What do you think about my new EP?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DECIAN, Sep 10, 2022.


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    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    How about the Artwork? Anyone likes Mark Rothko? :unsure:
  2. Yello Mello

    Yello Mello Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Nice work bro!

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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  4. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    It's not my thing, but i'm sure there's a market for it. People love moody/emo electronic.

    I would put more emphasize on the kick so it brings out the groove more. I feel like if the kick were to hit harder then the groove could become more addictive. Maybe you could try sidechaining the kick into the bass. Or simply turning the kick up

    There's some nice sonics going on with the synths and supporting textures. I think that's probably its strongest element.

    You've also got a good sense of atmosphere

    I'm not a fan of auto-tune vocals sound though, so usually i almost always hit skip on a song as soon as i hear that (unless it's used briefly as an effect). That's just me though. The younger crowd doesn't seem to have a problem with it

    Also the rhythms in tracks 2 and 3 have been done to death in the pop-dance world, which is a turn off for me. Feels a bit generic

    But at the end of the day, all that matters is this: Do you like what you made? Did you enjoy the process of creating it? Do you feel like you got your artistic message across? That's really all that matters. It doesn't matter what people in this forum think. If making the music stirred your enthusiasm then people who have a similar taste to you will enjoy it
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
  5. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    I really like the artwork actually. That's one of the main reasons i pushed play in the first place. It made me curious to see if i'd like the music, i thought it might be something psychedelic or experimental
  6. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Tough one. As a native spanish speaker this sounds exactly like bad wannabe rappers who are too lazy to care to mix the vocals properly would upload to ig and add fire emojis ll over the place.

    That was the first impression, just some half-made stndard song, i had to read your comment to realize it was experimental and now it makes more sense, but if you have to explain it....i don't know.

    As experimental music: i think it's pretty cool, some overplayed ideas here and there but they fit well, also some ideas that you wouldn't expect from the kind of music this resembles that work great. It's just the vocals that stand out too much as an error that takes away that "passive listening" thing. I gotta rate it low-ish because to me it defeats the song's purpose, i don't know how to rate this otherwise.
  7. D____R

    D____R Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2021
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    I listened to the first one. There's a couple of interesting musical flourishes, but that wobbly, lazy autotune vocal needs to go. It sounds like you woke up and recorded the first thing that popped into your head into your phone and didn't bother trying to make it sound good. I'd stick to instrumental music.

    ps. If that is Rothko artwork, don't do that.
  8. executioner

    executioner Guest

    I left a really low score but today I felt the need to justify why. I used to have friends in school who'd send me tracks to get mixed and/or require additional production by me, and this project sounds like theirs. The whole production sounds quite amateur and I can tell you that the thing in common that amateur productions have is their sample choice. Sure, you can argue you want to be a little experimental but even then it still needs to sound coherent and effective (by this I mean the intention of whatever sounds you use has to make sense sonically). You're already on the right path with a structure but the content within them sounds messy. As the song progresses from each section, the feeling I should get is a "surprise" (not always, but it's usually a good indicator that things are flowing well). However, it just sounded convoluted with things that don't really help the production. Within your song, I can hear potential with certain sounds you've used but that's because I've been producing for years now. You just need more experience and time and you'll improve and notice these things. I also wanted to point out I didn't care about the mix until you mentioned that it is considered "mix" in your SoundCloud. If that's the case, the mix is also quite bad, with your vocals really underneath everything and you don't really want that if you're making a song. I don't know what mic you're using and how you've chosen to treat the vocals but if I'm just gonna go off on what I'm hearing you need a slightly better mic and treat your vocals better. The beat also needs to be mixed better. One thing I've also noticed is that with the technology we have, it's super easy to bounce from production, writing, mastering, mixing etc. But as a creative myself, I can tell you for sure that this can really hamper you because when you're involved in the production and writing already, it's really just better to send it off to another mixer if you can so they have a fresh take on what you've done. Unless you're experienced enough to put on your mixer hat whenever you want to then sure, but I think you should focus on honing your writing and production skills first.

    P.S. I didn't listen to the entire EP just your track Venia :wink:

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    I'll get to all of you in a second, fortunately, there's too much to read :yes:
  10. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I don't like, I detest chipmunk autotune mumble rap, for example. For my taste, it sounds all the same. Not like music. Like (alprazolam overdose) dying goats fucking. I couldn't care less about goats... fucking. Which dying goat fucks better, soundwise, I'm not ("A bias is a tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone.") objective enough to say. But of course, I can (vote) say — it's all the same. Like (alprazolam overdose) dying goats fucking. Quality?
  11. DECIAN

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    @D____R Thank you for your detailed summary. It is important for me to analyze how others perceive my music. I'm not a native singer (far from that) but I also had issues with the recording session projects so I decided to adopt this aesthetic for all the tracks. Very constructive comment though :bow:

    Regarding the cover, it's not from Rothko. I'd never steal or plagiarize. It is from my own authory and simply made a comparison since it's all about colors and someone could identify with it as well.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  12. DECIAN

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    @Barncore That's nice to hear, I really appreciate it. It makes me realize what kinda of impression it causes on the people! It's more on the experimental side. Did you find out anything interesting though? :)
  13. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Well personally i wouldn't classify it as experimental music, so for me i was a little let down that the music didn't match the intrigiung art. Sure, there are some interesting textures in there that maybe could be classed as experimental, but there's plenty of pop music these days that has that sorta sonic experimentation. Billie Eilish / Finneas being one of them. HEAPS more. To me experimental needs to be innovative, but i'm not hearing anything i haven't heard before. The beat has been done before, the vocal melody contours in minor scale have been done before, autotune has been done before, the emotional vibe has been VERY done before.

    Don't be discouraged though. You're finding your sound and voice. Every artist goes through this process. The ones that stick with it and really DEVELOP are the ones that can be truly experimental because they've experimented with a bunch of styles before and they can then know where the boundaries are and can then know how to craft a new style that is their own. The ones that give up end up on forums like this criticizing others, haha! You're brave to post your work on a forum full of plugin nerds and ask for their thoughts. My advice would be to take everything in this thread with a grain of salt and get in the lab and keep experimenting and developing and come back in a year or 2 and show people then
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  14. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Sorry, it's bad. Unintelligible vocals (I speak your language), the beat jumps around with the hats and other percussive elements incongruently and with respect of the vocals. It's almost like the song was meant to make you laugh or something. Sorry, this is ear cancer. I'd rather listen to Ozuna 24/7. Hell, he's not even that bad, with the perspective I just gained.
  15. DECIAN

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    @Barncore Thank you for your detailed review on this particular subject. I understand your POV and a lot of my influences come from the experimental area (like Arca) for example so I try to impress that in my music. On the other side, I like ear candy "commercial" stuff so I make a mist of it. I'll keep studying and investigating through it because I really feel like I'm getting somewhere and my compositions (instrumentals) at least are dope and can get even better. I'm not concerned about the negative comments, they are welcome as well. Finally, I completely agree with your point regarding the experience dealing with multiple genres/styles at the same time!

    Thanks again for your time and encouragement, Bless :bow:
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  16. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Also, don't expect homogeneous critiques or feedback when you're shuffling songs on your first post every hour, like we're tuning in a radio station. Might as well put the three songs of the album, y'know. Just saying!
  17. DECIAN

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    @holdup13 Thank you, that was smart. I'm still kind newbie to this forum usage. That was a mistake, I wanted the people to listen to all the EP in a whole manner. I just did what you said, it's better. Appreciated!
  18. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    No problem. I listened to the rest of songs and they were not as bad as the first one I heard (I think it was "VENIA"). Still pretty bad to my ears though. Not because the production is necessarily bad, but the addition of the amateour vocals and the obnoxious amounts of autotune is a K.O combo; I just can't dig it. I hope you don't find my honesty insulting, but the last thing I'd want is being insincere with my feedback.
  19. DECIAN

    DECIAN Member

    Aug 14, 2021
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    @mk_96 I understand where you want to get into. It's important for me to hear this from a Spanish native to help me understand the intelligibility of my work. I can't disagree on the fact that the vocals are not well perceptible and that has to live with it for ever, but that also has an explanation. I'm not the type to use throw away emojis left and right to be extravagant, just not my type, I'm way more low key.

    The first impressions can be deceiving and one needs to hear the song reasonably to be able to digest it. Sometimes I don't identify with something at first, but then, I force myself to listen to it more times and later on, I'm enjoying it.

    Thank you for your time doing the detailed review of it in the perspective of the experimental music, I appreciated some of your notes here and there as some of them are exactly what I'm trying to achieve. I assume all the responsibilites, but the art is free to go and live imperfectly. I hope that you can get out some more out of the EP with time.

    PS: Try listening to the 3rd track "TROT", you may find it more enjoyable.

    Greetings! :bow:
  20. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    I've listened to all of the three songs without skipping, and I really don't have much to say about the production aspect because it's not bad. Now, I don't know if it's your mic, or your room, or the FX you put on the vocals, but they just sound really bad. They sound buried and robotic, not "autotune" sort of robotic, but "static" sort of robotic. I can almost hear that you ran the vocals through de-noising FX, but I'm not 100% sure. I also can't help but dislike the fact that in all three albums, your singing is always dull and muddy, it's like you're humming and not really singing, you're mumbling like 60% of the time.

    The way you sing the melodies with that hard autotune effect, constantly rolling around in that scale in a improvising way. I could be wrong, but I feel like you're just taking the input of the autotune on your voice to improvise the melody, and that sometimes work, and sometimes it doesn't.

    Imma be completely honest with you, there is no way I could enjoy anything you produce, if it has your vocals singing like this everytime. It's just not possible.