Logic doesn't send midi to certain software instruments

Discussion in 'Logic' started by miassoga, Jul 31, 2022.

  1. miassoga

    miassoga Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    some AU instruments (that used to be working before) now don't receive any midi in Logic 10.7.4
    my notes include :
    • it runs in companies (ie: everything from synapse audio including dune and the legend, also everything from Boz digital labs like the snappet and el clappo)
    • midi signals takes off from my controllers (also tried the writing keyboard and logic's software keyboard) also it's recorded when I hit record ... it just seems not to get delivered to the plugin
    • when I hit on the keyboard of the plugin itself (by the mouse) it gives a sound normally
    • I tried every possibility of midi channel number or port in track header with no success
    • the ones of these plugins that has a standalone version (eg: the "engine" sampler from best service) works like a charm (as a standalone app) and receives midi from my controllers perfectly
    ANY SUGGESTIONS ????????
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Show a particular instance of a synth "not getting midi" internally from Logic. Your midi data is maybe sending to an incorrect Midi channel.

    Click one of your midi parts. Then open an inspector. Click the Down Arrow next to Track. It should show your Midi Channel as ALL by default. Make sure it is pointed at a MIDI channel the plugin is going to receive MIDI data on and that there is something for it to play audio from. Synth/Sample layer in Kontakt, etc. Do not use a midi file you have imported from somewhere else to test with. Make a small midi part using just the pencil tool and add some notes.

    Otherwise the problem is your plugin/plugins. Did you Codesign any plugins that you installed in your /Components folder?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2022
  4. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Legend works fine in 10.7.4 here, as to all my instruments responding to all my MIDI, just like it's always done.

    My guess is you're not understanding MIDI routing in Logic, and you've done something like use the new 10.7.x feature where you can select a MIDI input port and channel on a track, and have set these to something other that your controller, hence the MIDI is being ignored.

    Either that, your your physical input object has become detached in the environment. Check with a new fresh empty song to see if instruments respond.

    Also, make sure your keyboard is transmitting on MIDI channel 1, and not any other MIDI channel.
  5. miassoga

    miassoga Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    I have tried changing midi channels (was all by default) through 1 to 16 and none of them worked
    Adding to that the next instrument track in the same project (with any plugin other than the problematic ones) works out of the box (midi channel is All)

    I have codesigned some of my plugins … would you suggest to codesign the plugs with the problem?
  6. miassoga

    miassoga Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    As I said before it used to work fine also … its a new thing and I can’t remember a particular event (update or new install) that may have issued the problem
    I am aware of Midi routing in Logic and have multiple checks of my ports and clicks in midi environment and the new midi input port , and it was all good (in a fresh project) still no midi on that specific plugins, any other plugins are totally ok
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm on 10.5 but this is how I would go about this, as best I can organize atm...

    I would isolate your problem to one individual plugin that is doing this. Especially if you have one which is doing this, which is paid/legit/free; because it will rule out most Codesigning issues without doing anything. Then I would codesign the test plugin again anyway, because it can't hurt anything. I sent you a PM with a link for gui code signer app. It will eliminate possible typos if anything. but it is way faster than terminal anyway.

    I would use a Starter Template in a New project. If it continued, I'd move to doing Preferences, reset all defaults except Key Commands next.

    Open an instance of a plugin that is working in the same project as the test plugin. Compare the two and you will find any difference in your inspector for ports and channels.

    I would also disconnect your usb keyboard controller until you figure it out. You want to eliminate any variables so it is less confusing while tracing the source of your problem.

    You can also reset the plugin cache manually:

    Re-setting the Logic Pro X plug-ins cache manually Print
    Modified on: Tue, 12 Jan, 2021 at 3:10 PM

    macOS and AU 64-bits format:

    1. Close Logic Pro X.
    2. Using macOS Finder go to “~/Library/Caches/AudioUnitCache/” (without the quotes).
    3. Manually delete the com.apple.audiounits.cache file (to force a complete new plug-ins scan).
    4. Re-open Logic Pro X.
    5. Reboot the computer (mandatory).
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
  8. miassoga

    miassoga Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    I have just tried codesign (simple and deep) with no luck
    I will try resetting preferences and the “plugin cashe” reset and let you know the result
    I just wanted to know if there’s a wat to backup my current preferences before resetting it ??
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I did not expect anything to happen re:codesigning. but it can do really odd things when not done, so it is way better to just rule it out entirely.

    I would look into that if you have important changes made for controllers, etc. I wouldn't care. my NI controller is only setup like that (read: working with plugins) half the time anyway.

    I really think this is some logic setting though. But if you have tried new project, template, ports, and other normal logic settings....

    it would be very helpful if you knew when this actually changed via specific update. What was the prior version you remember best having installed? Bear in mind when reading all this, I think that you have a better chance hitting the lottery than finding a legit bug in logic. Something else is still wrong :)

    I'd go as far as to reinstall Logic completely before calling something a "bug".
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
  10. miassoga

    miassoga Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    It’s solved finally after resetting preferences and taking a screen shot of old preferences and compare the changes one by one…. It was the (activation) of Midi 2.0 that did that when I untick it those plugins worked … may be they’re old enough to have troubles with Midi 2
    Thanks for your support