NYCGRIFF way, experienced, mixing classic with modern, an EXPERT in graphic design, and @pasi and @cdk everyone at their ways. That´s all. @pasi and @cdk are not friends of mine and I am not friend of them and the life continues, and probably @NYCGRIFF will be asking himself now: "What the hell is this?" because he is YES the great wallpapers maker with no fixation about "likes" or "winners" or other icons for children that other people is looking for every day. We don´t need to be friends we don´t need to share information, we don´t need nothing, but don´t appear here as the victims of a fictitious situation that only you create. @pasi complained about he didn´t receive only one "like" from me, but the certain is that I didn´t receive only one from him and I don´t complain. I don´t mind. People ask to me, @pasi , via PM in most of the cases. I have 35 pages of Private Messages not asking for a wallpaper, asking for a Kontakt which doesn´t work or any other issue with the sampler. But I don´t publish here and I don´t receive "likes" because it´s not my business. Is this enough community help for you?

    OK, no need to add much more. People use to be designed for being blind and deaf when is being criticized, and it´s my case and the case of all the people mentioned here. But, when things are not OK, @pasi and @cdk TALK the problems like adults, not like victims. And that´s all. I think all involved people can consider themselves replied with this one.

    P.S. Thanks to the user @Ike for not send Flourish libraries altough petitions, although 150 MB, although being a free library. I suppose must be fantastic when you ask and people give what you asked, but not when it´s time to return. Shameful.
  12. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I don't use your name cause I don't need to. Show me where do I complain about the "likes"? You can't because I haven't. I have wondered your usual "interesting" and what makes you do that. It's very clear now. I don't give a shit about who likes them or not! If so, nice. If not so be it.

    What the fuck are you talking about!?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2023

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Gentlemen: I started to comment (in depth) on this trending topic, but I decided against it. Just want to say that I've been posting wallpapers on this forum for 9 years, so nothing surprises me. Hopefully, after all this time, I have no 'real' enemies. But, just like in real life, we're all bound to rub someone the wrong way. That's life (whether in our personal lives or on the Internet). In the meantime, I'll just keep taking wallpaper requests. Remember folks, life is far shorter than we can ever imagine. Let's not waste time on issues that are truly not that consequential. That's it.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Sure. Someone else posted a request before @kronos45. I'll take care of that first. Stay tuned...

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
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  16. SeguePro

    SeguePro Newbie

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Wallpaper Requset Vir2 VI One
  17. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Native Instruments Duets
  18. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Vir2 VI One
  19. kronos45

    kronos45 Newbie

    Feb 6, 2022
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    No hurry for me! I m already gratefull for your job !

    ANDRE COSTA Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2019
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