Best 88 Key Weighted MIDI Keyboard

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Ozmosis, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I'm looking for suggestions based on your personal experiance... regarding 88 key weighted keyboards.
    Personally I play on my korg and apart from not having after touch im happy with this keyboard.
    However my wife likes to play the Piano and she is slowly coming around to the idea that maybe a weighted full size keyboard will suffice.
    Of course no stage piano or weighted keyboard will be like a Yamaha Grand (her father used to have the Yamaha Baby Grand)!!!
    But on a budget and with limited space available I'm trying to get her to come around to my way of thinking, and here's where you come in...

    Which would you choose and why?

    I've looked at a few and it doesnt really need to be a stage piano, because to be honest i think one can get more from kontakt or pianoteq
    CME Z-Key88 88-key Master Keyboard Midi-Controller - Pro's great hammer action the mechenism is aparently used under license by yamaha!! Cons = cheaply made in china
    CME VX80 Master Keyboard Midi-Controller
    Casio PX-300 Privia Digital Piano with MIDI, and 88 weighted graded keys
    Studiologic Numa Nano 88-Key USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller
    and tried a few of the Korg SP range over the years

    or any other suggestions please
    Oh one other thing... It is possible that i may have to ship to my country because range is limited and because i live in the arse end of nowhere they are very costly in local stores, so weight might factor, we might also consider 2nd hand if the right thing comes up at the right price!

    thanks in advance =)
  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Yamaha' s weighted key system has a heavier feel on the low octaves and a lighter feel on the upper. I have a Yamaha, one of my bands has a Kurzweil. I like the feel of the Yamaha better. Very realistic for an electric keyboard. I would go somewhere where I can try different brands. They all have a different feel and response. One of those things that you really need to try before you buy.
  4. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    The stores where i live have a limited range. Mostly only have stage pianos.. or small semi weighed midi controllers so to try a decent selection is not possible...
    Hense the question.. but thanks for the reply
  5. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I have the studiologic numa compact, which has by far the best keyboard I've come across in this price range (3-400 euros).
    It is only half weighted, though, but feels really good.

    Ironically, the more expensive ones from studiologic are much worse, in my opinion.
    Even though they are fully weighted, they have problems which the numa compact doesn't have.
    The keys are very loud while you play them, they snap back like 2 times, etc.

    If you can afford to spend more, I would go for the Kawai MP6 or MP10.
    The MP10 has the best keyboard on a stage piano I ever tried.
    The MP6 can be bought at Thomann for 1,149 euro at the moment, which is a fantastic price for the quality it offers.

    Another option is the new VPC1 from Kawai, which is a controller only, no internal sounds like the MP 6 or 10.
  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I know shis isnt a 88 keyed thing, but I have totally falled in love with this one:


    Look here!
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I have Studiologic Acuna 88. It's pretty good, but the modwheel is not really usable, otherwise very good quality
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Roland A-88 is the winner :wink:

    Or check the Kawai VPC1 if you have a lot of funds :bleh:
  9. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Looks nice but more of a controller synth - cheers for your input

    Yeah that Roland is one i have looked at and read about this one online.. its nice that it also has a mod wheel which many dont (for when i want to use it hehe)

    That ones still a bit pricy, how about the Numa Compact are you familiar with this one? (edit - Its only semi weighted)
  10. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    VPC1 is slower than molasses. A88 is alright, but it lacks a triple sensor so it will never be able to do fast repeated notes without allowing the key to rebound all the way up. The best option for under $1000 believe it or not is a Casio keyboard. YES I SAID CASIO!!! Ive been a touring musician for over 20 years now & Ive been around the block a few times. Let me break it down to you real simple......

    If you're on a budget, the best keybed with a triple sensor is this -

    DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON AN A88!!!!!! Its not the same PHAIII keybed thats in the more expensive Rolandd pianos!!! And its built cheaply

    If your not on a limited budget than by all means get yourself a Roland RD700NX
    . Hands sown most realistic triple sensor keybed on the market. All the pros use them for gigging & theyre built like tanks!!!!

    Finally, dont waste your time with the VPC. The keybed is a triple sensor, but its a KAWAII keybed which means its sluggish. Ive played one several times. & believe me its like a turtle.

    BTW - Im assuming youre gonna be using this keyboard with something like Synthogy Ivory or Pianoteq...
  11. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Okay i'm leaning towards the A-88 at the moment, i can get one locally too for just over $1000 of our dollars...

    I hadn't really looked at the Yamaha range, thinking they would be way out of our price range.. but these seem quite reasonable!

    Also found this auction for a used unit, its a bit more than we were thinking of spending but not a huge amount.. i know the motif.. but not this... - (Used)

    Any thoughts on the above and considering the Roland A-88 is at the front of the pack at the moment.
    The P-105B seems like an amazing price and has higher polyphony than the CP33....
    Do these Yamaha have the same action?

    I could also be patent and see if the music store have a sale.. it's still a couple of months until her birthday ;)
  12. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Yamaha calls it "graded hammer action". I have played Roland and like Roland products. And the Roland does have the mod wheel. (I think Roland makes the best electronic drums) Yamaha has the weighted key system that feels better to me. But whether a keyboard or a drum or a guitar or a speaker monitor or an outboard marine engine for your boat or a motorcycle, it's really hard to go wrong with Yamaha products.
  13. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Yeah I saw that's what they called their action, but was not sure if there was any difference between their models ie slight difference in action, plastic or wood feel keys etc...
    i thought it a little odd the the cheaper model had higher poly' of 128 as opposed to 64 , if the action is as good as the rest of the range then for $699 usd it's a great deal, Believe it or not i could buy the P105 from the usa with international shipping and land it cheaper than it costs here in this country for either the P105 or A88 Roland!

    All of the replies have given me a lot to think about, but it's definately helping a LOT =)
  14. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    YOure a fucking idiot if you get the A88 instead of the Casio.... Go actually play the damn things... Tripple sensor vs no triple senser forsame fucking price!!!! :dancing:
  15. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Well for a start im not a fucking idiot, lol.. that's one reason why im asking for advice.
    Had you taken the time to read the whole thread you would have learnt that the two music stores carry very limited stock and so trying everything is simply not an option!
    Having said that, I was wondering if someone was going to recommend the Casio as ive read lots of great reviews and is why i included it in my initial list.

    Okay my turn ill appologise first, i missed your earlier post.

    Yeah ive played on a couple of different KAWAII before and I agree with your comment about them being sluggish, it almost feels like the keys are sticky
    Budget is a factor and this is for the wife not for touring, however even though ive released plenty of records/albums over the last 25yrs she studied at London School of Music and is infinatley better than me on Piano! So I am trying to find the happy medium without giving away the birthday surprise and is why im seeking some advice
    I've read a lot of good things about the casio which was why i included it in my original list... (EDIT - Ive already said that)
    I own Pianoteq, she knows and loves the software and its easy enough for her to use (she just hates playing my korg semi), maybe in time i can get her onto some kontakt libs.
    Good to have some feedback on the A88, ill take that on board.
  16. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Studiologic Numa Nano.
  17. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Okay so for example of the rip off prices in this country...

    Even though they didn't have one in the store to play, one of the two chain stores can order Casio stock, but not the PX300 only the PX350.
    List price fr the PX350 is $1699nzd which = $1396usd but currently has a sale price of $1588nzd = $1304usd
    From Sweetwater the same keyboard is on sale for $799usd (972nzd) which is reduced from list price of $1099usd ($1337nzd)

    Unreal really, i could buy the previously mentoned Yamaha and have it shipped from Australia for $250 less than i can buy it locally, which is a massive difference!

    Kris do you know if the PX-300 has been superseeded by the PX-350? cheers

    They had a different model of Studiologic keyboard in the store which i tied out and while it did feel nice to play it is only semi weighed
  18. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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  19. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    God damn it, i need to buy a new midi keyboard desperately, the one I have at the moment, 1/4 of the keys don't work for some unknown reason, so I can't even play simple chords on it

    It's only a 61 key edirol pcr, but I've got my mind set on getting a 88 weighted key usb one soon, just bloody flat broke at the moment

    Every penny gets spent on staying alive, not the bee gees song, but, you know, staying alive by eating and paying bills and what not '0)
  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Incidentally the Roland RD-700NX is discontinued.

    My Roland A88 works just fine me, same as a boring old Fender Strat gets the job done for me too. I don't go hitting notes 3 times in quick succession as I like to make music LOL :bleh: You guys are just too rock n roll for me :mates:

    Also in Europe ..

    Roland €679
    Casio €945
  21. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    You may not have tried it, but the Nano is a graded hammer action board. With boards like these, you're def taking the right steps, but eventually, you're gonna have to make a purchase simply because majority of these boards aren't readily available at stores to demo. Now I've been through and tried so many boards. I am a hammer action guy myself. I'm back to the Akai 88 which is mediocre, but the Studiologic SL and the VMK I had were great. I like the fact that the Numa Nano has the mod and pitch wheel conveniently place (if that also matters to you) as well as smaller dimensions than most hammer action boards. Good luck.
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