
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by mac_audio_x, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    do not always believe in what you see [​IMG]
  2. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I see ghosts [​IMG]
  3. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Dunno bout ghosts, but if pushed..........

    "I see skies of blue, red roses too........."

    I like EVERYTHING and am greedy as fook so use EVERYTHING!

    Torrents are cool so long as you as cool enough to know what is cool and what, on the other hand, aint cool.
  4. Bonogoss

    Bonogoss Newbie

    Sep 21, 2013
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    The first Point is: nothing is free in our World (but me) *yes* . Except Love who is the last free gift of life (sometimes I am really asking !!). But comparing torrents between File Hosters is a mess. I wont talk about each technical advantages between the two solutions, some of you did it good. The Point is: torrents are free, Files Hosters are selling a host with a certain amount of bandwidth, they pay for that: so you and I "the clients" have to give them their money back + a profit. In France selling a thing who you are not the owner is a crime Don't you remember what happen to the Mega Upload, they were using other people's properties to earn money !!! This is a major difference !!! Don't you understand that when you give a File Hoster some money (or "friends list") each month to Dload with a full speed, you are doing this for things they are not the regular, legal owners ???

    With a great respect for all the good men doing a hard job here, I have to say : STOP DREAMING !!! Behind all the thinks you can buy, get, see or "take for free" in this planet, there are Men working hard for for living! <==(My next song ??) Can you stop thinking one day that the world is yours and you don't have nothing to do, to deserve it ??

    One solution (for people to earn money) is a "Global Licence" for products like, Soft/audio/video.Each time you are "taking" something on the Internet,wich is not free Licenced, it collects a part to send it back to developers, producers, Artists. Like they already do in the show business planet (in France the name is "SACEM"). But its a mentality revolution we need for that! The world is not (yet) prepared to this ... Too many peoples will lost money in that case ... Once and again all is question of money here, but don't be stupid File Hosters like Upload or Rapidgator are not angels, they just do it for MONEY !!! And when I see 80% of contributors put this knew thing like "don't post over links to file hosters like mine", thx to "HORSEMEN" one of the last who did not, I just can say: Man you are killing what we are here for ...
  5. Bonogoss

    Bonogoss Newbie

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Hum ... "What you see is what you get" :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

    Saint I really like your "I AM AN AUDIOSEXUAL" :mates:
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