Best way to install Superior/EZ Drummer for first time?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by loganhitz01, May 21, 2022.

  1. loganhitz01

    loganhitz01 Newbie

    Apr 2, 2021
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    I'm interested in using Superior Drummer and EZ Drummer, but I want to give them a shot.

    I have a few questions.

    I noticed most of the releases are only "updates", which is the release that I need to "start" with? and can I just update on top with the most recent update?

    Also, I see the Superior Drummer factory core library is 200+gb, do I need to install all of that in order to use it or can I just install the particular libraries that I wish to use?

    Also, if I get Superior Drummer up and running, is there any need to ALSO install EZDrummer? Or should I use both?

  3. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    It took 3 clean installation for me to have everything installed and understand how the installers, updates, library updates works. It is quite tricky and I suggest to not mix release from 2 known groups that released Toontracks product. I chose the V.R CE because they update frequently.

    The easiest way to install is to get them from Rutracker in bundles. The poster of the torrent usually collected all the required installers, plus few libraries to make it up and running until the date of the upload. It will comes with guide, but sometimes it is in Russian. When it is up and running, check the version number and install the updates accordingly. To answer your other questions :

    1. you don't need to install EZDrummer but I suggest install the EZdrummer 3 alongside the Superior because it's awesome. It wont take much space since they shared the libraries.
    2. you don't need to install the that 200GB factory libraries but it is nice to have it because it was recorded with "height mics". If you are obsessed with drum 3D imaging you should know its worth, or else it's just be waste of space since other SDX are better sounding (much more character then just "drum libraries") IMO, my fav is the Hansa Studio.
  4. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    thanks for the explanation @Stevie Dude,

    a couple of questions:

    1-can you streamline/clean up your install afterwards? im for instance not interested in metall and rock, only funk, latin and percussion and their grooves. can you just delete stuff without damaging the installation or select what libraries or/and midi to install in SD?

    2- when you say they share libraries do you "only" mean that they can share them between each-other or that they have many of the same libraries in their core, both?

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Eddie, with ez you can make one folder (even on an external hdd) in advance of installing. so when installing it, and any expansions, they all just go in the same main directory. it could not get much easier. A lot of plugins make the external drive something you have to screw around with. this one is simple, like AD2 installation.
  6. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    1- Yes. Just delete the EZX/SDX library folder manually and i will disappear from the library list in the program.

    2- I don't quite understand the question.
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The Superior Drummer core library can be only 32.6 Gig
    That includes:
    All instruments, all tools and all articulations in direct microphones as well as the OH Dyn and Amb Ribbon channels. Bleed available in Snare Bottom, OH Dyn and Amb Ribbon channels.

    You will have an EzDrummer folder created in which all your Midi files will go (along with any EzDrummer Expansion packs)
    I agree that it's great to install EzDrummer3 and Superior Drummer. Even if you stick with Superior Drummer as your workstation, it gives a bunch more kit pieces to play with.
    From an info:
    - Download 1: “Basic Sound Library” (approx. 40gb) [1 - 23 OBWs]
    (All instruments, all tools and all articulations in close mics, OH Dyn and Amb Ribbon.
    Bleed in Snare Bottom (Kick and toms)
    -Download 2: “Room Mics 1”(approx. 46 GB) [24 -52.OBSs ]
    (The rest of the Room mics: OH Cond, Amb Near, Amb Mid).
    -Download 3: “Room Mics 2 – Surround (5 ch)”(approx. 43 GB) [53 - 78 OBWs]
    (extra mics to achieve 5.0 surround, Front L/R, Center and Surround L/R)
    -Download 4: “Room Mics 3 – Height Surround (6 ch)”(approx. 52 GB) [59 - 113 OBWs]
    (extra mics to achieve 11.0 surround, Front Height, Rear Height and Rear Height Wide )
    -Download 5: “Extra Bleed”
    (The rest of the bleed in the close mics) (approx. 54 GB)
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