Symlink - different methods to do it or how to keep your C drive unclutered)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Olymoon, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Just organizing some of my software. So I've got this folder tree setup...

    -> Drums AD
    -> Drums EZ
    -> Drums Other Kits
    -> Songs
    -> Chords
    --> (One for each, C, C# etc to B)
    -> Idea Gen
    --> Short
    --> Long

    I Symlink the Addictive Drums and EZ libraries, Songs is added to Synthesia for learning. The entire MIDI folder is symlinked into Rapid Composer and reMIDI for song genesis. The Idea Gen folder is a collection of MIDI packs I've downloaded that are parts, but I seperated into Long/Short.

    This has really helped make it easy to add new stuff while using a bunch of different software that can all benefit from the libraries.

    I've also created Midi Maps in Reaper for Drums coming from (Rapid Composer, Addictive Drums, EZ Drummer, XO)

    God I love XO, does this all for me automatically.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  2. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    reviving this thread real quickly. i just formatted my pc and was installing some plugins. i wanted to follow the symlink approach, but:
    - some plugins don't even let me choose the installation path
    - some plugins let me choose it, BUT THEN they install presets and other shit in C anyway

    how do you deal with these two cases? i said fuck it and installed everything again in C
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That would be the regular install. After installing to C (system drive) the symlink method is about moving that folder to a different path/drive .
    Then you create a symlink to fool the programs into believing that folder is still in the original location. Think of symlinks as kind of shortcuts on steroids.
    Yep, that applies the most programs. One thing is to save space using a symlink in, say, a video folder with large files. What I said before.

    Another way more difficult is the "no install/symlink" versions. Implies several folders, and besides the "symllinked" folders registry entries and more stuff.
  4. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    hi xupito, thanks for your answer.
    yes, that is true, you have the option of moving the folder. but what if the plugin has some docs, some presets, some shit that gets saved into appdata? it's a pain in the ass isn't it?
    anyway thanks for the post, i think i will just make a huge system backup just in case, instead of moving everything into a symlink and wasting lots of time.

  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yes, it is. For only-data folders it's easy like I said.
    But for programs of any kind is a PITA. But that's to be expected. It's a complex process that goes beyond making symlinks.
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    These days many presets / libraries can be moved at will, but for most i just let them install to the default location for compatibility sake.
    It is also nice to be able to just rename your Daw Library folder when installing new versions so you keep all the previously installed stuff untouched.

    There are a few instruments whose libraries I have reorganized and I DO NOT ALLOW installers to follow the symlink path and add/update because duplicates, and a mess will occur.
    I just rename the main Library folder or whichever subfolder before updating (or uninstalling / installing), adding ".X" to the name.

    Then I can look at the new presets/libraries. If nothing new is added I just delete the new presets / Library folder. If there is new stuff, I just manually copy it over.
    Then I name the Library folder as it was and recreate symilnks.
    I use the handy tool in my signature for doing symlinks - it makes it so easy...

    Here is an example of one of my DAW Lib folder structure.
    You can see I make nicknames (like "ProgData") so I don't get confused what is a real "ProgramData" folder,etc.
    I began to put a dash with a space to keep "default / system" folders at the top of the list, and sometimes I may have libraries that may be placed or moved at will by the user below those.

    Korg lib.jpg
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yes, that's a good way to organize it. To keep the original path (where you put the symlink) because you never know. Some plugins/DAWs have some paths hardcoded. You can place the real folder wherever you want. But, still, trying to emulate the original path (progdata, progfiles and so on) is good for your mental health.

    Some paths can be changed in the plugin settings, others are written in the registry so you can change them there. Or in some settings style file.
    I don't recommend messing with the registry unless one has experience making full "no install" versions. There's just too many things that can go wrong. Learnt it the fucking hard way :rofl:

    PS: And yes the symlink extension in your sig rules. There was a new version not long ago. And while we are at it, that snap2html tool is also dope
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Unfortunately Snap2HTML also will follow symlinks and include the sizes of symlinked folders.
    So, if I am wanting to manage space, I use the TreeSize free , which can also export if wanted.