Sample production nessesary audio Formats and how to sell

Discussion in 'Education' started by Nima, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Hi Guys,

    I,m producing a Drum and Percussion Loop Library (Acoustic-Electro Modern Latin and Oriental Dance). My first Volume is now about to finishing and has about 2000 loops.

    The first Question is which formats are necessary to offer?

    I want to offer my Library in Wave (not acidized) and RX2.
    PC users are covered with these formats I think.
    Mac users can use Wave too but I have no Experience with mac. Should I convert the files to AIFF and Apple wave format too?

    The second Question is, What is the best way to sell the product? Should I offer my work over Profi shops like loop-masters or over my own webpage?
    My concern is, what when after one month I see my work in Websites like 'AUDIOZ'.
    Saint will not permit this to happen in Audioz but there are hundred other websites. :(

    Anyway I hope I can use Your Experiences.

    Thanks in Advance :bow:
  3. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    i think over the last few years apple have fully integrated 32 bit wav capability for playing and for editing (logic, garageband etc...). In terms of space and in general most people use 24 bit at their exporting standard. I think it would be a waste to offer aiff and wav within the pack, you are probably better with 24 bit wavs and rex2 for the library. You also might want to consider splitting it up into two separate libraries, 2000 loops is quite big! This way you could potentially make more money and have more potential customers because you can lower the price for each individual volume. You might also want to consider looking into the exs24 format as well, i am not a mac user by any means nor do i know enough about how many people use exs24 but in many packs (not so much the recent ones) i see ex24 folders.

    Also combine it with your own experiences and judgements:
    -look at your own libraries, both P2P and legits ones and see how many kinds of formats they offer for the size of samples they provide and the musical style of samples they are.
    -you could also try emailing people like loopmasters and see if they could provide any evidence/facts for what formats sell the most.

    Pros of doing it on your own webpage:
    -If you have your own server set up or cloudstorage you could use PHP to make custom bundles that include every single type of musical format you desire. you would get 100% cut, but incur all of the setup charges of the server and website.

    Cons of selling to 3rd party webpages: less customizability in terms of how many formats you could provide to the consumer, and the 3rd party would get some % cut of profit.
  4. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    SyNtH.'s idea of splitting the library is a good idea I think. 1000 Loops are defiently enough for a library, and if it works you already have what fans are waiting for: a second volume, in the same style.

    There are some Beatmakers who sell Drumkits over Soundclick... You wouldnt have to worry about setting up a paysystem, because soundclick already got one. I thinkg they take 10% of your earnings. I dont know how much sites like loopmasters take, but perhabs you could compare it. On the other hand you have to worry more about promotion and about a proper website design if you choose that way. By going with a service like loopmasters you already got that covered.

    I would also like to take the chance to convince you of the power of a free demo pack. Put 20 loops together, set them under a no-commercial-use license and give them out for free, as a free taster for your work. First you got a lot of promo for your samples, because the word of free samples spread faster than the word of commeercial ones. And people have the chance to get a closer look at your work, and already experimentate a bit with it. I always like these little free packs, and yes: These can convince me to buy.

    To the warez aspect: You already asked SAiNT to get your samples off AuidoZ. Lets be honest AudioZ is properly the best known audio warez site around. You could try contacting the otehr sites, but Im not sure if that would help. But always keep in mind: The people who download stuff illegal mostly wont pay for it anyway.
    But I thought I could share this with you, I state there why I like AudioZ, because it can help me decide to buy a library (or not):

    Hope I could help a bit *yes*
  5. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Thanks for reply. It is very important for me to get opinions. I've invested too much time in this Project and don't want do something wrong in the Marketing.

    I am fit with webdesign and programing. There I will have no costs to run a Website. I will as You said, contact 2 of Pro Sample Producers and see what a Business plan they offer.

    The samples are 24 bit, 44100 Hz. I am converting the samples in RX2 too but it is very time consuming. You can not batch convert them and must every single sample be converted in porplehead "Recycle".

    about splitting the library to 2 or 3 Volumes, fine that You mentioned it. I was thinking about too. I is better and has other positive sides too.

    Thanks again for advises.

    That is the 21 Century Business. as long as we are just users, we enjoy the Internet Freedom. But as long as we change the team, the horror begins. For my first Product I think it would be better to be more conservative and try to offer it per own website and the hard way.
    the easy way To sell it over 3rd party well known Pro-Shops, as You say it can be a painful experience.

    At this moment I have no decision,

    Many thanks for answer. It seems You have Your experiences. What would You do?
  6. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I will see to split it in 2 Packs.
    The free demo is definitly a useful marketing strategy.
    10% is fair.
    To the warez aspect: I think the same way as You about AUDIOZ website. I've Payed more than 5000 dollars through Years for my Audio stuff and I see no problem to check and test material before buy. There are many artists who can not pay for these stuff. They are mostly the users who have seldom made money with music. I am sure if these people earn money with their Music, the will Buy their next sample, VST or software. Audioz is like a family for me. I found some very good friends, I learned, I taught and...

    Now about my samples I don't expect big Money from. More important is to see I produced something Useful and Valuable. But we all need money.

    Appreciate You took Your time to answer. It helps me. :bow:
  7. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    As X said, its gambling. But you shoudl consider building a type of sympathy with or to the warez scene. They will get your stuff anyway if they want to. But make them like you, ask them to pay when they got money left, maybe you will convince some to buy your stuff. You pointed it out yourself, some just cant pay at the beginning. But if they have the money they properly wil pay if you have resonable prices and good samples. Sympathy is that somethign extra *yes*
    I mean look a companies who use scare tacticts... They will properly convince some people to buy, but honestly... I think most just give a fuck and download it anyway. I for example dont even consider bying from those branches anymore (but I dont download it either...)
  8. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I agree with Symphatie. When they get the feeling that You are Like them and no Big Sample Factory and You have good stuff for fair Price, there will be a difference.
    But there are many Downloaders who even are not interested to know who has made these Libraries. They only want download something free.
    If the warez Uploaders pay me is a big big Question :dunno:
  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Just talked with X about it. Some more suggestions from my side:
    - Special Deals: Like introductory-prices, holiday-deals, bundle-deals. That works for so many companys, and deals like that always get people attention and make them think about buying something. Also this is a good chance for fist-time costumers to get "confidence" in your librarys, and something like an award for returning customers who check out your web-presence from time to time (or subscribed your newsletter, if you decide to have one)
    - Contests: Why not? Got peoples attention before, will work again.
    - Sample Magic: Look at their site, they have the option to buy single folders from a library instead of the complete one. I dont know how you sorted your stuff, but if you have folders like "percussion-loops", "cymbal-loops" or genre-related like "electro-loops", "ambient-loops" you should consider that. Its a nice option for people who dont have much money or who dont consider buying an overall-library, but are happy to buy a genre-specific-library.
    - Testimotials: When you got some customers who are known in the biz, or in a scene, try to get some nice words from them. It they like you and your work they should be happy to do that.
    - Name-Your-Price or Donations: Give the people who like your work and got some money left to spend the chance to pay you a bit more. Some people are happy to support somehting they like.
  10. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Do you know for example a 30$ middle range Sold Pack that has been offered by Loopmasers or other shops and after 3 months has been cracked, How much money could have been make in these 3 months? I know hard to answer but You may experienced it.

    :wink: :rofl:
  11. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Good points.
    My Library has Construction Kits with Drum and Perc loops with variations, Breaks, Fills, Tops and separated elements loops. I can make demo for each Kit and offer them separated too. It is a good Idea. But it may effect the sell of complete Pack in negative form. But I have to test it in Practice.
    :bow: :wink:
  12. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Hm do you could sort the construction kits by genre?

    Whatever you do, remember to share it here so we can see/hear it. Im curious now how it sounds.
  13. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    The genre is Modern Electro-Acoustic Latin-Oriental 6/8 Fast (120 to 140 bpm) Dance Drum and Percussion Beats with some Bass and Pluck examples on them as Start point.
    In the sample market You find mainly the 4/4 Dance Beats. This is why I came to do this. The Basic Bass drum is the same 4/4 beat but the rest is totally Latin and Oriental oriented.

    Definitely I will create a Post to here Your Opinions.

    Thanks for all guides and support. :bow:
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